###################################################################### # # Open Watcom 1.5 multiplatform target options file. # # Author : Michael Greene, July 2006 # ###################################################################### STATICLIB = libexpat.lib # only for OS/2 and NT builds DLLNAME = expat.dll IMPORTLIB = iexpat.lib # path to wget if not in path - only needed for test suite download #WGET = D:\BLDTOOLS\ # Uncomment to compile multi-thread MULTITHREAD = 1 # Uncomment to compile using runtime library - default static #CLIBLNK = 1 # valid defines: # XML_LARGE_SIZE (supported - see main EXPAT readme for info) # XML_UNICODE_WCHAR_T (not supported) # XML_UNICODE (not supported) # XML_MIN_SIZE (compiles with but not tested) # XML_DTD - XML_NS (enabled always - see watcomconfig.h) #DEFS = -DXML_LARGE_SIZE # [Processor options] # -3r 386 register calling conventions -5r Pentium register calling conv. # -3s 386 stack calling conventions -5s Pentium stack calling conventions # -4r 486 register calling conventions -6r Pentium Pro register call conven. # -4s 486 stack calling conventions -6s Pentium Pro stack call conven. # [Floating-point processor options] # -fpc calls to floating-point library -fp2 generate 287 floating-point code # -fpd enable Pentium FDIV check -fp3 generate 387 floating-point code # -fpi inline 80x87 with emulation -fp5 optimize f-p for Pentium # -fpi87 inline 80x87 -fp6 optimize f-p for Pentium Pro # -fpr use old floating-point conventions MACHINE = -6s -fp6 # [Optimization options] # -oa relax alias checking -ol+ ol with loop unrolling # -ob branch prediction -om generate inline math functions # -oc disable call/ret optimization -on numerically unstable floating-point # -od disable optimizations -oo continue compile when low on memory # -oe[=num] expand functions inline -op improve floating-point consistency # Press any key to continue: # -of[+] generate traceable stack frames-or re-order instructions to avoid stalls # -oh enable repeated optimizations -os optimize for space # -oi inline intrinsic functions -ot optimize for time # -oi+ (C++) oi with max inlining depth -ou ensure unique addresses for functions # -ok control flow entry/exit seq. -ox maximum optimization (-obmiler -s) # -ol perform loop optimizations OPTIMIZATION = -otexan # [Debugging options] # -d0 no debugging information -d2t (C++) d2 but without type names # -d1{+} line number debugging info. -d3 debug info with unref'd type names # -d2 full symbolic debugging info. -d3i (C++) d3 + inlines as COMDATs # -d2i (C++) d2 + inlines as COMDATs -d3s (C++) d3 + inlines as statics # -d2s (C++) d2 + inlines as statics DEBUGOPTS = -d3 # I used this for testing. If LINKLIB is expat.lib (default) then # all executables are linked static. If LINKLIB is iexpat.lib then # executables will use the expat dll. #TARGLIB = $(IMPORTLIB) TARGLIB = $(STATICLIB)