Animation sample ================ Every now and then someone asks whether there are animation classes in wxWindows. I started these animation player classes nearly two years ago and never got round to finishing them. Now I've done some hacking on them and (after very limited testing) it seems to work on Windows for animated GIFs, both transparent and non-transparent. Basically the classes makes use of the existing GIF decoder in wxWindows to read an animated GIF into wxGIFAnimation, and then play that animation using wxAnimationPlayer. It's very much tied to the animated GIF format, so don't expect anything too generic. However, it would be quite possible to write code to convert an animated GIF into a PNG-based invented format, and then write a wxPNGAnimation handler. The next steps are: 1. Test on other platforms. 2. Write control classes to make it easy to embed animations in dialogs, etc. See my thoughts in animate.h. 3. Write documentation. *** IMPORTANT NOTE: to compile this, you must first edit the file: include/wx/gifdecod.h and change the keyword 'protected' to 'public', then recompile wxWindows. If you have downloaded the latest code from the CVS trunk, the problem has been corrected already. Julian Smart, 5th July 2001