// Name:        _filesys.i
// Purpose:     SWIG definitions of the wxFileSystem family of classes
// Author:      Robin Dunn
// Created:     25-Sept-2000
// RCS-ID:      $Id$
// Copyright:   (c) 2003 by Total Control Software
// Licence:     wxWindows license

// Not a %module


#include "wx/wxPython/pyistream.h"


class wxFSFile : public wxObject
    %pythonAppend wxFSFile
        "self.thisown = 0   # It will normally be deleted by the user of the wx.FileSystem";

    wxFSFile(wxInputStream *stream, const wxString& loc,
             const wxString& mimetype, const wxString& anchor,
             wxDateTime modif);

    wxInputStream *GetStream();
    const wxString& GetMimeType();
    const wxString& GetLocation();
    const wxString& GetAnchor();
    wxDateTime GetModificationTime();


class wxPyFileSystemHandler : public wxFileSystemHandler
    wxPyFileSystemHandler() : wxFileSystemHandler() {}


    wxString GetProtocol(const wxString& location) {
        return wxFileSystemHandler::GetProtocol(location);

    wxString GetLeftLocation(const wxString& location) {
        return wxFileSystemHandler::GetLeftLocation(location);

    wxString GetAnchor(const wxString& location) {
        return wxFileSystemHandler::GetAnchor(location);

    wxString GetRightLocation(const wxString& location) {
        return wxFileSystemHandler::GetRightLocation(location);

    wxString GetMimeTypeFromExt(const wxString& location) {
        return wxFileSystemHandler::GetMimeTypeFromExt(location);


IMP_PYCALLBACK_BOOL_STRING_pure(wxPyFileSystemHandler, wxFileSystemHandler, CanOpen);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_FSF_FSSTRING_pure(wxPyFileSystemHandler, wxFileSystemHandler, OpenFile);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_STRING_STRINGINT_pure(wxPyFileSystemHandler, wxFileSystemHandler, FindFirst);
IMP_PYCALLBACK_STRING__pure(wxPyFileSystemHandler, wxFileSystemHandler, FindNext);

%rename(CPPFileSystemHandler) wxFileSystemHandler;
class wxFileSystemHandler //: public wxObject

%rename(FileSystemHandler) wxPyFileSystemHandler;
class wxPyFileSystemHandler : public wxFileSystemHandler
    %pythonAppend    wxPyFileSystemHandler "self._setCallbackInfo(self, FileSystemHandler)";

    void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class);

    bool CanOpen(const wxString& location);
    %newobject OpenFile;
    wxFSFile* OpenFile(wxFileSystem& fs, const wxString& location);
    wxString FindFirst(const wxString& spec, int flags = 0);
    wxString FindNext();

    wxString GetProtocol(const wxString& location);
    wxString GetLeftLocation(const wxString& location);
    wxString GetAnchor(const wxString& location);
    wxString GetRightLocation(const wxString& location);
    wxString GetMimeTypeFromExt(const wxString& location);

// //---------------------------------------------------------------------------

class wxFileSystem : public wxObject {

    void ChangePathTo(const wxString& location, bool is_dir = false);
    wxString GetPath();

    %newobject OpenFile;
    wxFSFile* OpenFile(const wxString& location);

    wxString FindFirst(const wxString& spec, int flags = 0);
    wxString FindNext();

    static void AddHandler(wxFileSystemHandler *handler);
    static void CleanUpHandlers();

    // Returns the file URL for a native path
    static wxString FileNameToURL(const wxString& filename);

    // Returns the native path for a file URL
    //static wxFileName URLToFileName(const wxString& url);
    %extend {
        static wxString URLToFileName(const wxString& url) {
            wxFileName fname = wxFileSystem::URLToFileName(url);
            return fname.GetFullPath();


class wxInternetFSHandler : public wxFileSystemHandler {
    bool CanOpen(const wxString& location);
    %newobject OpenFile;
    wxFSFile* OpenFile(wxFileSystem& fs, const wxString& location);


class wxZipFSHandler : public wxFileSystemHandler {

    bool CanOpen(const wxString& location);
    %newobject OpenFile;
    wxFSFile* OpenFile(wxFileSystem& fs, const wxString& location);
    wxString FindFirst(const wxString& spec, int flags = 0);
    wxString FindNext();


// TODO: Use SWIG's overloading feature to fix this mess?

// getting the overloaded static AddFile method right
%inline %{
    void __wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_wxImage(const wxString& filename,
                                             wxImage& image,
                                             long type) {
        wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(filename, image, type);

    void __wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_wxBitmap(const wxString& filename,
                                              const wxBitmap& bitmap,
                                              long type) {
        wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(filename, bitmap, type);

    void __wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_Data(const wxString& filename,
                                          PyObject* data) {
        if (! PyString_Check(data)) {
                                              "Expected string object"));

        wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
        void*  ptr = (void*)PyString_AsString(data);
        size_t size = PyString_Size(data);

        wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(filename, ptr, size);

// case switch for overloading
%pythoncode {
def MemoryFSHandler_AddFile(filename, dataItem, imgType=-1):
    Add 'file' to the memory filesystem.  The dataItem parameter can
    either be a `wx.Bitmap`, `wx.Image` or a string that can contain
    arbitrary data.  If a bitmap or image is used then the imgType
    parameter should specify what kind of image file it should be
    written as, wx.BITMAP_TYPE_PNG, etc.
    if isinstance(dataItem, wx.Image):
        __wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_wxImage(filename, dataItem, imgType)
    elif isinstance(dataItem, wx.Bitmap):
        __wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_wxBitmap(filename, dataItem, imgType)
    elif type(dataItem) == str:
        __wxMemoryFSHandler_AddFile_Data(filename, dataItem)
        raise TypeError, 'wx.Image, wx.Bitmap or string expected'

class wxMemoryFSHandler : public wxFileSystemHandler {

    // Remove file from memory FS and free occupied memory
    static void RemoveFile(const wxString& filename);

    // Add a file to the memory FS
    %pythoncode { AddFile = staticmethod(MemoryFSHandler_AddFile) }
    bool CanOpen(const wxString& location);
    %newobject OpenFile;
    wxFSFile* OpenFile(wxFileSystem& fs, const wxString& location);
    wxString FindFirst(const wxString& spec, int flags = 0);
    virtual wxString FindNext();

%init %{
    wxPyPtrTypeMap_Add("wxFileSystemHandler", "wxPyFileSystemHandler");