You will find below the list of all supported platforms for different ports of wxWindows 2.x (wxMSW/wxGTK/wxMotif ports only). The cross icon in the third column doesn't mean that the platform is not supported, but just that wxWindows hasn't been tested on it recently.

If you have tested wxWindows on a platform not mentioned here, please tell us about your experience on our mailing list! We would especially like to have information about compiling wxGTK on other Unix variants, such as IRIX, DG-UX, other flavours of BSD, ...

wxWindows 2 Platforms
Platform Compiler Status Tested by Remarks
Win32 (Windows 9x/NT) Visual C++ 4.2/5.x/6.0OkVZ, JSProject files are provided for all versions except 4.2
Borland C++ 5.0Unknown

Cross compilation from Linux works as well

Watcom C++ 10Unknown

Symantec C++Unknown

Win16 (Windows 3.1) Visual C++ 1.52Unknown
Some features are missing (OLE related classes, threads, ...)
Borland C++ 4.0Unknown
Linux wxGTK with gcc 2.7.2Unknown

wxGTK with egcs 1.1.1OkVZ, RR
wxGTK with gcc 2.95Unknown

wxMotif with egcs 1.1.1Ok
with LessTif 0.87
FreeBSD wxGTK with gccUnknown

Solaris wxMotif with Sun CC 4.2Unknown

wxMotif with gccUnknown

wxGTK with gccUnknown

AIX wxGTK with AIX CCUnknown

wxMotif with AIX CCUnknown

HP-UX wxGTK with HP CC A.10.22Unknown
special extra compiler options must be manually added, see the docs for details
wxGTK with gccUnknown

Contact me with any comments/suggestions.