# ========================================================================= # This makefile was generated by # Bakefile 0.1.1 (http://bakefile.sourceforge.net) # Do not modify, all changes will be overwritten! # ========================================================================= !include <../../../build/msw/config.vc> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Do not modify the rest of this file! # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Variables: ### LIBDIRNAME = \ .\..\..\..\lib\vc_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG) OBJS = \ vc_$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)$(WXDLLFLAG)$(CFG) WIDGET_CXXFLAGS = $(CPPFLAGS) /M$(__RUNTIME_LIBS_7)$(__DEBUGRUNTIME_3) /DWIN32 \ $(__DEBUGINFO_0) /Fd$(OBJS)\widget.pdb $(____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p) \ $(__OPTIMIZEFLAG_4) /D__WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p) \ $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p) /I.\..\..\..\include /I$(LIBDIRNAME) \ /I.\..\..\..\src\tiff /I.\..\..\..\src\jpeg /I.\..\..\..\src\png \ /I.\..\..\..\src\zlib /I.\..\..\..\src\regex /I.\..\..\..\src\expat\lib /I. \ $(__DLLFLAG_p) /D_WINDOWS /I..\..\..\samples $(CXXFLAGS) WIDGET_OBJECTS = \ $(OBJS)\widget_widget.obj \ $(OBJS)\widget_widget.res ### Conditionally set variables: ### !if "$(USE_GUI)" == "0" PORTNAME = base !endif !if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" PORTNAME = msw !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" WXDEBUGFLAG = d !endif !if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" WXDEBUGFLAG = d !endif !if "$(SHARED)" == "1" WXDLLFLAG = dll !endif !if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" WXUNICODEFLAG = u !endif !if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" WXUNIVNAME = univ !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" __DEBUGINFO_0 = /Zi !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" __DEBUGINFO_0 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" __DEBUGINFO_0 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" __DEBUGINFO_0 = /Zi !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" __DEBUGINFO_1 = /DEBUG !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" __DEBUGINFO_1 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" __DEBUGINFO_1 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" __DEBUGINFO_1 = /DEBUG !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" __DEBUGINFO_3 = d !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" __DEBUGINFO_3 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" __DEBUGINFO_3 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" __DEBUGINFO_3 = d !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" __DEBUGRUNTIME_3 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" __DEBUGRUNTIME_3 = d !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" __DEBUGRUNTIME_3 = $(__DEBUGINFO_3) !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" __DEBUG_DEFINE_p = /D__WXDEBUG__ !endif !if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" __DEBUG_DEFINE_p = /D__WXDEBUG__ !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "default" __DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXDEBUG__ !endif !if "$(DEBUG_FLAG)" == "1" __DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXDEBUG__ !endif !if "$(SHARED)" == "1" __DLLFLAG_p = /DWXUSINGDLL !endif !if "$(SHARED)" == "1" __DLLFLAG_p_1 = /d WXUSINGDLL !endif !if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" __LIB_JPEG_p = wxjpeg$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib !endif !if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" __LIB_PNG_p = wxpng$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib !endif !if "$(USE_GUI)" == "1" __LIB_TIFF_p = wxtiff$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" __OPTIMIZEFLAG_4 = /Od !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "release" __OPTIMIZEFLAG_4 = /O2 !endif !if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "dynamic" __RUNTIME_LIBS_7 = D !endif !if "$(RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "static" __RUNTIME_LIBS_7 = T !endif !if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" __UNICODE_DEFINE_p = /DwxUSE_UNICODE=1 !endif !if "$(UNICODE)" == "1" __UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1 = /d wxUSE_UNICODE=1 !endif !if "$(MSLU)" == "1" __UNICOWS_LIB_p = unicows.lib !endif !if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" __WXLIB_BASE_p = wxbase25$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib !endif !if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" __WXLIB_CORE_p = \ wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)25$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)_core.lib !endif !if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "0" __WXLIB_HTML_p = \ wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)25$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG)_html.lib !endif !if "$(MONOLITHIC)" == "1" __WXLIB_MONO_p = \ wx$(PORTNAME)$(WXUNIVNAME)25$(WXUNICODEFLAG)$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib !endif !if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" __WXUNIV_DEFINE_p = /D__WXUNIVERSAL__ !endif !if "$(WXUNIV)" == "1" __WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1 = /d __WXUNIVERSAL__ !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" ____DEBUGINFO_2_p = /D_DEBUG !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" ____DEBUGINFO_2_p = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" ____DEBUGINFO_2_p = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" ____DEBUGINFO_2_p = /D_DEBUG !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "debug" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" ____DEBUGINFO_2_p_1 = /d _DEBUG !endif !if "$(BUILD)" == "release" && "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "default" ____DEBUGINFO_2_p_1 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "0" ____DEBUGINFO_2_p_1 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_INFO)" == "1" ____DEBUGINFO_2_p_1 = /d _DEBUG !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" ____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" ____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p = /D_DEBUG !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" ____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p = $(____DEBUGINFO_2_p) !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "0" ____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1 = !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "1" ____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1 = /d _DEBUG !endif !if "$(DEBUG_RUNTIME_LIBS)" == "default" ____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1 = $(____DEBUGINFO_2_p_1) !endif all: $(OBJS) $(OBJS): -if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) ### Targets: ### all: $(OBJS)\widget.exe data $(OBJS)\widget_widget.obj: .\widget.cpp $(CXX) /c /nologo /TP /Fo$@ $(WIDGET_CXXFLAGS) $** $(OBJS)\widget_widget.res: .\widget.rc rc /fo$@ /d WIN32 $(____DEBUGRUNTIME_2_p_1) /d __WXMSW__ $(__WXUNIV_DEFINE_p_1) $(__DEBUG_DEFINE_p_1) $(__UNICODE_DEFINE_p_1) /i .\..\..\..\include /i $(LIBDIRNAME) /i .\..\..\..\src\tiff /i .\..\..\..\src\jpeg /i .\..\..\..\src\png /i .\..\..\..\src\zlib /i .\..\..\..\src\regex /i .\..\..\..\src\expat\lib /i . $(__DLLFLAG_p_1) /d _WINDOWS /i ..\..\..\samples $** clean: -if exist $(OBJS)\*.obj del $(OBJS)\*.obj -if exist $(OBJS)\*.res del $(OBJS)\*.res -if exist $(OBJS)\widget.exe del $(OBJS)\widget.exe data: if not exist $(OBJS) mkdir $(OBJS) for %f in (start.htm) do if not exist $(OBJS)\%f copy .\%f $(OBJS) $(OBJS)\widget.exe: $(WIDGET_OBJECTS) $(OBJS)\widget_widget.res link /NOLOGO /OUT:$@ $(LDFLAGS) $(__DEBUGINFO_1) /LIBPATH:$(LIBDIRNAME) /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS @<< $(WIDGET_OBJECTS) $(__WXLIB_HTML_p) $(__WXLIB_CORE_p) $(__WXLIB_BASE_p) $(__WXLIB_MONO_p) $(__LIB_TIFF_p) $(__LIB_JPEG_p) $(__LIB_PNG_p) wxzlib$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxregex$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib wxexpat$(WXDEBUGFLAG).lib $(__UNICOWS_LIB_p) kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib comctl32.lib odbc32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib rpcrt4.lib advapi32.lib wsock32.lib <<