# # File: makefile.b32 # Author: Julian Smart # Created: 1996 # Updated: # Copyright: (c) 1993, AIAI, University of Edinburgh # # "%W% %G%" # # Makefile : Builds OGL for BC++, 32-bit. !if "$(BCCDIR)" == "" !error You must define the BCCDIR variable in autoexec.bat, e.g. BCCDIR=d:\bc4 !endif !if "$(WXWIN)" == "" !error You must define the WXWIN variable in autoexec.bat, e.g. WXWIN=c:\wx !endif # Change WXDIR to wherever wxWindows is found WXDIR = $(WXWIN) !include $(WXDIR)\src\makeb32.env WXLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\wx32.lib WXINC = $(WXDIR)\include CFG=$(WXWIN)\src\wxwin32.cfg OGLDIR = $(WXDIR)\utils\ogl OGLLIB = $(WXDIR)\lib\ogl.lib DOCDIR = $(OGLDIR)\docs INC=/DPROLOGIO=1 # /I$(WXDIR)\include\base /I$(WXDIR)\include\msw LIBS=$(WXLIB) $(OGLLIB) mathwl cwl import mathwl !ifndef FINAL FINAL=0 !endif !if "$(FINAL)" == "0" LINKFLAGS=/v /Tpe /L$(WXLIBDIR);$(BCCDIR)\lib OPT = -Od DEBUG_FLAGS= -v -DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) !else LINKFLAGS=/Tpe /L$(WXLIBDIR);$(BCCDIR)\lib OPT = -O2 DEBUG_FLAGS = -DDEBUG=$(DEBUG) !endif CPPFLAGS=$(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPT) @$(CFG) CFLAGS=$(DEBUG_FLAGS) $(OPT) @$(CFG) OBJECTS = basic.obj basic2.obj canvas.obj ogldiag.obj lines.obj misc.obj divided.obj constrnt.obj\ composit.obj drawn.obj bitmap.obj mfutils.obj all: $(OGLLIB) .$(SRCSUFF).obj: bcc32 $(CPPFLAGS) $(INC) -c {$< } $(OGLLIB): $(OBJECTS) erase $(OGLLIB) tlib /P128 @&&! $(OGLLIB) & +$(OBJECTS:.obj =.obj +) ! # Making documents docs: hlp hlp: $(DOCDIR)/ogl.hlp hlp32: $(DOCDIR)/hlp32/ogl.hlp rtf: $(DOCDIR)/ogl.rtf $(DOCDIR)/ogl.hlp: $(DOCDIR)/ogl.rtf $(DOCDIR)/ogl.hpj cd $(DOCDIR) -erase ogl.ph hc ogl cd $(THISDIR) $(DOCDIR)/hlp32/ogl.hlp: $(DOCDIR)/hlp32/ogl.rtf $(DOCDIR)/hlp32/ogl.hpj cd $(DOCDIR)/hlp32 -erase ogl.ph start /w hcw /c /e ogl.hpj cd $(THISDIR) $(DOCDIR)/ogl.rtf: $(DOCDIR)/classes.tex $(DOCDIR)/intro.tex $(DOCDIR)/ogl.tex cd $(DOCDIR) start /w tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)/ogl.tex $(DOCDIR)/ogl.rtf -twice -winhelp cd $(THISDIR) $(DOCDIR)/hlp32/ogl.rtf: $(DOCDIR)/classes.tex $(DOCDIR)/intro.tex $(DOCDIR)/ogl.tex cd $(DOCDIR) start /w tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)/ogl.tex $(DOCDIR)/hlp32/ogl.rtf -twice -winhelp -macros $(DOCDIR)/t2rtf32.ini cd $(THISDIR) wordrtf: cd $(DOCDIR) -wx /W tex2rtf $(DOCDIR)/ogl.tex $(DOCDIR)/ogl.rtf -twice -rtf cd $(THISDIR) clean: -erase *.obj -erase *.exe -erase *.res -erase ..\lib\*.lib $(OGLLIB)