wxPython README

Welcome to the wonderful world of wxPython!

Once you have installed the wxPython extension module, you can try it
out by going to the [install dir]\wxPython\demo directory and typing:

    python demo.py

There are also some other sample files there for you to play with and
learn from.

If you selected to install the documentation then point your browser
to [install dir]\wxPython\docs\index.htm and you will then be looking
at the docs for wxWindows.  For the most part you can use the C++ docs
as most classes and methods are used identically.  Where there are
differences they are documented with a "wxPython Note."

On Win32 systems the binary self-installer creates a program group on
the Start Menu that contains a link to running the demo and a link to
the help file.  To help you save disk space I'm now using Microsoft's
HTML Help format.  If your system doesn't know what to do with the help
file, you can install the HTML Help Viewer as part of IE 4+, NT
Service Pack 4+, or the HTML Workshop at


For some features, the latest common controls library from microsoft
is required.  You can get this by installing IE 5.0 or Office 2000.
You can also get it independently from here:


Windows 95 users may also need the WinSock 2.0 and OpenGL libraries.
These can be found at these sites:



Getting Help

Since wxPython is a blending of multiple technologies, help comes from
multiple sources.  See the http://wxPython.org/ for details on various
sources of help, but probably the best source is the wxPython-users
mail list.  You can view the archive or subscribe by going to


Or you can send mail directly to the list using this address:


Other Info

Please also see the following files in this directory:

       CHANGES.txt     Information about new features, fixes, etc. in
                       each release.

       BUILD.unix.txt  Instructions for building wxPython on various
		       Unix-like platforms.

       BUILD.win32.txt Instructions for building wxPython on Windows.

       BUILD.osx.txt   Instructions for building wxPython on Mac OS X.

       licence/*       Text of the wxWindows license.

Robin Dunn