1.0 dialogblocks Project File 0 84 TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE Projects 11951464 root-document project 1 0 0 Dialogs 11896088 html-document dialogsfolder 1 11951464 1 Configuration Items Selector 12032512 dialog-document dialog 0 11896088 0 5/5/2003 wbDialogProxy 10000 ID_DIALOG 10000 ctConfigItemsSelector wxDialog configitemselector.cpp configitemselector.cpp Configuration Items Selector TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 12025320 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12032512 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 12019224 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12025320 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 11923216 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12019224 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Please edit the list of configuration items by selecting from the list below. FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxStaticText 12190256 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12019224 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText &Available items: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxListBox 17232752 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12019224 0 wbListBoxProxy ID_AVAILABLE_CONFIG_ITEMS 10002 wxListBox FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 150 Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 12462728 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12019224 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText &List of configuration items: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxBoxSizer H 12615304 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12019224 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxListBox 12079704 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12615304 0 wbListBoxProxy ID_CONFIG_ITEMS 10005 wxListBox FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 100 Centre Expand 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 12152016 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12615304 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16977320 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12152016 0 wbButtonProxy ID_CONFIG_ADD 10006 wxButton TRUE TRUE A&dd FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 12016592 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12152016 0 wbButtonProxy ID_CONFIG_REMOVE 10007 wxButton TRUE TRUE &Remove FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 12566552 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12019224 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Spacer 16346128 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12566552 0 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Centre Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 17062792 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12566552 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton TRUE FALSE &OK TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 17213304 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12566552 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton FALSE FALSE &Cancel FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE Edit Custom Property 17136512 dialog-document dialog 0 11896088 0 9/5/2003 wbDialogProxy 10000 ID_CUSTOMPROPERTYDIALOG 10000 ctCustomPropertyDialog wxDialog custompropertydialog.cpp custompropertydialog.cpp Edit Custom Property TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 12124208 dialog-control-document sizer 0 17136512 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 12443504 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12124208 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 17158656 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12443504 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText &Enter name, type and description for your custom property. FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxStaticText 12576400 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12443504 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText &Name: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxTextCtrl 12507072 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12443504 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_CUSTOMPROPERTYNAME 10003 wxTextCtrl FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 12170800 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12443504 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 12524008 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12170800 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Expand 1 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 12479952 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12524008 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText &Data type: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxChoice 12279720 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12524008 0 wbChoiceProxy ID_CUSTOMPROPERTYTYPE 10002 wxChoice FALSE FALSE string|bool|double|long string FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 12289128 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12170800 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 12293896 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12289128 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 10007 wxStaticText &Editor type: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxChoice 16086624 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12289128 0 wbChoiceProxy ID_CUSTOMPROPERTYEDITORTYPE 10008 wxChoice FALSE FALSE string|choice|bool|float|integer|configitems string FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer H 16096824 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12443504 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy Choices Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxListBox 16101544 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16096824 0 wbListBoxProxy ID_PROPERTY_CHOICES 10001 wxListBox FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 16115832 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16096824 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 0 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16121088 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16115832 0 wbButtonProxy ID_PROPERTY_CHOICE_ADD 10005 wxButton TRUE TRUE &Add... FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16136440 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16115832 0 wbButtonProxy ID_PROPERTY_CHOICE_REMOVE 10006 wxButton TRUE TRUE &Remove FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 16147664 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12443504 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText &Description: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxTextCtrl 16158632 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12443504 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_CUSTOMPROPERTYDESCRIPTION 10004 wxTextCtrl FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 16175024 dialog-control-document sizer 0 12443504 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE Spacer 16179192 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16175024 0 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Centre Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16184072 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16175024 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton FALSE FALSE &OK FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16195176 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16175024 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton FALSE FALSE &Cancel FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16210496 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16175024 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_HELP 5009 wxButton FALSE FALSE &Help FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE Settings Dialog 16221720 dialog-document dialog 0 11896088 0 9/5/2003 wbDialogProxy 10000 ID_SETTINGS_DIALOG 10000 ctSettingsDialog wxDialog settingsdialog.cpp settingsdialog.cpp Settings Dialog TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 16229808 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16221720 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical FALSE FALSE wxNotebook 16234792 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16229808 0 wbNotebookProxy ID_NOTEBOOK 10001 wxNotebook FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 200 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxPanel 16251520 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16234792 0 wbPanelProxy ID_GENERAL_SETTINGS_DIALOG 10005 ctGeneralSettingsDialog General FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE -1 -1 100 80 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 16264024 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16251520 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 16269760 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16264024 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy General settings Vertical Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxCheckBox 16276856 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16269760 0 wbCheckBoxProxy ID_LOAD_LAST_DOCUMENT 10006 wxCheckBox FALSE FALSE &Load last document FALSE Check to load the last document on startup FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxCheckBox 16291264 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16269760 0 wbCheckBoxProxy ID_SHOW_TOOLTIPS 10007 wxCheckBox FALSE FALSE &Show tooltips FALSE Check to show tooltips FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 16301768 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16269760 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText &Default file kind to save when using the Go command: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE wxChoice 16313632 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16269760 0 wbChoiceProxy ID_DEFAULT_FILE_KIND 10003 wxChoice FALSE FALSE Setup file|Configure script Setup file Select the default kind of file to save using Go FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxPanel 16251096 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16234792 0 wbPanelProxy ID_LOCATION_SETTINGS_DIALOG 10008 ctLocationSettingsDialog Locations FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE -1 -1 100 80 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 16333208 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16251096 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticBoxSizer V 16337568 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16333208 0 wbStaticBoxSizerProxy Locations Vertical Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 16349088 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16337568 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText &wxWindows hierarchy: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE wxBoxSizer H 16360624 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16337568 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTextCtrl 16366808 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16360624 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_WXWIN_HIERARCHY 10010 wxTextCtrl FALSE TRUE Enter the root path of the wxWindows hierarchy FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 200 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16392264 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16360624 0 wbButtonProxy ID_CHOOSE_WXWIN_HIERARCHY 10011 wxButton TRUE TRUE &Choose... FALSE Click to choose the root path of the wxWindows hierarchy FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 16561976 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16337568 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE Spacer 16566032 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16561976 0 wbSpacerProxy 60 5 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxCheckBox 16570576 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16561976 0 wbCheckBoxProxy ID_USE_WXWIN 10012 wxCheckBox FALSE FALSE &Use WXWIN environment variable FALSE Check to use the value of WXWIN instead FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer H 12479616 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16229808 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Horizontal Expand Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE Spacer 16581360 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12479616 0 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Centre Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16585576 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12479616 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_OK 5100 wxButton TRUE FALSE &OK TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16595504 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12479616 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_CANCEL 5101 wxButton TRUE FALSE &Cancel FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16605712 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12479616 0 wbButtonProxy wxID_HELP 5009 wxButton TRUE FALSE &Help FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxContextHelpButton 16616304 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12479616 0 wbContextHelpButtonProxy wxID_CONTEXT_HELP FALSE 5112 wxContextHelpButton FALSE FALSE __WXGTK__,__WXMAC__ FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 20 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE Configuration Browser 17171592 dialog-document dialog 0 11896088 0 1/7/2003 wbDialogProxy 2000 ID_DIALOG 2000 ctConfigurationBrowserWindow wxPanel configbrowser.cpp configbrowser.h Configuration Browser FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE 400 300 wxBoxSizer V 12543800 dialog-control-document sizer 0 17171592 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical wxSplitterWindow 12560080 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12543800 0 wbSplitterWindowProxy ID_CONFIGBROWSER_SPLITTERWINDOW 2001 wxSplitterWindow FALSE FALSE Vertical 200 FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE -1 -1 400 400 Expand Centre 1 5 FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE wxTreeCtrl 17075704 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12560080 0 wbTreeCtrlProxy ID_CONFIGURATION_BROWSER_TREECTRL 2002 wxTreeCtrl TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 100 100 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxPanel 16978072 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 12560080 0 wbPanelProxy ID_PANEL 2003 ctConfigurationBrowserControlPanel FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE -1 -1 100 80 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxBoxSizer V 16934456 dialog-control-document sizer 0 16978072 0 wbBoxSizerProxy Vertical Centre Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 16981344 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16934456 0 wbStaticTextProxy wxID_STATIC 5105 wxStaticText Browse, add and remove configurations FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE Spacer 12421336 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16934456 0 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16641440 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16934456 0 wbButtonProxy ID_ADD_CONFIGURATION 2004 wxButton TRUE TRUE &Add... FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 16934624 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16934456 0 wbButtonProxy ID_REMOVE_CONFIGURATION 2005 wxButton TRUE TRUE &Remove... FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxButton 12173064 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16934456 0 wbButtonProxy ID_RENAME_CONFIGURATION 2006 wxButton TRUE TRUE &Rename... FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE Spacer 16748024 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16934456 0 wbSpacerProxy 5 5 Centre Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE wxStaticText 16545936 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16934456 0 wbStaticTextProxy ID_CONFIGURATION_NAME 2007 wxStaticText Configuration: FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Left Centre 0 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE wxTextCtrl 16673488 dialog-control-document dialogcontrol 0 16934456 0 wbTextCtrlProxy ID_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTION 2008 wxTextCtrl FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE -1 -1 -1 -1 Expand Centre 1 5 TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE Images 12033152 html-document bitmapsfolder 1 11951464 1