Distribution scripts and lists ----------------------------------------------------------------- This directory (distrib\msw) contains some 4DOS batch files (.bat) and 'response' files (.rsp) to simplify the job of producing distributions. The .rsp files specify which files are associated with a particular module, e.g. wx200vc.rsp refers to the VC++ project files, wx200gen.rsp represents the generic files, wx200msw.rsp specifies the Windows specific files, etc. When making a distribution on Windows, I call zipdist.bat to prepare zip files with everything needed for Windows, GTK and Motif. zipdist then unzips some of them into deliver\wx, removes and adds a few files to perfect the distribution. zipdist then calls 'makewise.bat' to generate a new wxwin2.wse script, for WISE Installer. It takes wisetop.txt, wisebott.txt and adds the section for file installation. (If you've modified wxwin2.wse using WISE Installer, simply compile and run splitwise.exe to put back up-to-date wisetop.txt, wisebott.txt files before running zipdist.) Finally, zipdist runs WISE Installer using a command line argument to produce the setup.* files automatically. Note that although zipdist.bat produces archives for 3 platforms, I only use a subset of these to produce the Windows-specific setup.exe. I then have the option of distributing the zip files as well. You may need to install 4DOS to run these scripts. If anyone wishes to remove 4DOS dependency, that's fine with me. Julian Smart, 11th October 1999