Announcing wxWindows 2.3.4: a cross-platform GUI toolkit ---------------------------------------------------------------- September 16th, 2002 -- the wxWindows team is pleased to announce the release of a development snapshot of the mature cross-platform C++ application framework. The following platforms are supported: - Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP - Unix with GTK+ 1.x and 2.0 - Unix with X11 - Unix with Motif/Lesstif - VMS with GTK+ 1.x - MacOS 8.6, 9.x and 10.x - OS/2 (alpha) To get wxWindows, go to the Download page at: This is likely to be the last development snapshot in the 2.3.x series, before the release of the stable 2.4.x series. *** About wxWindows wxWindows is a comprehensive open-source, multi-platform C++ GUI framework, that can be used to build commercial and free software. It's used by many organisations all over the world, including the company that invented the GUI. For most ports, wxWindows adopts the native look and feel of each platform since it uses the native widget sets. There is also a generic widget set, used for the wxX11 port - no other widget set is required, giving the potential for embedded use. An extraordinary range of classes is provided - but don't be put off by this because most people find wxWindows easier to learn and use than MFC and other frameworks. As well as comprehensive support for the usual widgets, advanced features include: HTML viewing/printing, wxImage class providing handlers for eading and writing many image types, resizeable panels and dialogs on all platforms, document/view, OpenGL support, HTML-based and context-sensitive help, wizards, drag and drop, a grid class, ODBC support, threads, sockets, container classes, and much more. An 1800-page reference manual is provided in HTML, MS HTML Help, WinHelp, wxWindows Help and PDF, and there are over 70 samples and demos. If you're an MFC user, you'll find many wxWindows concepts reassuringly familiar, while often clearer and more consistent. If you're not, you should still find it intuitive from the start. wxWindows bindings for several other languages are available, including Python, Perl, Basic, Lua, JavaScript and Eiffel. If you're considering wxWindows, do check out some of these links: ; Comments from users ; Screenshots ; A list of some of our ; users Have fun! Julian Smart and the wxWindows team ===== A small selection of the comments from the Feedback page: "wxWindows 2.xx has been an absolute dream; putting together a nice interface has been quite easy, and I'm especially pleased that I can do most of our development on *nix with confidence that only minor issues will have to get cleaned up when we build on Windows." "I use wxWindows as a GUI Toolkit for Python. Its stability, flexibility and speed are the base of industrial strength cross-platform GUI application design with interpreted languages like Python. Porting is child's play. Thanks for this great piece of software!" "Excellent, stable and intuitive API. Very straightforward to learn and easy to port Java, X11 and Win32 code to." "Thanks heaps for the best piece of software I've ever come across (wxWindows)." "I chose wxWindows for a very much Windows-only application because of the simplicity of the API compared to MFC and Win32 GDI programming. Aside from some minor mistakes in the manual which confused me for a while, wxWin has been really easy to use and increased my productivity immensely compared to using another framework." "wxWindows is a great product. One of its best features, IMHO, are all the language bindings. It's very easy to prototype your app in wxPython, then convert to a C/C++ app later." "Porting to wxWindows is easy - I recently ported an MFC project at work to wxGTK on Solaris, and changing all the MFC calls to wxWindows calls only took a couple of hours for a 2 man-month project... I've never had an easier porting experience. wxWindows was intentially built to work like MFC to make it easy to port, and they most certainly succeeded, with the notable exception of OLE support. I ported a several man month project in a day or two, and none of it was hard or confusing, it just amounted to looking up the equivalent functions in the help. I could do the conversion much faster now because I wouldn't have to keep glancing at the web page." "I'd like to take the opportunity and say a big thank you to all the wxWin developers and contributors. wxWindows is the best piece of software I have been using so far, and I can't believe that I haven't discovered it earlier. I never thought that cross-platform development could be so easy and simply cool. Great stuff :)" "Just wanted to commend you on wxWindows. As I'm reading the code samples (the checklistbox right now), I'm realizing that this is so intuitive and so Java-like in some parts of it, especially with the way the layout works... Very good work and thank you." "I have used wxWindows in the past very successfully on multiple projects, and think it's the bee's knees. Thanks for everything!" "Well, I'm using wxWindows since 2 days and I'm already in love with it :) The sizers saved me from writing a complete layout solution myself. Great work! You guys rock!" "wxWindows is jaw dropping amazing. Community support from the mailing list is extraordinary. Are you sure this is free?" "I love wxWindows. I can program 10 times faster than with MFC, and almost everything works the first time. And unlike MFC, there are (useful) examples and documentation. Thanks to you guys who did all the work to develop this framework. Big kudos." "ImageLinks now uses the Open Source version of wxWindows for all its current GUI development. Doing this ensures that everything interfaces cleanly and also makes it easier in the long run to add other GUIs along the way because ImageLinks has access to all the source code."