This directory contains Bakefile (see files needed to generate native makefiles for wxWindows library, contrib and samples. Use the bakefile_gen utility to regenerate the makefiles. If you run it with no arguments, it will generate all makefiles that are not up to date. Use "bakefile_gen -c" to clean generated files. You can generate or clean only subset of files by specifying -f or -b flags when invoking bakefile_gen. For example, "bakefile_gen -fborland,watcom" will only regenerate Borland C++ and OpenWatcom makefiles. -b flag limits regeneration only to specified bakefiles. For example, "bakefile_gen -b wx.bkl" will only regenerate main library makefiles. "bakefile_gen -b '../../samples/html/*/*.bkl' will regenerate makefiles for all wxHTML samples. -b and -f can be combined. You can customize the process of generating makefiles by adding file Bakefiles.local.bkgen (same format as Bakefiles.bkgen) with further settings. For example, you may disable output for compilers you don't use: msvc,msvc6prj Note: bakefile_gen creates file .bakefile_gen.state with dependencies information. This file can be safely deleted, but it contains valuable information that speed up regeneration process.