Making a new wxWidgets release

Creating release files

Currently our release system uses a Python 2.x script to generate releases.
The script requires Unix utilities such as tar, zip and unix2dos and thus must
be run either on Unix or using Cygwin on Windows. To generate a release, simply
run the following command:

build/tools/ --compression=all /path/to/output/dir

This will produce zip, gzip and bzip archives of the tree (without
"compression" argument only .gz is made). Note that this commands produces huge
amounts of output so redirecting it to a file is recommended.

To add a prefix to the release, such as RC1, the SVN revision, or a date, just
pass --postfix="postfix" to the script. More info on the options and their
possible values can be found by calling ` --help`.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You *must* run this script from a clean source tree, that is,
          with no junk files in it or modifications. This is because the
          release should be a pristine copy of the tree as of the time of
          release. If you have legitimate modifications in the tree that need
          to be in the release, commit them first.

Also run doxygen to create HTML documentation and pack it in .tar.bz2 and .zip


Upload the files to SourceForge (the simplest is to scp them to
sfusername, and to (ask Chris to do it).

Create (ask Bryan to do it).


Post announcement at least to

TODO: where else to announce it?

Update, usually a news item is enough but something more can
be called for for major releases.

Post to wxBlog if necessary.

Version updates

Trac: mark the milestone corresponding to the release as completed and add a
new version for it to allow reporting bugs against it (ask Vadim or Robin to do

Run misc/scripts/inc_release to increment micro version, i.e. replace x.y.z
with x.y.z+1 (minor or major versions updates require manual intervention).