This tarball contains all the files needed (I hope!) to allow you to write win32 programs or Python extension modules that link to the same wxWindows DLL that wxPython does. Files for both the normal (ANSI) and unicode builds are included. You'll need to add the following directories to your Include path (the /I flag for MSVC): wxPython-[version]\lib\mswdllh [for ANSI builds] wxPython-[version]\lib\mswdlluh [for Unicode builds] wxPython-[version]\include And also you should link with one of the wxmsw*.lib files in the lib dir, use the one with the 'u' in the name for the Unicode build and the one without for the ANSI build. I've also included some makefiles in the src dir to give you an idea of what compiler and linker flags are required. You can also get this info from wxPython's script. I'm sure I've forgotten something, so when you discover what it is please let me know. Also, if anyone feels like turning this text into a more detailed HOW-TO please send your text to me. Robin