///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: _aui_docstrings.i // Purpose: Docstrings for the wxAUI classes. These are in a separate // file because we have SWIG scan the .h files directly. // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 7-July-2006 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 2006 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DocStr(wxFrameManager, "FrameManager manages the panes associated with it for a particular `wx.Frame`, using a pane's `PaneInfo` information to determine each pane's docking and floating behavior. FrameManager uses wxWidgets' sizer mechanism to plan the layout of each frame. It uses a replaceable `DockArt` class to do all drawing, so all drawing is localized in one area, and may be customized depending on an application's specific needs. ", " FrameManager works as follows: The programmer adds panes to the class, or makes changes to existing pane properties (dock position, floating state, show state, etc.). To apply these changes, FrameManager's `Update` function is called. This batch processing can be used to avoid flicker, by modifying more than one pane at a time, and then \"committing\" all of the changes at once by calling `Update`. Panes can be added quite easily:: text1 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1) text2 = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1) self._mgr.AddPane(text1, wx.LEFT, \"Pane Caption\") self._mgr.AddPane(text2, wx.BOTTOM, \"Pane Caption\") self._mgr.Update() Later on, the positions can be modified easily. The following will float an existing pane in a tool window:: self._mgr.GetPane(text1).Float(); **Layers, Rows and Directions, Positions** Inside wx.aui the docking layout is figured out by checking several pane parameters. Four of these are important for determining where a pane will end up: * **Direction**: Each docked pane has a direction, Top, Bottom, Left, Right, or Center. This is fairly self-explanatory. The pane will be placed in the location specified by this variable. * **Position**: More than one pane can be placed inside of a \"dock.\" Imagine two panes being docked on the left side of a window. One pane can be placed over another. In proportionally managed docks, the pane position indicates it's sequential position, starting with zero. So, in our scenario with two panes docked on the left side, the top pane in the dock would have position 0, and the second one would occupy position 1. * **Row**: A row can allow for two docks to be placed next to each other. One of the most common places for this to happen is in the toolbar. Multiple toolbar rows are allowed, the first row being in row 0, and the second in row 1. Rows can also be used on vertically docked panes. * **Layer**: A layer is akin to an onion. Layer 0 is the very center of the managed pane. Thus, if a pane is in layer 0, it will be closest to the center window (also sometimes known as the \"content window\"). Increasing layers \"swallow up\" all layers of a lower value. This can look very similar to multiple rows, but is different because all panes in a lower level yield to panes in higher levels. The best way to understand layers is by running the AUI sample in the wxPython demo. "); DocStr(wxFrameManager::wxFrameManager, "Constructor. :param managed_wnd: Specifies the `wx.Window` which should be managed. If not set in the call to this constructor then `SetManagedWindow` should be called later. :param flags: Specifies options which allow the frame management behavior to be modified. ", " Valid flags are: ============================== ================================= AUI_MGR_ALLOW_FLOATING Panes can be undocked and floated AUI_MGR_ALLOW_ACTIVE_PANE The last pane clicked on will be considered the active pane and will be highlighted. AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_DRAG If the platform supports it the panes will be partially transparent while dragging. AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT If the platform supports it the hint used to show where the pane can be docked will be partially transparent. AUI_MGR_TRANSPARENT_HINT_FADE Should the transparent hint be faded into view. AUI_MGR_DEFAULT The default flags. ============================== ================================= "); DocStr(wxFrameManager::UnInit, "UnInit uninitializes the framework and should be called before a managed frame is destroyed. UnInit is usually called in the managed window's destructor. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::SetFlags, "SetFlags is used to specify the FrameManager's behavioral settings. The flags parameter is described in the docs for `__init__` ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::GetFlags, "GetFlags returns the current FrameManager's flags. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::SetManagedWindow, "SetManagedWindow is called to specify the window which is to be managed by the FrameManager. It is normally a `wx.Frame` but it is possible to also allow docking within any container window. This only needs to be called if the window was not given to the manager in the constructor. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::GetManagedWindow, "GetManagedWindow returns the window currently being managed by the FrameManager. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::SetArtProvider, "SetArtProvider instructs FrameManager to use the art provider specified for all drawing calls. This allows plugable look-and-feel features. The previous art provider object, if any, will be destroyed by FrameManager. :note: If you wish to use a custom `DockArt` class to override drawing or metrics then you shoudl derive your class from the `PyDockArt` class, which has been instrumented for reflecting virtual calls to Python methods. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::GetArtProvider, "GetArtProvider returns the current art provider being used. ", ""); DocAStr(wxFrameManager::GetAllPanes, "GetAllPanes(self) -> list", "GetAllPanes returns a list of `PaneInfo` objects for all panes managed by the frame manager. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::InsertPane, "InsertPane is used to insert either a previously unmanaged pane window into the frame manager, or to insert a currently managed pane somewhere else. InsertPane will push all panes, rows, or docks aside and insert the window into the position specified by ``insert_location``. Because ``insert_location`` can specify either a pane, dock row, or dock layer, the ``insert_level`` parameter is used to disambiguate this. The parameter ``insert_level`` can take a value of ``AUI_INSERT_PANE``, ``AUI_INSERT_ROW`` or ``AUI_INSERT_DOCK``. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::DetachPane, "DetachPane tells the FrameManager to stop managing the pane specified by window. The window, if in a floated frame, is reparented to the frame managed by FrameManager. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::SavePerspective, "SavePerspective saves the entire user interface layout into an encoded string, which can then be stored someplace by the application. When a perspective is restored using `LoadPerspective`, the entire user interface will return to the state it was when the perspective was saved. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::LoadPerspective, "LoadPerspective loads a saved perspective. If ``update`` is ``True``, `Update` is automatically invoked, thus realizing the saved perspective on screen. ", ""); DocStr(wxFrameManager::Update, "Update shoudl be called called after any number of changes are made to any of the managed panes. Update must be invoked after `AddPane` or `InsertPane` are called in order to \"realize\" or \"commit\" the changes. In addition, any number of changes may be made to `PaneInfo` structures (retrieved with `GetPane` or `GetAllPanes`), but to realize the changes, Update must be called. This construction allows pane flicker to be avoided by updating the whole layout at one time. ", ""); //---------------------------------------------------------------------- DocStr(wxPaneInfo, "PaneInfo specifies all the parameters for a pane for the `FrameManager`. These parameters specify where the pane is on the screen, whether it is docked or floating, or hidden. In addition, these parameters specify the pane's docked position, floating position, preferred size, minimum size, caption text among many other parameters. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsOk, "IsOk returns ``True`` if the PaneInfo structure is valid. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsFixed, "IsFixed returns ``True`` if the pane cannot be resized. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsResizable, "IsResizeable returns ``True`` if the pane can be resized. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsShown, "IsShown returns ``True`` if the pane should be drawn on the screen. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsFloating, "IsFloating returns ``True`` if the pane is floating. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsDocked, "IsDocked returns ``True`` if the pane is docked. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsToolbar, "IsToolbar returns ``True`` if the pane contains a toolbar. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsTopDockable, "IsTopDockable returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked at the top of the managed frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsBottomDockable, "IsBottomDockable returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked at the bottom of the managed frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsLeftDockable, "IsLeftDockable returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked on the left of the managed frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsRightDockable, "IsRightDockable returns ``True`` if the pane can be docked on the right of the managed frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsFloatable, "IsFloatable returns ``True`` if the pane can be undocked and displayed as a floating window. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::IsMovable, "IsMoveable returns ``True`` if the docked frame can be undocked or moved to another dock position. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::HasCaption, "HasCaption returns ``True`` if the pane displays a caption. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::HasGripper, "HasGripper returns ``True`` if the pane displays a gripper. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::HasBorder, "HasBorder returns ``True`` if the pane displays a border. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::HasCloseButton, "HasCloseButton returns ``True`` if the pane displays a button to close the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::HasMaximizeButton, "HasMaximizeButton returns ``True`` if the pane displays a button to maximize the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::HasMinimizeButton, "HasMinimizeButton returns ``True`` if the pane displays a button to minimize the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::HasPinButton, "HasPinButton returns ``True`` if the pane displays a button to float the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Name, "Name sets the name of the pane so it can be referenced in lookup functions. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Caption, "Caption sets the caption of the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Left, "Left sets the pane dock position to the left side of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Right, "Right sets the pane dock position to the right side of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Top, "Top sets the pane dock position to the top of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Bottom, "Bottom sets the pane dock position to the bottom of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Centre, "Centre sets the pane to the center position of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Center, "Center sets the pane to the center position of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Direction, "Direction determines the direction of the docked pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Layer, "Layer determines the layer of the docked pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Row, "Row determines the row of the docked pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Position, "Position determines the position of the docked pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::MaxSize, "MaxSize sets the maximum size of the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::BestSize, "BestSize sets the ideal size for the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::MinSize, "MinSize sets the minimum size of the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::FloatingPosition, "FloatingPosition sets the position of the floating pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::FloatingSize, "FloatingSize sets the size of the floating pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Fixed, "Fixed forces a pane to be fixed size so that it cannot be resized. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Resizable, "Resized allows a pane to be resized if resizable is true, and forces it to be a fixed size if resizeable is false. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Dock, "Dock indicates that a pane should be docked. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Float, "Float indicates that a pane should be floated. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Hide, "Hide indicates that a pane should be hidden. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Show, "Show indicates that a pane should be shown. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::CaptionVisible, "CaptionVisible indicates that a pane caption should be visible. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::PaneBorder, "PaneBorder indicates that a border should be drawn for the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Gripper, "Gripper indicates that a gripper should be drawn for the pane.. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::CloseButton, "CloseButton indicates that a close button should be drawn for the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::MaximizeButton, "MaximizeButton indicates that a maximize button should be drawn for the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::MinimizeButton, "MinimizeButton indicates that a minimize button should be drawn for the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::PinButton, "PinButton indicates that a pin button should be drawn for the pane. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::DestroyOnClose, "DestroyOnClose indicates whether a pane should be detroyed when it is closed. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::TopDockable, "TopDockable indicates whether a pane can be docked at the top of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::BottomDockable, "BottomDockable indicates whether a pane can be docked at the bottom of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::LeftDockable, "LeftDockable indicates whether a pane can be docked on the left of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::RightDockable, "RightDockable indicates whether a pane can be docked on the right of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Floatable, "Floatable indicates whether a frame can be floated. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Movable, "Movable indicates whether a frame can be moved. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::Dockable, "Dockable indicates whether a pane can be docked at any position of the frame. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::DefaultPane, "DefaultPane specifies that the pane should adopt the default pane settings. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::CentrePane, "CentrePane specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::CenterPane, "CenterPane specifies that the pane should adopt the default center pane settings. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::ToolbarPane, "ToolbarPane specifies that the pane should adopt the default toolbar pane settings. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::SetFlag, "SetFlag turns the property given by flag on or off with the option_state parameter. ", ""); DocStr(wxPaneInfo::HasFlag, "HasFlag returns ``True`` if the the property specified by flag is active for the pane. ", ""); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DocStr(wxDockArt, "DockArt is an art provider class which does all of the drawing for `FrameManager`. This allows the library caller to customize or replace the dock art and drawing routines by deriving a new class from `PyDockArt`. The active dock art class can be set via `FrameManager.SetArtProvider`. ", ""); DocStr(wxDefaultDockArt, "DefaultDockArt is the type of art class constructed by default for the `FrameManager`.","");