///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: _display.i // Purpose: SWIG interface for wxVideoMode and wxDisplay // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 9-Mar-2004 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 2004 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Not a %module //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ #include #include %} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %newgroup DocStr(wxVideoMode, "A simple struct containing video mode parameters for a display", ""); struct wxVideoMode { wxVideoMode(int width = 0, int height = 0, int depth = 0, int freq = 0); ~wxVideoMode(); DocDeclStr( bool , Matches(const wxVideoMode& other) const, "Returns True if this mode matches the other one in the sense that all non-zero fields of the other mode have the same value in this one (except for refresh which is allowed to have a greater value)", ""); DocDeclStr( int , GetWidth() const, "Returns the screen width in pixels (e.g. 640*480), 0 means unspecified", ""); DocDeclStr( int , GetHeight() const, "Returns the screen height in pixels (e.g. 640*480), 0 means unspecified", ""); DocDeclStr( int , GetDepth() const, "Returns the screen's bits per pixel (e.g. 32), 1 is monochrome and 0 means unspecified/known", ""); DocDeclStr( bool , IsOk() const, "returns true if the object has been initialized", ""); %pythoncode { def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk() } %extend { bool __eq__(const wxVideoMode* other) { return other ? (*self == *other) : false; } bool __ne__(const wxVideoMode* other) { return other ? (*self != *other) : true; } } // the screen size in pixels (e.g. 640*480), 0 means unspecified int w, h; // bits per pixel (e.g. 32), 1 is monochrome and 0 means unspecified/known int bpp; // refresh frequency in Hz, 0 means unspecified/unknown int refresh; %property(Depth, GetDepth, doc="See `GetDepth`"); %property(Height, GetHeight, doc="See `GetHeight`"); %property(Width, GetWidth, doc="See `GetWidth`"); }; %{ #if !wxUSE_DISPLAY const wxVideoMode wxDefaultVideoMode; #endif %} %immutable; const wxVideoMode wxDefaultVideoMode; %mutable; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- DocStr(wxDisplay, "Represents a display/monitor attached to the system", ""); class wxDisplay { public: DocCtorStr( wxDisplay(unsigned index = 0), "Set up a Display instance with the specified display. The displays are numbered from 0 to GetCount() - 1, 0 is always the primary display and the only one which is always supported", ""); ~wxDisplay(); DocDeclStr( static unsigned , GetCount(), "Return the number of available displays.", ""); DocDeclStr( static int , GetFromPoint(const wxPoint& pt), "Find the display where the given point lies, return wx.NOT_FOUND if it doesn't belong to any display", ""); DocStr(GetFromWindow, "Find the display where the given window lies, return wx.NOT_FOUND if it is not shown at all.", ""); static int GetFromWindow(const wxWindow *window); DocDeclStr( bool , IsOk() const, "Return true if the object was initialized successfully", ""); %pythoncode { def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsOk() } DocDeclStr( wxRect , GetGeometry() const, "Returns the bounding rectangle of the display whose index was passed to the constructor.", ""); DocDeclStr( wxRect , GetClientArea() const, "Returns the bounding rectangle the client area of the display, i.e., without taskbars and such.", ""); DocDeclStr( wxString , GetName() const, "Returns the display's name. A name is not available on all platforms.", ""); DocDeclStr( bool , IsPrimary() const, "Returns True if the display is the primary display. The primary display is the one whose index is 0.", ""); %extend { DocAStr(GetModes, "GetModes(VideoMode mode=DefaultVideoMode) -> [videoMode...]", "Enumerate all video modes supported by this display matching the given one (in the sense of VideoMode.Match()). As any mode matches the default value of the argument and there is always at least one video mode supported by display, the returned array is only empty for the default value of the argument if this function is not supported at all on this platform.", ""); PyObject* GetModes(const wxVideoMode& mode = wxDefaultVideoMode) { %#if wxUSE_DISPLAY PyObject* pyList = NULL; wxArrayVideoModes arr = self->GetModes(mode); wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads(); pyList = PyList_New(0); for (size_t i=0; i < arr.GetCount(); i++) { wxVideoMode* m = new wxVideoMode(arr.Item(i)); PyObject* pyObj = wxPyConstructObject(m, wxT("wxVideoMode"), true); PyList_Append(pyList, pyObj); Py_DECREF(pyObj); } wxPyEndBlockThreads(blocked); return pyList; %#else wxPyRaiseNotImplemented(); return NULL; %#endif } DocStr(GetCurrentMode, "Get the current video mode.", ""); wxVideoMode GetCurrentMode() const { %#if wxUSE_DISPLAY return self->GetCurrentMode(); %#else wxPyRaiseNotImplemented(); return wxDefaultVideoMode; %#endif } DocStr( ChangeMode, "Changes the video mode of this display to the mode specified in the mode parameter. If wx.DefaultVideoMode is passed in as the mode parameter, the defined behaviour is that wx.Display will reset the video mode to the default mode used by the display. On Windows, the behavior is normal. However, there are differences on other platforms. On Unix variations using X11 extensions it should behave as defined, but some irregularities may occur. On wxMac passing in wx.DefaultVideoMode as the mode parameter does nothing. This happens because Carbon no longer has access to DMUseScreenPrefs, an undocumented function that changed the video mode to the system default by using the system's 'scrn' resource. Returns True if succeeded, False otherwise", ""); bool ChangeMode(const wxVideoMode& mode = wxDefaultVideoMode) { %#if wxUSE_DISPLAY return self->ChangeMode(mode); %#else wxPyRaiseNotImplemented(); return false; %#endif } DocStr( ResetMode, "Restore the default video mode (just a more readable synonym)", ""); void ResetMode() { %#if wxUSE_DISPLAY self->ResetMode(); %#else wxPyRaiseNotImplemented(); %#endif } } // end of %extend %property(ClientArea, GetClientArea, doc="See `GetClientArea`"); %property(CurrentMode, GetCurrentMode, doc="See `GetCurrentMode`"); %property(Geometry, GetGeometry, doc="See `GetGeometry`"); %property(Modes, GetModes, doc="See `GetModes`"); %property(Name, GetName, doc="See `GetName`"); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------