This is - - default text, now switching to

center, now still ctr, now exiting

exited!.[link to down]

Hello, this *is* default charset (helvetica, probably) and it is displayed with one  COLOR CHANGE. Of course we can have as many color changes as we can, what about this MADNESS?

There was a space above.

This was a line. (BTW we are in fixed font / typewriter font right now :-)
This is in BOLD face. This is ITALIC. This is E V E R Y T H I N G.

Right now, centered REALLY Big Text, how do you like (space) it?

RIGHT: text-2, text-1, text+0, text+1, text+2, text+3, text+4
we are right now
we are center now
we are left now.

Blue italic text is displayed there....

This is heading one.

this is normal

This is CENTERED heading one

Testing image imageand this is text......
  1. item one
  2. item two
    1. nsted item
  3. last numbered item

Heading 1

Italic text now...

Heading 2

and now?

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6
And this is normal text, once again :-)

And yes, we're in HTML DOCUMENT, so what about some nice hypertext link??


This is centered paragraph

Now, you will see some PRE text:

// This is sample C++ code:

void main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf("Go away, man!\n");
    i = 666;
    printf("\n\n\nCRASH\n  DOWN NOW. . .  \n");


This is WWW link to KDE site!
(one folder up)