///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: _log.i // Purpose: SWIG interface stuff for wxLog // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 18-June-1999 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 2003 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Not a %module //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %newgroup typedef unsigned long wxTraceMask; typedef unsigned long wxLogLevel; enum { wxLOG_FatalError, // program can't continue, abort immediately wxLOG_Error, // a serious error, user must be informed about it wxLOG_Warning, // user is normally informed about it but may be ignored wxLOG_Message, // normal message (i.e. normal output of a non GUI app) wxLOG_Status, // informational: might go to the status line of GUI app wxLOG_Info, // informational message (a.k.a. 'Verbose') wxLOG_Debug, // never shown to the user, disabled in release mode wxLOG_Trace, // trace messages are also only enabled in debug mode wxLOG_Progress, // used for progress indicator (not yet) wxLOG_User = 100, // user defined levels start here wxLOG_Max = 10000 }; #define wxTRACE_MemAlloc "memalloc" // trace memory allocation (new/delete) #define wxTRACE_Messages "messages" // trace window messages/X callbacks #define wxTRACE_ResAlloc "resalloc" // trace GDI resource allocation #define wxTRACE_RefCount "refcount" // trace various ref counting operations #define wxTRACE_OleCalls "ole" // OLE interface calls #define wxTraceMemAlloc 0x0001 // trace memory allocation (new/delete) #define wxTraceMessages 0x0002 // trace window messages/X callbacks #define wxTraceResAlloc 0x0004 // trace GDI resource allocation #define wxTraceRefCount 0x0008 // trace various ref counting operations #define wxTraceOleCalls 0x0100 // OLE interface calls //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxLog { public: wxLog(); // these functions allow to completely disable all log messages // is logging disabled now? static bool IsEnabled(); // change the flag state, return the previous one static bool EnableLogging(bool doIt = True); // static sink function static void OnLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t); // message buffering // flush shows all messages if they're not logged immediately (FILE // and iostream logs don't need it, but wxGuiLog does to avoid showing // 17 modal dialogs one after another) virtual void Flush(); // flush the active target if any static void FlushActive(); // only one sink is active at each moment // get current log target, will call wxApp::CreateLogTarget() to // create one if none exists static wxLog *GetActiveTarget(); // change log target, pLogger may be NULL static wxLog *SetActiveTarget(wxLog *pLogger); // suspend the message flushing of the main target until the next call // to Resume() - this is mainly for internal use (to prevent wxYield() // from flashing the messages) static void Suspend(); // must be called for each Suspend()! static void Resume(); // verbose mode is activated by standard command-line '-verbose' // option static void SetVerbose(bool bVerbose = True); // Set log level. Log messages with level > logLevel will not be logged. static void SetLogLevel(wxLogLevel logLevel); // should GetActiveTarget() try to create a new log object if the // current is NULL? static void DontCreateOnDemand(); // trace mask (see wxTraceXXX constants for details) static void SetTraceMask(wxTraceMask ulMask); // add string trace mask static void AddTraceMask(const wxString& str); // remove string trace mask static void RemoveTraceMask(const wxString& str); // remove all string trace masks static void ClearTraceMasks(); // get string trace masks static const wxArrayString &GetTraceMasks(); // sets the timestamp string: this is used as strftime() format string // for the log targets which add time stamps to the messages - set it // to NULL to disable time stamping completely. static void SetTimestamp(const wxChar *ts); // gets the verbose status static bool GetVerbose(); // get trace mask static wxTraceMask GetTraceMask(); // is this trace mask in the list? static bool IsAllowedTraceMask(const wxChar *mask); // return the current loglevel limit static wxLogLevel GetLogLevel(); // get the current timestamp format string (may be NULL) static const wxChar *GetTimestamp(); %extend { static wxString TimeStamp() { wxString msg; wxLog::TimeStamp(&msg); return msg; } } %extend { void Destroy() { delete self; } } }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- class wxLogStderr : public wxLog { public: wxLogStderr(/* TODO: FILE *fp = (FILE *) NULL*/); }; class wxLogTextCtrl : public wxLog { public: wxLogTextCtrl(wxTextCtrl *pTextCtrl); }; class wxLogGui : public wxLog { public: wxLogGui(); }; class wxLogWindow : public wxLog { public: wxLogWindow(wxFrame *pParent, // the parent frame (can be NULL) const wxString& szTitle, // the title of the frame bool bShow = True, // show window immediately? bool bPassToOld = True); // pass log messages to the old target? void Show(bool bShow = True); wxFrame *GetFrame() const; wxLog *GetOldLog() const; bool IsPassingMessages() const; void PassMessages(bool bDoPass); }; class wxLogChain : public wxLog { public: wxLogChain(wxLog *logger); void SetLog(wxLog *logger); void PassMessages(bool bDoPass); bool IsPassingMessages(); wxLog *GetOldLog(); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned long wxSysErrorCode(); const wxString wxSysErrorMsg(unsigned long nErrCode = 0); void wxLogFatalError(const wxString& msg); void wxLogError(const wxString& msg); void wxLogWarning(const wxString& msg); void wxLogMessage(const wxString& msg); void wxLogInfo(const wxString& msg); void wxLogDebug(const wxString& msg); void wxLogVerbose(const wxString& msg); void wxLogStatus(const wxString& msg); %name(LogStatusFrame)void wxLogStatus(wxFrame *pFrame, const wxString& msg); void wxLogSysError(const wxString& msg); %nokwargs wxLogTrace; void wxLogTrace(unsigned long mask, const wxString& msg); void wxLogTrace(const wxString& mask, const wxString& msg); void wxLogGeneric(unsigned long level, const wxString& msg); // wxLogFatalError helper: show the (fatal) error to the user in a safe way, // i.e. without using wxMessageBox() for example because it could crash void wxSafeShowMessage(const wxString& title, const wxString& text); // Suspress logging while an instance of this class exists class wxLogNull { public: wxLogNull(); ~wxLogNull(); }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ // A wxLog class that can be derived from in wxPython class wxPyLog : public wxLog { public: wxPyLog() : wxLog() {} virtual void DoLog(wxLogLevel level, const wxChar *szString, time_t t) { bool found; wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); if ((found = wxPyCBH_findCallback(m_myInst, "DoLog"))) { PyObject* s = wx2PyString(szString); wxPyCBH_callCallback(m_myInst, Py_BuildValue("(iOi)", level, s, t)); Py_DECREF(s); } wxPyEndBlockThreads(); if (! found) wxLog::DoLog(level, szString, t); } virtual void DoLogString(const wxChar *szString, time_t t) { bool found; wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); if ((found = wxPyCBH_findCallback(m_myInst, "DoLogString"))) { PyObject* s = wx2PyString(szString); wxPyCBH_callCallback(m_myInst, Py_BuildValue("(Oi)", s, t)); Py_DECREF(s); } wxPyEndBlockThreads(); if (! found) wxLog::DoLogString(szString, t); } PYPRIVATE; }; %} // Now tell SWIG about it class wxPyLog : public wxLog { public: %pythonAppend wxPyLog "self._setCallbackInfo(self, PyLog)" wxPyLog(); void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------