                                I   M   L   I   B

This software is Copyright (C) 1998 By The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler). I
accept no responsability for anythign this software may or may not do to
your system - you use it completely at your own risk. This software comes
under the LGPL and GPL licences. The library itself is LGPL (all software in
Imlib and gdk_imlib directories) see the COPYING and COPYING.LIB files for
full legal details.


If you have picked up a net release of imlib you should be able to
just follow the instructions in the INSTALL file.

If you are using imlib out of the CVS repository, then you need to
have some extra tools installed, and the configuration process is
lengthier.  the HACKING file has all the details for building from a
CVS checkout.

Imlib will run MARKEDLY better if you get certain libraries. Notably,
libjpeg, libpng, libtiff and libgif. For more information please go look at:


This will give links to everything you need or may want for Imlib's optimal