Welcome to wxWindows for GTK 1.0, you have downloaded the first beta version of the upcoming release 2.0 of the GTK+ 1.0 port of wxWindows library. Information on how to install can be found in the file INSTALL.txt, but if you cannot wait, this should work on all systems configure --without-threads make su (PASSWORD) make install When you run into problems, please read the INSTALL.txt and follow those instructions. If you still don't have any success, please send a bug report to one of our mailing lists (see my homepage) INCLUDING A DESCRIPTION OF YOUR SYSTEM AND YOUR PROBLEM, SUCH AS YOUR VERSION OF GTK, WXGTK, WHAT DISTRIBUTION YOU USE AND WHAT ERROR WAS REPORTED. I know this has no effect, but I tried... This is the beta release which means that we have a feature freeze. We'll move up to versin 2.0 rather soon and from then on there will be no more binary incompatible changes. We might add more classes, but none that would alter the behaviour of the existing ones. The library produced by the install process of the final version will be called libwx_gtk_1_0.a (static) and libwx_gtk_1_0.so.2.0.0 (shared) so that once a version of wxWindows/Gtk for GTK 1.2 comes out we'll change the name of the library to avoid linking problems. More information is available from my homepage at http://wesley.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~wxxt Please send problems concerning installation, feature requests, bug reports or comments to either the wxGTK mailing list or to the wxWindows developers list. Information on how to subscribe is available from my homepage. wxWindows/Gtk doesn't come with any guarantee whatsoever. It might crash your harddisk or destroy your monitor. It doesn't claim to be suitable for any special purpose. Regards, Robert Roebling