///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: _graphics.i // Purpose: Wrapper definitions for wx.GraphicsPath, wx.GraphicsContext // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 2-Oct-2006 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 2006 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Not a %module //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %newgroup %{ #include %} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ #if !wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT // C++ stub classes for platforms that don't have wxGraphicsContext yet. class wxGraphicsPath { public : wxGraphicsPath() { wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "wxGraphicsPath is not available on this platform."); wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked); } virtual ~wxGraphicsPath() {} void MoveToPoint( wxDouble, wxDouble ) {} void AddLineToPoint( wxDouble, wxDouble ) {} void AddCurveToPoint( wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble ) {} void CloseSubpath() {} void GetCurrentPoint( wxDouble&, wxDouble&) {} void AddArc( wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, bool ) {} void AddQuadCurveToPoint( wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble ) {} void AddRectangle( wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble ) {} void AddCircle( wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble ) {} void AddArcToPoint( wxDouble, wxDouble , wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble ) {} wxPoint2DDouble GetCurrentPoint() { return wxPoint2DDouble(0,0); } void MoveToPoint( const wxPoint2DDouble& ) {} void AddLineToPoint( const wxPoint2DDouble&) {} void AddCurveToPoint( const wxPoint2DDouble&, const wxPoint2DDouble&, const wxPoint2DDouble&) {} void AddArc( const wxPoint2DDouble&, wxDouble, wxDouble, wxDouble, bool) {} }; class wxGraphicsContext { public: wxGraphicsContext() { wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "wxGraphicsContext is not available on this platform."); wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked); } virtual ~wxGraphicsContext() {} static wxGraphicsContext* Create( const wxWindowDC&) { wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "wxGraphicsPath is not available on this platform."); wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked); return NULL; } wxGraphicsPath * CreatePath() { return NULL; } void PushState() {} void PopState() {} void Clip( const wxRegion & ) {} void Translate( wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} void Scale( wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} void Rotate( wxDouble ) {} void SetPen( const wxPen & ) {} void SetBrush( const wxBrush & ) {} void SetLinearGradientBrush( wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , const wxColour&, const wxColour&) {} void SetRadialGradientBrush( wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , const wxColour &, const wxColour &) {} void SetFont( const wxFont & ) {} void SetTextColor( const wxColour & ) {} void StrokePath( const wxGraphicsPath * ) {} void FillPath( const wxGraphicsPath *, int ) {} void DrawPath( const wxGraphicsPath *, int ) {} void DrawText( const wxString &, wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} void DrawText( const wxString &, wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} void GetTextExtent( const wxString &, wxDouble *, wxDouble *, wxDouble *, wxDouble * ) const {} void GetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& , wxArrayDouble& ) const {} void DrawBitmap( const wxBitmap &, wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} void DrawIcon( const wxIcon &, wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} void StrokeLine( wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} void StrokeLines( size_t , const wxPoint2DDouble *) {} void StrokeLines( size_t , const wxPoint2DDouble *, const wxPoint2DDouble *) {} void DrawLines( size_t , const wxPoint2DDouble *, int ) {} void DrawRectangle( wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} void DrawEllipse( wxDouble , wxDouble, wxDouble , wxDouble) {} void DrawRoundedRectangle( wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble , wxDouble ) {} }; class wxGCDC: public wxWindowDC { public: wxGCDC(const wxWindowDC&) { wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "wxGCDC is not available on this platform."); wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked); } wxGCDC() { wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); PyErr_SetString(PyExc_NotImplementedError, "wxGCDC is not available on this platform."); wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked); } virtual ~wxGCDC() {} wxGraphicsContext* GetGraphicContext() { return NULL; } }; #endif %} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- MustHaveApp(wxGraphicsPath); MustHaveApp(wxGraphicsContext); MustHaveApp(wxGCDC); //#define wxDouble double typedef double wxDouble; // TODO: Decide which of the overloaded methods should use the primary names class wxGraphicsPath { public : //wxGraphicsPath(); *** This class is an ABC, so we can't allow instances to be created directly virtual ~wxGraphicsPath(); DocDeclStr( virtual void , MoveToPoint( wxDouble x, wxDouble y ), "Begins a new subpath at (x,y)", ""); // void MoveToPoint( const wxPoint2D& p); DocDeclStr( virtual void , AddLineToPoint( wxDouble x, wxDouble y ), "Adds a straight line from the current point to (x,y) ", ""); // void AddLineToPoint( const wxPoint2D& p); DocDeclStr( virtual void , AddCurveToPoint( wxDouble cx1, wxDouble cy1, wxDouble cx2, wxDouble cy2, wxDouble x, wxDouble y ), "Adds a cubic Bezier curve from the current point, using two control points and an end point", ""); // void AddCurveToPoint( const wxPoint2D& c1, const wxPoint2D& c2, const wxPoint2D& e); DocDeclStr( virtual void , CloseSubpath(), "closes the current sub-path", ""); //virtual void , GetCurrentPoint( wxDouble& x, wxDouble&y), DocDeclStr( wxPoint2D , GetCurrentPoint(), "Gets the last point of the current path, (0,0) if not yet set", ""); DocDeclStr( virtual void , AddArc( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r, wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle, bool clockwise ), "Adds an arc of a circle centering at (x,y) with radius (r) from startAngle to endAngle", ""); // void AddArc( const wxPoint2D& c, wxDouble r, wxDouble startAngle, wxDouble endAngle, bool clockwise); DocDeclStr( virtual void , AddQuadCurveToPoint( wxDouble cx, wxDouble cy, wxDouble x, wxDouble y ), "Adds a quadratic Bezier curve from the current point, using a control point and an end point", ""); DocDeclStr( virtual void , AddRectangle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h ), "Appends a rectangle as a new closed subpath", ""); DocDeclStr( virtual void , AddCircle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble r ), "Appends an ellipsis as a new closed subpath fitting the passed rectangle", ""); DocDeclStr( virtual void , AddArcToPoint( wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1 , wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2, wxDouble r ) , "Draws a an arc to two tangents connecting (current) to (x1,y1) and (x1,y1) to (x2,y2), also a straight line from (current) to (x1,y1)", ""); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxGraphicsContext { public: // wxGraphicsContext() This is also an ABC, use Create to make an instance... virtual ~wxGraphicsContext(); %pythonAppend Create "val.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self"; static wxGraphicsContext* Create( const wxWindowDC& dc); // creates a path instance that corresponds to the type of graphics context, ie GDIPlus, cairo, CoreGraphics ... DocDeclStr( virtual wxGraphicsPath * , CreatePath(), "", ""); // push the current state of the context, ie the transformation matrix on a stack DocDeclStr( virtual void , PushState(), "", ""); // pops a stored state from the stack DocDeclStr( virtual void , PopState(), "", ""); // clips drawings to the region DocDeclStr( virtual void , Clip( const wxRegion ®ion ), "", ""); // // transformation // // translate DocDeclStr( virtual void , Translate( wxDouble dx , wxDouble dy ), "", ""); // scale DocDeclStr( virtual void , Scale( wxDouble xScale , wxDouble yScale ), "", ""); // rotate (radians) DocDeclStr( virtual void , Rotate( wxDouble angle ), "", ""); // // setting the paint // // sets the pan DocDeclStr( virtual void , SetPen( const wxPen &pen ), "", ""); // sets the brush for filling DocDeclStr( virtual void , SetBrush( const wxBrush &brush ), "", ""); // sets the brush to a linear gradient, starting at (x1,y1) with color c1 to (x2,y2) with color c2 DocDeclStr( virtual void , SetLinearGradientBrush( wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1, wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2, const wxColour&c1, const wxColour&c2), "", ""); // sets the brush to a radial gradient originating at (xo,yc) with color oColor and ends on a circle around (xc,yc) // with radius r and color cColor DocDeclStr( virtual void , SetRadialGradientBrush( wxDouble xo, wxDouble yo, wxDouble xc, wxDouble yc, wxDouble radius, const wxColour &oColor, const wxColour &cColor), "", ""); // sets the font DocDeclStr( virtual void , SetFont( const wxFont &font ), "", ""); // sets the text color DocDeclStr( virtual void , SetTextColor( const wxColour &col ), "", ""); // strokes along a path with the current pen DocDeclStr( virtual void , StrokePath( const wxGraphicsPath *path ), "", ""); // fills a path with the current brush DocDeclStr( virtual void , FillPath( const wxGraphicsPath *path, int fillStyle = wxWINDING_RULE ), "", ""); // draws a path by first filling and then stroking DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawPath( const wxGraphicsPath *path, int fillStyle = wxWINDING_RULE ), "", ""); // // text // DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawText( const wxString &str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y ), "", ""); DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawText( const wxString &str, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble angle ), "", ""); DocDeclStr( virtual void , GetTextExtent( const wxString &text, wxDouble *OUTPUT /*width*/, wxDouble *OUTPUT /*height*/, wxDouble *OUTPUT /*descent*/, wxDouble *OUTPUT /*externalLeading*/ ) const , "", ""); DocDeclStr( virtual void , GetPartialTextExtents(const wxString& text, wxArrayDouble& widths) const, "", ""); // // image support // DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawBitmap( const wxBitmap &bmp, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h ), "", ""); DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawIcon( const wxIcon &icon, wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h ), "", ""); // // convenience methods // // strokes a single line DocDeclStr( virtual void , StrokeLine( wxDouble x1, wxDouble y1, wxDouble x2, wxDouble y2), "", ""); // stroke lines connecting each of the points DocDeclStr( virtual void , StrokeLines( size_t n, const wxPoint2D *points), "", ""); // stroke disconnected lines from begin to end points DocDeclStr( virtual void , StrokeLines( size_t n, const wxPoint2D *beginPoints, const wxPoint2D *endPoints), "", ""); // draws a polygon DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawLines( size_t n, const wxPoint2D *points, int fillStyle = wxWINDING_RULE ), "", ""); // draws a polygon DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawRectangle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h), "", ""); // draws an ellipse DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawEllipse( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h), "", ""); // draws a rounded rectangle DocDeclStr( virtual void , DrawRoundedRectangle( wxDouble x, wxDouble y, wxDouble w, wxDouble h, wxDouble radius), "", ""); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxGCDC: public wxDC { public: %pythonAppend wxGCDC "self.__dc = args[0] # save a ref so the other dc will not be deleted before self"; wxGCDC(const wxWindowDC& dc); //wxGCDC(); virtual ~wxGCDC(); wxGraphicsContext* GetGraphicContext(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------