This zip file contains versions of the wxWindows and wxPython binaries that have been compiled with __WXDEBUG__ defined. This adds code to wxWindows that is a bit more agressive about checking parameter values, return values, and etc. When the debugging library senses something is wrong it will popup a message dialog telling you so. Unfortunately the message is specific to the C++ code but it might give you a hint about what went wrong and how to fix it. Another debugging feature is when the wxPython program exits, it will print to stdout information about any wxWindows C++ objects that havn't been properly cleaned up. This archive contains a new wxWindows DLL named wx[version]d.dll and a debugging version of the core wxPython module, wxc_d.pyd. These should be put into your wxPython package directory. Also included are the debuging version of Python, python_d.exe and python[VER]_d.dll which can be put wherever you like. In order to run the debugging version of wxPython sumply run you program with python_d.exe instead of python.exe. This lets the debugging version sit side by side with the production version, with no need for swapping this around. You will also need _d versions of any other extension modules you are using. If you need _d's for any of the other standard Python extensions you can get them here, for 2.0 at least: Robin