// Name:        _toolbar.i
// Purpose:     SWIG interface defs for wxStatusBar
// Author:      Robin Dunn
// Created:     24-Aug-1998
// RCS-ID:      $Id$
// Copyright:   (c) 2003 by Total Control Software
// Licence:     wxWindows license

// Not a %module




class wxToolBarBase;

enum wxToolBarToolStyle
    wxTOOL_STYLE_BUTTON    = 1,

enum {

// wxToolBarTool is a toolbar element.
// It has a unique id (except for the separators which always have id -1), the
// style (telling whether it is a normal button, separator or a control), the
// state (toggled or not, enabled or not) and short and long help strings. The
// default implementations use the short help string for the tooltip text which
// is popped up when the mouse pointer enters the tool and the long help string
// for the applications status bar.
class wxToolBarToolBase : public wxObject {
//      wxToolBarToolBase(wxToolBarBase *tbar = (wxToolBarBase *)NULL,
//                        int id = wxID_SEPARATOR,
//                        const wxString& label = wxPyEmptyString,
//                        const wxBitmap& bmpNormal = wxNullBitmap,
//                        const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled = wxNullBitmap,
//                        wxItemKind kind = wxITEM_NORMAL,
//                        wxObject *clientData = (wxObject *) NULL,
//                        const wxString& shortHelpString = wxPyEmptyString,
//                        const wxString& longHelpString = wxPyEmptyString)
//      ~wxToolBarToolBase();

    int GetId();
    wxControl *GetControl();
    wxToolBarBase *GetToolBar();
    int IsButton();
    int IsControl();
    int IsSeparator();
    int GetStyle();
    wxItemKind GetKind();
    bool IsEnabled();
    bool IsToggled();
    bool CanBeToggled();
    const wxBitmap& GetNormalBitmap();
    const wxBitmap& GetDisabledBitmap();
    wxBitmap GetBitmap();
    wxString GetLabel();
    wxString GetShortHelp();
    wxString GetLongHelp();
    bool Enable(bool enable);
    void Toggle();
    bool SetToggle(bool toggle);
    bool SetShortHelp(const wxString& help);
    bool SetLongHelp(const wxString& help);
    void SetNormalBitmap(const wxBitmap& bmp);
    void SetDisabledBitmap(const wxBitmap& bmp);
    void SetLabel(const wxString& label);
    void Detach();
    void Attach(wxToolBarBase *tbar);

    //wxObject *GetClientData();
    %extend {
        // convert the ClientData back to a PyObject
        PyObject* GetClientData() {
            wxPyUserData* udata = (wxPyUserData*)self->GetClientData();
            if (udata) {
                return udata->m_obj;
            } else {
                return Py_None;

        void SetClientData(PyObject* clientData) {
            self->SetClientData(new wxPyUserData(clientData));

    %pythoncode {
    GetBitmap1 = GetNormalBitmap
    GetBitmap2 = GetDisabledBitmap
    SetBitmap1 = SetNormalBitmap
    SetBitmap2 = SetDisabledBitmap
    %property(Bitmap, GetBitmap, doc="See `GetBitmap`");
    %property(ClientData, GetClientData, SetClientData, doc="See `GetClientData` and `SetClientData`");
    %property(Control, GetControl, doc="See `GetControl`");
    %property(DisabledBitmap, GetDisabledBitmap, SetDisabledBitmap, doc="See `GetDisabledBitmap` and `SetDisabledBitmap`");
    %property(Id, GetId, doc="See `GetId`");
    %property(Kind, GetKind, doc="See `GetKind`");
    %property(Label, GetLabel, SetLabel, doc="See `GetLabel` and `SetLabel`");
    %property(LongHelp, GetLongHelp, SetLongHelp, doc="See `GetLongHelp` and `SetLongHelp`");
    %property(NormalBitmap, GetNormalBitmap, SetNormalBitmap, doc="See `GetNormalBitmap` and `SetNormalBitmap`");
    %property(ShortHelp, GetShortHelp, SetShortHelp, doc="See `GetShortHelp` and `SetShortHelp`");
    %property(Style, GetStyle, doc="See `GetStyle`");
    %property(ToolBar, GetToolBar, doc="See `GetToolBar`");

class wxToolBarBase : public wxControl {

    // This is an Abstract Base Class

    %extend {

        // The full AddTool() function.  Call it DoAddTool in wxPython and
        // implement the other Add methods by calling it.
        // If bmpDisabled is wxNullBitmap, a shadowed version of the normal bitmap
        // is created and used as the disabled image.
        wxToolBarToolBase *DoAddTool(int id,
                                     const wxString& label,
                                     const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                     const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled = wxNullBitmap,
                                     wxItemKind kind = wxITEM_NORMAL,
                                     const wxString& shortHelp = wxPyEmptyString,
                                     const wxString& longHelp = wxPyEmptyString,
                                     PyObject *clientData = NULL)
            wxPyUserData* udata = NULL;
            if (clientData && clientData != Py_None)
                udata = new wxPyUserData(clientData);
            return self->AddTool(id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind,
                                 shortHelp, longHelp, udata);

        // Insert the new tool at the given position, if pos == GetToolsCount(), it
        // is equivalent to DoAddTool()
        wxToolBarToolBase *DoInsertTool(size_t pos,
                                      int id,
                                      const wxString& label,
                                      const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                      const wxBitmap& bmpDisabled = wxNullBitmap,
                                      wxItemKind kind = wxITEM_NORMAL,
                                      const wxString& shortHelp = wxPyEmptyString,
                                      const wxString& longHelp = wxPyEmptyString,
                                      PyObject *clientData = NULL)
            wxPyUserData* udata = NULL;
            if (clientData && clientData != Py_None)
                udata = new wxPyUserData(clientData);
            return self->InsertTool(pos, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind,
                                    shortHelp, longHelp, udata);


    %pythoncode {
    %# These match the original Add methods for this class, kept for
    %# backwards compatibility with versions < 2.3.3.

    def AddTool(self, id, bitmap,
                pushedBitmap = wx.NullBitmap,
                isToggle = 0,
                clientData = None,
                shortHelpString = '',
                longHelpString = '') :
        '''Old style method to add a tool to the toolbar.'''
        kind = wx.ITEM_NORMAL
        if isToggle: kind = wx.ITEM_CHECK
        return self.DoAddTool(id, '', bitmap, pushedBitmap, kind,
                              shortHelpString, longHelpString, clientData)

    def AddSimpleTool(self, id, bitmap,
                      shortHelpString = '',
                      longHelpString = '',
                      isToggle = 0):
        '''Old style method to add a tool to the toolbar.'''
        kind = wx.ITEM_NORMAL
        if isToggle: kind = wx.ITEM_CHECK
        return self.DoAddTool(id, '', bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, kind,
                              shortHelpString, longHelpString, None)

    def InsertTool(self, pos, id, bitmap,
                   pushedBitmap = wx.NullBitmap,
                   isToggle = 0,
                   clientData = None,
                   shortHelpString = '',
                   longHelpString = ''):
        '''Old style method to insert a tool in the toolbar.'''
        kind = wx.ITEM_NORMAL
        if isToggle: kind = wx.ITEM_CHECK
        return self.DoInsertTool(pos, id, '', bitmap, pushedBitmap, kind,
                                 shortHelpString, longHelpString, clientData)

    def InsertSimpleTool(self, pos, id, bitmap,
                         shortHelpString = '',
                         longHelpString = '',
                         isToggle = 0):
        '''Old style method to insert a tool in the toolbar.'''
        kind = wx.ITEM_NORMAL
        if isToggle: kind = wx.ITEM_CHECK
        return self.DoInsertTool(pos, id, '', bitmap, wx.NullBitmap, kind,
                                 shortHelpString, longHelpString, None)

    %# The following are the new toolbar Add methods starting with
    %# 2.3.3.  They are renamed to have 'Label' in the name so as to be
    %# able to keep backwards compatibility with using the above
    %# methods.  Eventually these should migrate to be the methods used
    %# primarily and lose the 'Label' in the name...

    def AddLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap,
                     bmpDisabled = wx.NullBitmap,
                     kind = wx.ITEM_NORMAL,
                     shortHelp = '', longHelp = '',
                     clientData = None):
        The full AddTool() function.

        If bmpDisabled is wx.NullBitmap, a shadowed version of the normal bitmap
        is created and used as the disabled image.
        return self.DoAddTool(id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind,
                              shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)

    def InsertLabelTool(self, pos, id, label, bitmap,
                        bmpDisabled = wx.NullBitmap,
                        kind = wx.ITEM_NORMAL,
                        shortHelp = '', longHelp = '',
                        clientData = None):
        Insert the new tool at the given position, if pos == GetToolsCount(), it
        is equivalent to AddTool()
        return self.DoInsertTool(pos, id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, kind,
                                 shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)

    def AddCheckLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap,
                        bmpDisabled = wx.NullBitmap,
                        shortHelp = '', longHelp = '',
                        clientData = None):
        '''Add a check tool, i.e. a tool which can be toggled'''
        return self.DoAddTool(id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, wx.ITEM_CHECK,
                              shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)

    def AddRadioLabelTool(self, id, label, bitmap,
                          bmpDisabled = wx.NullBitmap,
                          shortHelp = '', longHelp = '',
                          clientData = None):
        Add a radio tool, i.e. a tool which can be toggled and releases any
        other toggled radio tools in the same group when it happens
        return self.DoAddTool(id, label, bitmap, bmpDisabled, wx.ITEM_RADIO,
                              shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)

    %# For consistency with the backwards compatible methods above, here are
    %# some non-'Label' versions of the Check and Radio methods

    def AddCheckTool(self, id, bitmap,
                     bmpDisabled = wx.NullBitmap,
                     shortHelp = '', longHelp = '',
                     clientData = None):
        '''Add a check tool, i.e. a tool which can be toggled'''
        return self.DoAddTool(id, '', bitmap, bmpDisabled, wx.ITEM_CHECK,
                              shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)

    def AddRadioTool(self, id, bitmap,
                     bmpDisabled = wx.NullBitmap,
                     shortHelp = '', longHelp = '',
                     clientData = None):
        Add a radio tool, i.e. a tool which can be toggled and releases any
        other toggled radio tools in the same group when it happens
        return self.DoAddTool(id, '', bitmap, bmpDisabled, wx.ITEM_RADIO,
                              shortHelp, longHelp, clientData)

    %Rename(AddToolItem,  wxToolBarToolBase*, AddTool (wxToolBarToolBase *tool));
    %Rename(InsertToolItem,  wxToolBarToolBase*, InsertTool (size_t pos, wxToolBarToolBase *tool));

    wxToolBarToolBase *AddControl(wxControl *control);
    wxToolBarToolBase *InsertControl(size_t pos, wxControl *control);
    wxControl *FindControl( int id );

    wxToolBarToolBase *AddSeparator();
    wxToolBarToolBase *InsertSeparator(size_t pos);

    wxToolBarToolBase *RemoveTool(int id);

    bool DeleteToolByPos(size_t pos);
    bool DeleteTool(int id);
    void ClearTools();
    bool Realize();

    void EnableTool(int id, bool enable);
    void ToggleTool(int id, bool toggle);
    void SetToggle(int id, bool toggle);

    %extend {
        // convert the ClientData back to a PyObject
        PyObject* GetToolClientData(int id) {
            wxPyUserData* udata = (wxPyUserData*)self->GetToolClientData(id);
            if (udata) {
                return udata->m_obj;
            } else {
                return Py_None;

        void SetToolClientData(int id, PyObject* clientData) {
            self->SetToolClientData(id, new wxPyUserData(clientData));

    // returns tool pos, or wxNOT_FOUND if tool isn't found
    int GetToolPos(int id) const;

    bool GetToolState(int id);
    bool GetToolEnabled(int id);
    void SetToolShortHelp(int id, const wxString& helpString);
    wxString GetToolShortHelp(int id);
    void SetToolLongHelp(int id, const wxString& helpString);
    wxString GetToolLongHelp(int id);

    %Rename(SetMarginsXY,  void, SetMargins(int x, int y));
    void SetMargins(const wxSize& size);
    void SetToolPacking(int packing);
    void SetToolSeparation(int separation);
    wxSize GetToolMargins();
    wxSize GetMargins();
    int GetToolPacking();
    int GetToolSeparation();

    void SetRows(int nRows);
    void SetMaxRowsCols(int rows, int cols);
    int GetMaxRows();
    int GetMaxCols();

    void SetToolBitmapSize(const wxSize& size);
    wxSize GetToolBitmapSize();
    wxSize GetToolSize();

    // returns a (non separator) tool containing the point (x, y) or NULL if
    // there is no tool at this point (corrdinates are client)
    wxToolBarToolBase *FindToolForPosition(wxCoord x, wxCoord y);

    // find the tool by id
    wxToolBarToolBase *FindById(int toolid) const;

    // return True if this is a vertical toolbar, otherwise False
    bool IsVertical();

    size_t GetToolsCount() const;

    %property(Margins, GetMargins, SetMargins, doc="See `GetMargins` and `SetMargins`");
    %property(MaxCols, GetMaxCols, doc="See `GetMaxCols`");
    %property(MaxRows, GetMaxRows, doc="See `GetMaxRows`");
    %property(ToolBitmapSize, GetToolBitmapSize, SetToolBitmapSize, doc="See `GetToolBitmapSize` and `SetToolBitmapSize`");
    %property(ToolMargins, GetToolMargins, doc="See `GetToolMargins`");
    %property(ToolPacking, GetToolPacking, SetToolPacking, doc="See `GetToolPacking` and `SetToolPacking`");
    %property(ToolSeparation, GetToolSeparation, SetToolSeparation, doc="See `GetToolSeparation` and `SetToolSeparation`");
    %property(ToolSize, GetToolSize, doc="See `GetToolSize`");
    %property(ToolsCount, GetToolsCount, doc="See `GetToolsCount`");


class wxToolBar : public wxToolBarBase {
    %pythonAppend wxToolBar         "self._setOORInfo(self)"
    %pythonAppend wxToolBar()       ""
    %typemap(out) wxToolBar*;    // turn off this typemap
    wxToolBar(wxWindow *parent,
              wxWindowID id=-1,
              const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
              const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
              long style = wxNO_BORDER | wxTB_HORIZONTAL,
              const wxString& name = wxPyToolBarNameStr);
    %RenameCtor(PreToolBar, wxToolBar());

    // Turn it back on again
    %typemap(out) wxToolBar* { $result = wxPyMake_wxObject($1, $owner); }

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
              wxWindowID id=-1,
              const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
              const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
              long style = wxNO_BORDER | wxTB_HORIZONTAL,
              const wxString& name = wxPyToolBarNameStr);

    static wxVisualAttributes
    GetClassDefaultAttributes(wxWindowVariant variant = wxWINDOW_VARIANT_NORMAL);


#if 0
#include <wx/generic/buttonbar.h>

class  wxButtonToolBar : public wxToolBarBase
    %pythonAppend wxButtonToolBar         "self._setOORInfo(self)"
    %pythonAppend wxButtonToolBar()       ""

    wxButtonToolBar(wxWindow *parent,
                    wxWindowID id=-1,
                    const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
                    const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
                    long style = 0,
                    const wxString& name = wxPyToolBarNameStr);
    %RenameCtor(PreButtonToolBar, wxButtonToolBar());

    bool Create(wxWindow *parent,
              wxWindowID id=-1,
              const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
              const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
              long style = 0,
              const wxString& name = wxPyToolBarNameStr);
