// Name:        oglbasic.i
// Purpose:     SWIG definitions for the wxWindows Object Graphics Library
// Author:      Robin Dunn
// Created:     3-Sept-1999
// RCS-ID:      $Id$
// Copyright:   (c) 1998 by Total Control Software
// Licence:     wxWindows license

// Not a %module


class wxShapeRegion : public wxObject {

    void SetText(const wxString& s);
    void SetFont(wxFont *f);
    void SetMinSize(double w, double h);
    void SetSize(double w, double h);
    void SetPosition(double x, double y);
    void SetProportions(double x, double y);
    void SetFormatMode(int mode);
    void SetName(const wxString& s);
    void SetColour(const wxString& col);

    wxString GetText();
    wxFont *GetFont();
    void GetMinSize(double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT);
    void GetProportion(double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT);
    void GetSize(double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT);
    void GetPosition(double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT);
    int GetFormatMode();
    wxString GetName();
    wxString GetColour();
    wxColour GetActualColourObject();
    wxList& GetFormattedText();
    wxString GetPenColour();
    int GetPenStyle();
    void SetPenStyle(int style);
    void SetPenColour(const wxString& col);
    wxPen *GetActualPen();
    double GetWidth();
    double GetHeight();

    void ClearText();


 * User-defined attachment point

class wxAttachmentPoint: public wxObject
    wxAttachmentPoint(int id=0, double x=0.0, double y=0.0);
    int            m_id;           // Identifier
    double         m_x;            // x offset from centre of object
    double         m_y;            // y offset from centre of object



class wxPyShapeEvtHandler : public wxObject {
    %pythonAppend wxPyShapeEvtHandler "self._setOORandCallbackInfo(PyShapeEvtHandler)"
     %typemap(out) wxPyShapeEvtHandler*;    // turn off this typemap
    wxPyShapeEvtHandler(wxPyShapeEvtHandler *prev = NULL,
                        wxPyShape *shape = NULL);

    %typemap(out) wxPyShapeEvtHandler*      { $result = wxPyMake_wxShapeEvtHandler($1, $owner); }

    void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class);
    %extend {
        void _setOORInfo(PyObject* _self) {
            self->SetClientObject(new wxPyOORClientData(_self));
    %pythoncode {
    def _setOORandCallbackInfo(self, _class):
        self._setCallbackInfo(self, _class)

    void SetShape(wxPyShape *sh);
    wxPyShape *GetShape();
    void SetPreviousHandler(wxPyShapeEvtHandler* handler);
    wxPyShapeEvtHandler* GetPreviousHandler();
    wxPyShapeEvtHandler* CreateNewCopy();

    void base_OnDelete();
    void base_OnDraw(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnDrawContents(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnDrawBranches(wxDC& dc, bool erase = false);
    void base_OnMoveLinks(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnErase(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnEraseContents(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnHighlight(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnLeftClick(double x, double y, int keys = 0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnLeftDoubleClick(double x, double y, int keys = 0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnRightClick(double x, double y, int keys = 0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnSize(double x, double y);
    bool base_OnMovePre(wxDC& dc, double x, double y, double old_x, double old_y, bool display = true);
    void base_OnMovePost(wxDC& dc, double x, double y, double old_x, double old_y, bool display = true);
    void base_OnDragLeft(bool draw, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnBeginDragLeft(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnEndDragLeft(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnDragRight(bool draw, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnBeginDragRight(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnEndDragRight(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnDrawOutline(wxDC& dc, double x, double y, double w, double h);
    void base_OnDrawControlPoints(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnEraseControlPoints(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnMoveLink(wxDC& dc, bool moveControlPoints = true);
    void base_OnSizingDragLeft(wxPyControlPoint* pt, bool draw, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnSizingBeginDragLeft(wxPyControlPoint* pt, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnSizingEndDragLeft(wxPyControlPoint* pt, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnBeginSize(double w, double h);
    void base_OnEndSize(double w, double h);
//    void base_OnChangeAttachment(int attachment, wxPyLineShape* line, wxList& ordering);

    WXSHAPE_IMP_CALLBACKS(wxPyShape, wxShape);

class wxPyShape : public wxPyShapeEvtHandler {
    %pythonAppend wxPyShape "self._setOORandCallbackInfo(PyShape)"
    %typemap(out) wxPyShape*;    // turn off this typemap

    wxPyShape(wxPyShapeCanvas *can = NULL);  

    %typemap(out) wxPyShape*                { $result = wxPyMake_wxShapeEvtHandler($1, $owner); }

    void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class);

    void GetBoundingBoxMax(double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT);
    void GetBoundingBoxMin(double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT);
    bool GetPerimeterPoint(double x1, double y1,
                           double x2, double y2,
                           double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT);
    wxPyShapeCanvas *GetCanvas();
    void SetCanvas(wxPyShapeCanvas *the_canvas);
    void AddToCanvas(wxPyShapeCanvas *the_canvas, wxPyShape *addAfter = NULL);
    void InsertInCanvas(wxPyShapeCanvas *the_canvas);
    void RemoveFromCanvas(wxPyShapeCanvas *the_canvas);
    double GetX();
    double GetY();
    void SetX(double x);
    void SetY(double y);
    wxPyShape *GetParent();
    void SetParent(wxPyShape *p);
    wxPyShape *GetTopAncestor();

    // wxList& GetChildren();
    %extend {
        PyObject* GetChildren() {
            wxList& list = self->GetChildren();
            return wxPy_ConvertShapeList(&list);

    void Unlink();
    void SetDrawHandles(bool drawH);
    bool GetDrawHandles();
    void MakeControlPoints();
    void DeleteControlPoints(wxDC *dc = NULL);
    void ResetControlPoints();
    wxPyShapeEvtHandler *GetEventHandler();
    void SetEventHandler(wxPyShapeEvtHandler *handler);
    void MakeMandatoryControlPoints();
    void ResetMandatoryControlPoints();
    bool Recompute();
    void CalculateSize();
    void Select(bool select = true, wxDC* dc = NULL);
    void SetHighlight(bool hi = true, bool recurse = false);
    bool IsHighlighted() ;
    bool Selected();
    bool AncestorSelected();
    void SetSensitivityFilter(int sens = OP_ALL, bool recursive = false);
    int GetSensitivityFilter();
    void SetDraggable(bool drag, bool recursive = false);
    void SetFixedSize(bool x, bool y);
    void GetFixedSize(bool *OUTPUT, bool *OUTPUT) ;
    bool GetFixedWidth();
    bool GetFixedHeight();
    void SetSpaceAttachments(bool sp);
    bool GetSpaceAttachments() ;
    void SetShadowMode(int mode, bool redraw = false);
    int GetShadowMode();
    bool HitTest(double x, double y, int *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT);
    void SetCentreResize(bool cr);
    bool GetCentreResize();
    void SetMaintainAspectRatio(bool ar);
    bool GetMaintainAspectRatio();

    // wxList& GetLines();
    %extend {
        PyObject* GetLines() {
            wxList& list = self->GetLines();
            return wxPy_ConvertShapeList(&list);

    void SetDisableLabel(bool flag);
    bool GetDisableLabel();
    void SetAttachmentMode(int mode);
    int GetAttachmentMode();
    void SetId(long i);
    long GetId();

    void SetPen(wxPen *pen);
    void SetBrush(wxBrush *brush);

    // void SetClientData(wxObject *client_data);
    // wxObject *GetClientData();

    // The real client data methods are being used for OOR, so just fake it.
    %pythoncode {
    def SetClientData(self, data):
        self.clientData = data
    def GetClientData(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'clientData'):
            return self.clientData
            return None

    void Show(bool show);
    bool IsShown();
    void Move(wxDC& dc, double x1, double y1, bool display = true);
    void Erase(wxDC& dc);
    void EraseContents(wxDC& dc);
    void Draw(wxDC& dc);
    void Flash();
    void MoveLinks(wxDC& dc);
    void DrawContents(wxDC& dc);
    void SetSize(double x, double y, bool recursive = true);
    void SetAttachmentSize(double x, double y);
    void Attach(wxPyShapeCanvas *can);
    void Detach();
    bool Constrain();
    void AddLine(wxPyLineShape *line, wxPyShape *other,
                 int attachFrom = 0, int attachTo = 0,
                 int positionFrom = -1, int positionTo = -1);
    int GetLinePosition(wxPyLineShape* line);
    void AddText(const wxString& string);
    wxPen *GetPen();
    wxBrush *GetBrush();
    void SetDefaultRegionSize();
    void FormatText(wxDC& dc, const wxString& s, int regionId = 0);
    void SetFormatMode(int mode, int regionId = 0);
    int GetFormatMode(int regionId = 0);
    void SetFont(wxFont *font, int regionId = 0);
    wxFont *GetFont(int regionId = 0);
    void SetTextColour(const wxString& colour, int regionId = 0);
    wxString GetTextColour(int regionId = 0);
    int GetNumberOfTextRegions();
    void SetRegionName(const wxString& name, int regionId = 0);
    wxString GetRegionName(int regionId);
    int GetRegionId(const wxString& name);
    void NameRegions(const wxString& parentName = wxPyEmptyString);

    // wxList& GetRegions();
    %extend {
        PyObject* GetRegions() {
            wxList& list = self->GetRegions();
            return wxPy_ConvertList(&list);

    void AddRegion(wxShapeRegion *region);
    void ClearRegions();
    void AssignNewIds();
    wxPyShape *FindRegion(const wxString& regionName, int *OUTPUT);
    void FindRegionNames(wxStringList& list);
    void ClearText(int regionId = 0);
    void RemoveLine(wxPyLineShape *line);

    void WriteAttributes(wxExpr *clause);
    void ReadAttributes(wxExpr *clause);
    void ReadConstraints(wxExpr *clause, wxExprDatabase *database);
    void WriteRegions(wxExpr *clause);
    void ReadRegions(wxExpr *clause);

    bool GetAttachmentPosition(int attachment, double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT,
                               int nth = 0, int no_arcs = 1, wxPyLineShape *line = NULL);
    int GetNumberOfAttachments();
    bool AttachmentIsValid(int attachment);

    %extend {
        PyObject* GetAttachments() {
            wxList& list = self->GetAttachments();
            return wxPy_ConvertList(&list);            
    bool GetAttachmentPositionEdge(int attachment, double *OUTPUT, double *OUTPUT,
                                   int nth = 0, int no_arcs = 1, wxPyLineShape *line = NULL);
    wxRealPoint CalcSimpleAttachment(const wxRealPoint& pt1, const wxRealPoint& pt2,
                                     int nth, int noArcs, wxPyLineShape* line);
    bool AttachmentSortTest(int attachmentPoint, const wxRealPoint& pt1, const wxRealPoint& pt2);
    void EraseLinks(wxDC& dc, int attachment = -1, bool recurse = false);
    void DrawLinks(wxDC& dc, int attachment = -1, bool recurse = false);
    bool MoveLineToNewAttachment(wxDC& dc, wxPyLineShape *to_move,
                                 double x, double y);

    //void ApplyAttachmentOrdering(wxList& linesToSort);
    %extend {
        void ApplyAttachmentOrdering(PyObject* linesToSort) {
            wxList* list = wxPy_wxListHelper(linesToSort, wxT("wxPyLineShape"));
            delete list;

    wxRealPoint GetBranchingAttachmentRoot(int attachment);
    bool GetBranchingAttachmentInfo(int attachment, wxRealPoint& root, wxRealPoint& neck,
                                    wxRealPoint& shoulder1, wxRealPoint& shoulder2);
    bool GetBranchingAttachmentPoint(int attachment, int n, wxRealPoint& attachmentPoint,
                                     wxRealPoint& stemPoint);
    int GetAttachmentLineCount(int attachment);
    void SetBranchNeckLength(int len);
    int GetBranchNeckLength();
    void SetBranchStemLength(int len);
    int GetBranchStemLength();
    void SetBranchSpacing(int len);
    int GetBranchSpacing();
    void SetBranchStyle(long style);
    long GetBranchStyle();
    int PhysicalToLogicalAttachment(int physicalAttachment);
    int LogicalToPhysicalAttachment(int logicalAttachment);
    bool Draggable();
    bool HasDescendant(wxPyShape *image);
    wxPyShape *CreateNewCopy(bool resetMapping = true, bool recompute = true);
    void Copy(wxPyShape& copy);
    void CopyWithHandler(wxPyShape& copy);
    void Rotate(double x, double y, double theta);
    double GetRotation();
    void SetRotation(double rotation);
    void ClearAttachments();
    void Recentre(wxDC& dc);
    void ClearPointList(wxList& list);
    wxPen GetBackgroundPen();
    wxBrush GetBackgroundBrush();

    void base_OnDelete();
    void base_OnDraw(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnDrawContents(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnDrawBranches(wxDC& dc, bool erase = false);
    void base_OnMoveLinks(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnErase(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnEraseContents(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnHighlight(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnLeftClick(double x, double y, int keys = 0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnLeftDoubleClick(double x, double y, int keys = 0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnRightClick(double x, double y, int keys = 0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnSize(double x, double y);
    bool base_OnMovePre(wxDC& dc, double x, double y, double old_x, double old_y, bool display = true);
    void base_OnMovePost(wxDC& dc, double x, double y, double old_x, double old_y, bool display = true);
    void base_OnDragLeft(bool draw, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnBeginDragLeft(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnEndDragLeft(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnDragRight(bool draw, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnBeginDragRight(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnEndDragRight(double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnDrawOutline(wxDC& dc, double x, double y, double w, double h);
    void base_OnDrawControlPoints(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnEraseControlPoints(wxDC& dc);
    void base_OnMoveLink(wxDC& dc, bool moveControlPoints = true);
    void base_OnSizingDragLeft(wxPyControlPoint* pt, bool draw, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnSizingBeginDragLeft(wxPyControlPoint* pt, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnSizingEndDragLeft(wxPyControlPoint* pt, double x, double y, int keys=0, int attachment = 0);
    void base_OnBeginSize(double w, double h);
    void base_OnEndSize(double w, double h);
//    void base_OnChangeAttachment(int attachment, wxPyLineShape* line, wxList& ordering);
