///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: windows.i // Purpose: SWIG definitions of various window classes // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 6/24/97 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 1998 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %module windows %{ #include "helpers.h" #include %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %include typemaps.i %include my_typemaps.i // Import some definitions of other classes, etc. %import _defs.i %import misc.i %import gdi.i %pragma(python) code = "import wx" //%pragma(python) code = "import controls" //%pragma(python) code = "wxButtonPtr = controls.wxWindowPtr" //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxEvtHandler { public: bool ProcessEvent(wxEvent& event); %addmethods { void Connect( int id, int lastId, int eventType, PyObject* func) { if (PyCallable_Check(func)) { self->Connect(id, lastId, eventType, (wxObjectEventFunction) &wxPyCallback::EventThunker, new wxPyCallback(func)); } } } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxWindow : public wxEvtHandler { public: wxWindow(wxWindow* parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxPyDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxPyDefaultSize, long style = 0, char* name = "panel"); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:wx._StdWindowCallbacks(self)" void CaptureMouse(); void Center(int direction = wxHORIZONTAL); void Centre(int direction = wxHORIZONTAL); void CentreOnParent(int direction = wxHORIZONTAL ); void CenterOnParent(int direction = wxHORIZONTAL ); %name(ClientToScreenXY)void ClientToScreen(int *BOTH, int *BOTH); wxPoint ClientToScreen(const wxPoint& pt); bool Close(int force = FALSE); bool Destroy(); void DestroyChildren(); #ifdef __WXMSW__ void DragAcceptFiles(bool accept); #endif void Enable(bool enable); //bool FakePopupMenu(wxMenu* menu, int x, int y); %name(FindWindowById) wxWindow* FindWindow(long id); %name(FindWindowByName) wxWindow* FindWindow(const wxString& name); void Fit(); wxColour GetBackgroundColour(); int GetCharHeight(); int GetCharWidth(); %name(GetClientSizeTuple) void GetClientSize(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT); wxSize GetClientSize(); wxLayoutConstraints * GetConstraints(); //wxEvtHandler* GetEventHandler(); wxFont& GetFont(); wxColour GetForegroundColour(); wxWindow * GetGrandParent(); int GetId(); wxString GetLabel(); void SetLabel(const wxString& label); wxString GetName(); wxWindow * GetParent(); %name(GetPositionTuple) void GetPosition(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT); wxPoint GetPosition(); wxRect GetRect(); int GetScrollThumb(int orientation); int GetScrollPos(int orientation); int GetScrollRange(int orientation); %name(GetSizeTuple) void GetSize(int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT); wxSize GetSize(); void GetTextExtent(const wxString& string, int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT); %name(GetFullTextExtent)void GetTextExtent(const wxString& string, int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT, int *OUTPUT, int* OUTPUT, const wxFont* font = NULL); //, bool use16 = FALSE) wxString GetTitle(); long GetWindowStyleFlag(); bool Hide(); void InitDialog(); bool IsEnabled(); bool IsRetained(); bool IsShown(); bool IsTopLevel(); void Layout(); bool LoadFromResource(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& resourceName, const wxResourceTable* resourceTable = NULL); void Lower(); void MakeModal(bool flag); %name(MoveXY)void Move(int x, int y); void Move(const wxPoint& point); //wxEvtHandler* PopEventHandler(bool deleteHandler = FALSE); bool PopupMenu(wxMenu *menu, int x, int y); //void PushEventHandler(wxEvtHandler* handler); void Raise(); void Refresh(bool eraseBackground = TRUE, const wxRect* rect = NULL); void ReleaseMouse(); bool Reparent( wxWindow* newParent ); %name(ScreenToClientXY)void ScreenToClient(int *BOTH, int *BOTH); wxPoint ScreenToClient(const wxPoint& pt); void ScrollWindow(int dx, int dy, const wxRect* rect = NULL); void SetAcceleratorTable(const wxAcceleratorTable& accel); void SetAutoLayout(bool autoLayout); void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour); void SetConstraints(wxLayoutConstraints *constraints); // void SetDoubleClick(bool allowDoubleClick); void SetFocus(); void SetFont(const wxFont& font); void SetForegroundColour(const wxColour& colour); void SetId(int id); void SetName(const wxString& name); void SetScrollbar(int orientation, int position, int thumbSize, int range, bool refresh = TRUE); void SetScrollPos(int orientation, int pos, bool refresh = TRUE); %name(SetDimensions) void SetSize(int x, int y, int width, int height, int sizeFlags=wxSIZE_AUTO); %addmethods { void SetSize(const wxSize& size) { self->SetSize(size.x, size.y); } void SetPosition(const wxPoint& pos) { self->SetSize(pos.x, pos.y, -1, -1); } } void SetSizeHints(int minW=-1, int minH=-1, int maxW=-1, int maxH=-1, int incW=-1, int incH=-1); %name(SetClientSizeWH)void SetClientSize(int width, int height); void SetClientSize(const wxSize& size); //void SetPalette(wxPalette* palette); void SetCursor(const wxCursor&cursor); //void SetEventHandler(wxEvtHandler* handler); void SetTitle(const wxString& title); bool Show(bool show); bool TransferDataFromWindow(); bool TransferDataToWindow(); bool Validate(); void WarpPointer(int x, int y); %name(ConvertDialogPointToPixels) wxPoint ConvertDialogToPixels(const wxPoint& pt); %name(ConvertDialogSizeToPixels) wxSize ConvertDialogToPixels(const wxSize& sz); %name(DLG_PNT) wxPoint ConvertDialogToPixels(const wxPoint& pt); %name(DLG_SZE) wxSize ConvertDialogToPixels(const wxSize& sz); %name(ConvertPixelPointToDialog) wxPoint ConvertPixelsToDialog(const wxPoint& pt); %name(ConvertPixelSizeToDialog) wxSize ConvertPixelsToDialog(const wxSize& sz); %name(SetToolTipString)void SetToolTip(const wxString &tip); void SetToolTip(wxToolTip *tooltip); wxToolTip* GetToolTip(); }; %pragma(python) code = " def wxDLG_PNT(win, point_or_x, y=None): if y is None: return win.ConvertDialogPointToPixels(point_or_x) else: return win.ConvertDialogPointToPixels(wxPoint(point_or_x, y)) def wxDLG_SZE(win, size_width, height=None): if height is None: return win.ConvertDialogSizeToPixels(size_width) else: return win.ConvertDialogSizeToPixels(wxSize(size_width, height)) " #ifdef __WXMSW__ %inline %{ wxWindow* wxWindow_FindFocus() { return wxWindow::FindFocus(); } %} %inline %{ wxWindow* wxWindow_FromHWND(unsigned long hWnd) { wxWindow* win = new wxWindow; win->SetHWND(hWnd); win->SubclassWin(hWnd); return win; } %} #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxPanel : public wxWindow { public: wxPanel(wxWindow* parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos = wxPyDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxPyDefaultSize, long style = wxTAB_TRAVERSAL, const char* name = "panel"); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:wx._StdWindowCallbacks(self)" void InitDialog(); wxButton* GetDefaultItem(); void SetDefaultItem(wxButton *btn); // fix a SWIG turd... %pragma(python) addtoclass = " def GetDefaultItem(self): import controls val = windowsc.wxPanel_GetDefaultItem(self.this) val = controls.wxButtonPtr(val) return val " }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxDialog : public wxPanel { public: wxDialog(wxWindow* parent, const wxWindowID id, const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos = wxPyDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxPyDefaultSize, long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE, const char* name = "dialogBox"); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:wx._StdDialogCallbacks(self)" void Centre(int direction = wxBOTH); void EndModal(int retCode); wxString GetTitle(); void Iconize(bool iconize); bool IsIconized(); void SetModal(bool flag); bool IsModal(); void SetTitle(const wxString& title); bool Show(bool show); int ShowModal(); int GetReturnCode(); void SetReturnCode(int retCode); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxScrolledWindow : public wxPanel { public: wxScrolledWindow(wxWindow* parent, const wxWindowID id = -1, const wxPoint& pos = wxPyDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxPyDefaultSize, long style = wxHSCROLL | wxVSCROLL, char* name = "scrolledWindow"); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:wx._StdWindowCallbacks(self)" %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:wx._StdOnScrollCallbacks(self)" void EnableScrolling(bool xScrolling, bool yScrolling); void GetScrollPixelsPerUnit(int* OUTPUT, int* OUTPUT); void GetVirtualSize(int* OUTPUT, int* OUTPUT); bool IsRetained(); void PrepareDC(wxDC& dc); void Scroll(int x, int y); void SetScrollbars(int pixelsPerUnitX, int pixelsPerUnitY, int noUnitsX, int noUnitsY, int xPos = 0, int yPos = 0); void ViewStart(int* OUTPUT, int* OUTPUT); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxMenu : public wxEvtHandler { public: wxMenu(const wxString& title = wxPyEmptyStr); void Append(int id, const wxString& item, const wxString& helpString = wxPyEmptyStr, int checkable = FALSE); %name(AppendMenu)void Append(int id, const wxString& item, wxMenu *subMenu, const wxString& helpString = wxPyEmptyStr); #ifndef __WXGTK__ %name(AppendItem)void Append(const wxMenuItem* item); #endif void AppendSeparator(); void Break(); void Check(int id, bool flag); void Enable(int id, bool enable); int FindItem(const wxString& itemString); wxString GetTitle(); void SetTitle(const wxString& title); wxMenuItem* FindItemForId(int id); wxString GetHelpString(int id); wxString GetLabel(int id); void SetHelpString(int id, const wxString& helpString); bool IsChecked(int id); bool IsEnabled(int id); void SetLabel(int id, const wxString& label); }; // // This one knows how to set a callback and handle INC- and DECREFing it. To // be used for PopupMenus, but you must retain a referece to it while using // it. // class wxPyMenu : public wxMenu { public: wxPyMenu(const wxString& title = wxPyEmptyStr, PyObject* func = NULL); ~wxPyMenu(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxMenuBar : public wxEvtHandler { public: wxMenuBar(); void Append(wxMenu *menu, const wxString& title); void Check(int id, bool flag); bool Checked(int id); void Enable(int id, bool enable); bool Enabled(int id); int FindMenuItem(const wxString& menuString, const wxString& itemString); wxMenuItem * FindItemForId(int id); #ifdef __WXMSW__ void EnableTop(int pos, bool enable); wxString GetHelpString(int id); wxString GetLabel(int id); void SetHelpString(int id, const wxString& helpString); void SetLabel(int id, const wxString& label); wxString GetLabelTop(int pos); void SetLabelTop(int pos, const wxString& label); #endif int GetMenuCount(); wxMenu* GetMenu(int i); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxMenuItem { public: #ifndef __WXGTK__ wxMenuItem(wxMenu* parentMenu=NULL, int id=ID_SEPARATOR, const wxString& text = wxPyEmptyStr, const wxString& helpString = wxPyEmptyStr, bool checkable = FALSE, wxMenu* subMenu = NULL); #else wxMenuItem(); #endif bool IsSeparator(); bool IsEnabled(); bool IsChecked(); bool IsCheckable(); int GetId(); wxMenu* GetSubMenu(); void SetName(const wxString& strName); wxString GetName(); wxString GetHelp(); void SetHelp(const wxString& strHelp); void Enable(bool bDoEnable = TRUE); void Check(bool bDoCheck = TRUE); #ifdef __WXMSW__ wxColour& GetBackgroundColour(); wxBitmap GetBitmap(bool checked = TRUE); wxFont& GetFont(); int GetMarginWidth(); wxColour& GetTextColour(); void SetBackgroundColour(const wxColour& colour); void SetBitmaps(const wxBitmap& checked, const wxBitmap& unchecked = wxNullBitmap); void SetFont(const wxFont& font); void SetMarginWidth(int width); void SetTextColour(const wxColour& colour); void DeleteSubMenu(); #endif }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // $Log$ // Revision 1.17 1999/06/22 07:03:03 RD // wxPython 2.1b1 for wxMSW (wxGTK coming soon) // Lots of changes, see the README.txt for details... // // Revision 1.16 1999/05/15 00:56:04 RD // // fixes for GetReturnCode/SetReturnCode // // Revision 1.15 1999/04/30 03:29:19 RD // // wxPython 2.0b9, first phase (win32) // Added gobs of stuff, see wxPython/README.txt for details // // Revision 1999/03/27 23:29:15 RD // // wxPython 2.0b8 // Python thread support // various minor additions // various minor fixes // // Revision 1999/03/16 06:26:29 RD // // wxPython 2.0b7 // // Revision 1999/03/16 06:04:04 RD // // wxPython 2.0b7 // // Revision 1.14 1999/02/23 23:48:33 RD // // reenabled some methods for wxPython on wxGTK // // Revision 1.13 1999/02/20 10:02:38 RD // // Changes needed to enable wxGTK compatibility. // // Revision 1.12 1999/02/20 09:03:03 RD // Added wxWindow_FromHWND(hWnd) for wxMSW to construct a wxWindow from a // window handle. If you can get the window handle into the python code, // it should just work... More news on this later. // // Added wxImageList, wxToolTip. // // Re-enabled wxConfig.DeleteAll() since it is reportedly fixed for the // wxRegConfig class. // // As usual, some bug fixes, tweaks, etc. // // Revision 1.11 1998/12/18 15:49:10 RR // // wxClipboard now serves the primary selection as well // wxPython fixes // warning mesages // // Revision 1.10 1998/12/17 17:52:20 RD // // wxPython 0.5.2 // Minor fixes and SWIG code generation for RR's changes. MSW and GTK // versions are much closer now! // // Revision 1.9 1998/12/17 14:07:46 RR // // Removed minor differences between wxMSW and wxGTK // // Revision 1.8 1998/12/16 22:10:56 RD // // Tweaks needed to be able to build wxPython with wxGTK. // // Revision 1.7 1998/12/15 20:41:25 RD // Changed the import semantics from "from wxPython import *" to "from // wxPython.wx import *" This is for people who are worried about // namespace pollution, they can use "from wxPython import wx" and then // prefix all the wxPython identifiers with "wx." // // Added wxTaskbarIcon for wxMSW. // // Made the events work for wxGrid. // // Added wxConfig. // // Added wxMiniFrame for wxGTK, (untested.) // // Changed many of the args and return values that were pointers to gdi // objects to references to reflect changes in the wxWindows API. // // Other assorted fixes and additions. // // Revision 1.6 1998/10/02 06:40:43 RD // // Version 0.4 of wxPython for MSW. // // Revision 1.5 1998/08/17 18:29:40 RD // Removed an extra method definition // // Revision 1.4 1998/08/16 04:31:11 RD // More wxGTK work. // // Revision 1.3 1998/08/15 07:36:47 RD // - Moved the header in the .i files out of the code that gets put into // the .cpp files. It caused CVS conflicts because of the RCS ID being // different each time. // // - A few minor fixes. // // Revision 1.2 1998/08/14 23:36:46 RD // Beginings of wxGTK compatibility // // Revision 1.1 1998/08/09 08:25:52 RD // Initial version // //