///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: html.i // Purpose: SWIG definitions of html classes // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 25-nov-1998 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 1998 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %module html %{ #include "helpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "printfw.h" %} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %include typemaps.i %include my_typemaps.i %extern wx.i %extern windows.i %extern _defs.i %extern events.i %extern controls.i %extern controls2.i %extern printfw.i %extern utils.i //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxString wxPyEmptyStr(""); wxPoint wxPyDefaultPosition(wxDefaultPosition); wxSize wxPyDefaultSize(wxDefaultSize); #endif %} %pragma(python) code = "import wx" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum { wxHTML_ALIGN_LEFT, wxHTML_ALIGN_CENTER, wxHTML_ALIGN_RIGHT, wxHTML_ALIGN_BOTTOM, wxHTML_ALIGN_TOP, wxHTML_CLR_FOREGROUND, wxHTML_CLR_BACKGROUND, wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS, wxHTML_UNITS_PERCENT, wxHTML_INDENT_LEFT, wxHTML_INDENT_RIGHT, wxHTML_INDENT_TOP, wxHTML_INDENT_BOTTOM, wxHTML_INDENT_HORIZONTAL, wxHTML_INDENT_VERTICAL, wxHTML_INDENT_ALL, wxHTML_COND_ISANCHOR, wxHTML_COND_ISIMAGEMAP, wxHTML_COND_USER, }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxHtmlTag { public: // Never need to create a new tag from Python... //wxHtmlTag(const wxString& source, int pos, int end_pos, wxHtmlTagsCache* cache); wxString GetName(); bool HasParam(const wxString& par); wxString GetParam(const wxString& par, int with_commas = FALSE); // Can't do this one as-is, but GetParam should be enough... //int ScanParam(const wxString& par, const char *format, void* param); wxString GetAllParams(); bool IsEnding(); bool HasEnding(); int GetBeginPos(); int GetEndPos1(); int GetEndPos2(); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxHtmlParser { public: // wxHtmlParser(); This is an abstract base class... void SetFS(wxFileSystem *fs); wxFileSystem* GetFS(); wxObject* Parse(const wxString& source); void InitParser(const wxString& source); void DoneParser(); void DoParsing(int begin_pos, int end_pos); // wxObject* GetProduct(); void AddTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler *handler); wxString* GetSource(); void PushTagHandler(wxHtmlTagHandler* handler, wxString tags); void PopTagHandler(); // void AddText(const char* txt) = 0; // void AddTag(const wxHtmlTag& tag); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxHtmlWinParser : public wxHtmlParser { public: wxHtmlWinParser(wxWindow *wnd); void SetDC(wxDC *dc); wxDC* GetDC(); int GetCharHeight(); int GetCharWidth(); wxWindow* GetWindow(); void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, int normal_italic_mode, wxString fixed_face, int fixed_italic_mode, int *LIST); wxHtmlContainerCell* GetContainer(); wxHtmlContainerCell* OpenContainer(); wxHtmlContainerCell *SetContainer(wxHtmlContainerCell *c); wxHtmlContainerCell* CloseContainer(); int GetFontSize(); void SetFontSize(int s); int GetFontBold(); void SetFontBold(int x); int GetFontItalic(); void SetFontItalic(int x); int GetFontUnderlined(); void SetFontUnderlined(int x); int GetFontFixed(); void SetFontFixed(int x); int GetAlign(); void SetAlign(int a); const wxColour& GetLinkColor(); void SetLinkColor(const wxColour& clr); const wxColour& GetActualColor(); void SetActualColor(const wxColour& clr); const wxString& GetLink(); void SetLink(const wxString& link); wxFont* CreateCurrentFont(); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ class wxPyHtmlTagHandler : public wxHtmlTagHandler { public: wxPyHtmlTagHandler() : wxHtmlTagHandler() {}; wxHtmlParser* GetParser() { return m_Parser; } void ParseInner(const wxHtmlTag& tag) { wxHtmlTagHandler::ParseInner(tag); } DEC_PYCALLBACK_STRING__pure(GetSupportedTags); DEC_PYCALLBACK_BOOL_TAG_pure(HandleTag); PYPRIVATE; }; IMP_PYCALLBACK_STRING__pure(wxPyHtmlTagHandler, wxHtmlTagHandler, GetSupportedTags); IMP_PYCALLBACK_BOOL_TAG_pure(wxPyHtmlTagHandler, wxHtmlTagHandler, HandleTag); %} %name(wxHtmlTagHandler) class wxPyHtmlTagHandler { public: wxPyHtmlTagHandler(); void _setSelf(PyObject* self); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setSelf(self)" void SetParser(wxHtmlParser *parser); wxHtmlParser* GetParser(); void ParseInner(const wxHtmlTag& tag); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ class wxPyHtmlWinTagHandler : public wxHtmlWinTagHandler { public: wxPyHtmlWinTagHandler() : wxHtmlWinTagHandler() {}; wxHtmlWinParser* GetParser() { return m_WParser; } void ParseInner(const wxHtmlTag& tag) { wxHtmlWinTagHandler::ParseInner(tag); } DEC_PYCALLBACK_STRING__pure(GetSupportedTags); DEC_PYCALLBACK_BOOL_TAG_pure(HandleTag); PYPRIVATE; }; IMP_PYCALLBACK_STRING__pure(wxPyHtmlWinTagHandler, wxHtmlWinTagHandler, GetSupportedTags); IMP_PYCALLBACK_BOOL_TAG_pure(wxPyHtmlWinTagHandler, wxHtmlWinTagHandler, HandleTag); %} %name(wxHtmlWinTagHandler) class wxPyHtmlWinTagHandler : public wxPyHtmlTagHandler { public: wxPyHtmlWinTagHandler(); void _setSelf(PyObject* self); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setSelf(self)" void SetParser(wxHtmlParser *parser); wxHtmlWinParser* GetParser(); void ParseInner(const wxHtmlTag& tag); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ class wxPyHtmlTagsModule : public wxHtmlTagsModule { public: wxPyHtmlTagsModule(PyObject* thc) : wxHtmlTagsModule() { m_tagHandlerClass = thc; Py_INCREF(m_tagHandlerClass); RegisterModule(this); wxHtmlWinParser::AddModule(this); } void OnExit() { Py_DECREF(m_tagHandlerClass); m_tagHandlerClass = NULL; for (size_t x=0; x < m_objArray.GetCount(); x++) { PyObject* obj = (PyObject*)m_objArray.Item(x); Py_DECREF(obj); } }; void FillHandlersTable(wxHtmlWinParser *parser) { // Wave our magic wand... (if it works it's a miracle! ;-) // First, make a new instance of the tag handler bool doSave = wxPyRestoreThread(); PyObject* arg = Py_BuildValue("()"); PyObject* obj = PyInstance_New(m_tagHandlerClass, arg, NULL); Py_DECREF(arg); wxPySaveThread(doSave); // now figure out where it's C++ object is... wxPyHtmlWinTagHandler* thPtr; if (SWIG_GetPtrObj(obj, (void **)&thPtr, "_wxPyHtmlWinTagHandler_p")) return; // add it, parser->AddTagHandler(thPtr); // and track it. m_objArray.Add(obj); } private: PyObject* m_tagHandlerClass; wxArrayPtrVoid m_objArray; }; %} %inline %{ void wxHtmlWinParser_AddTagHandler(PyObject* tagHandlerClass) { // Dynamically create a new wxModule. Refcounts tagHandlerClass // and adds itself to the wxModules list and to the wxHtmlWinParser. new wxPyHtmlTagsModule(tagHandlerClass); } %} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxHtmlCell { public: wxHtmlCell(); void SetParent(wxHtmlContainerCell *p); wxHtmlContainerCell* GetParent(); int GetPosX(); int GetPosY(); int GetWidth(); int GetHeight(); int GetDescent(); wxString GetLink(int x = 0, int y = 0); wxHtmlCell* GetNext(); void SetPos(int x, int y); void SetLink(const wxString& link); void SetNext(wxHtmlCell *cell); void Layout(int w); void Draw(wxDC& dc, int x, int y, int view_y1, int view_y2); void DrawInvisible(wxDC& dc, int x, int y); const wxHtmlCell* Find(int condition, const void* param); bool AdjustPagebreak(int * pagebreak); void SetCanLiveOnPagebreak(bool can); }; class wxHtmlContainerCell : public wxHtmlCell { public: wxHtmlContainerCell(wxHtmlContainerCell *parent); void InsertCell(wxHtmlCell *cell); void SetAlignHor(int al); int GetAlignHor(); void SetAlignVer(int al); int GetAlignVer(); void SetIndent(int i, int what, int units = wxHTML_UNITS_PIXELS); int GetIndent(int ind); int GetIndentUnits(int ind); void SetAlign(const wxHtmlTag& tag); void SetWidthFloat(int w, int units); %name(SetWidthFloatFromTag)void SetWidthFloat(const wxHtmlTag& tag); void SetMinHeight(int h, int align = wxHTML_ALIGN_TOP); int GetMaxLineWidth(); void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& clr); void SetBorder(const wxColour& clr1, const wxColour& clr2); wxHtmlCell* GetFirstCell(); }; class wxHtmlWidgetCell : public wxHtmlCell { public: wxHtmlWidgetCell(wxWindow* wnd, int w = 0); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // item of history list class HtmlHistoryItem { public: HtmlHistoryItem(const char* p, const char* a); int GetPos(); void SetPos(int p); const wxString& GetPage(); const wxString& GetAnchor(); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ class wxPyHtmlWindow : public wxHtmlWindow { public: wxPyHtmlWindow(wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id = -1, const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize, long style = wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO, const wxString& name = "htmlWindow") : wxHtmlWindow(parent, id, pos, size, style, name) {}; DEC_PYCALLBACK__STRING(OnLinkClicked); PYPRIVATE; }; IMP_PYCALLBACK__STRING(wxPyHtmlWindow, wxHtmlWindow, OnLinkClicked); %} %name(wxHtmlWindow) class wxPyHtmlWindow : public wxScrolledWindow { public: wxPyHtmlWindow(wxWindow *parent, int id = -1, wxPoint& pos = wxPyDefaultPosition, wxSize& size = wxPyDefaultSize, int flags=wxHW_SCROLLBAR_AUTO, char* name = "htmlWindow"); void _setSelf(PyObject* self); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setSelf(self)" %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:wx._StdWindowCallbacks(self)" %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:wx._StdOnScrollCallbacks(self)" bool SetPage(const char* source); bool LoadPage(const char* location); wxString GetOpenedPage(); void SetRelatedFrame(wxFrame* frame, const char* format); wxFrame* GetRelatedFrame(); void SetRelatedStatusBar(int bar); void SetFonts(wxString normal_face, int normal_italic_mode, wxString fixed_face, int fixed_italic_mode, int *LIST); void SetTitle(const char* title); void SetBorders(int b); void ReadCustomization(wxConfigBase *cfg, char* path = ""); void WriteCustomization(wxConfigBase *cfg, char* path = ""); bool HistoryBack(); bool HistoryForward(); void HistoryClear(); wxHtmlContainerCell* GetInternalRepresentation(); wxHtmlWinParser* GetParser(); void base_OnLinkClicked(const char* link); }; // Static methods are mapped to stand-alone functions %inline %{ void wxHtmlWindow_AddFilter(wxHtmlFilter *filter) { wxHtmlWindow::AddFilter(filter); } %} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxHtmlDCRenderer { public: wxHtmlDCRenderer(); ~wxHtmlDCRenderer(); void SetDC(wxDC *dc, int maxwidth); void SetSize(int width, int height); void SetHtmlText(const wxString& html, const wxString& basepath = wxEmptyString, bool isdir = TRUE); int Render(int x, int y, int from = 0, int dont_render = FALSE); int GetTotalHeight(); // returns total height of the html document // (compare Render's return value with this) }; enum { wxPAGE_ODD, wxPAGE_EVEN, wxPAGE_ALL }; class wxHtmlPrintout : public wxPyPrintout { public: wxHtmlPrintout(const char* title = "Printout"); ~wxHtmlPrintout(); void SetHtmlText(const wxString& html, const wxString &basepath = wxEmptyString, bool isdir = TRUE); void SetHtmlFile(const wxString &htmlfile); void SetHeader(const wxString& header, int pg = wxPAGE_ALL); void SetFooter(const wxString& footer, int pg = wxPAGE_ALL); void SetMargins(float top = 25.2, float bottom = 25.2, float left = 25.2, float right = 25.2, float spaces = 5); }; class wxHtmlEasyPrinting { public: wxHtmlEasyPrinting(const char* name = "Printing", wxFrame *parent_frame = NULL); ~wxHtmlEasyPrinting(); void PreviewFile(const wxString &htmlfile); void PreviewText(const wxString &htmltext, const wxString& basepath = wxEmptyString); void PrintFile(const wxString &htmlfile); void PrintText(const wxString &htmltext, const wxString& basepath = wxEmptyString); void PrinterSetup(); void PageSetup(); void SetHeader(const wxString& header, int pg = wxPAGE_ALL); void SetFooter(const wxString& footer, int pg = wxPAGE_ALL); wxPrintData *GetPrintData() {return m_PrintData;} wxPageSetupDialogData *GetPageSetupData() {return m_PageSetupData;} }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ extern "C" SWIGEXPORT(void) inithtmlhelpc(); %} %init %{ inithtmlhelpc(); wxClassInfo::CleanUpClasses(); wxClassInfo::InitializeClasses(); // Until wxFileSystem is wrapped... #if wxUSE_FS_ZIP wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxZipFSHandler); #endif %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // And this gets appended to the shadow class file. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %pragma(python) include="_extras.py"; 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