wxPython README

Welcome to the wonderful world of wxPython!

So where do you go from here?  The best thing to do is to run the demo
and use its source code to help you learn how to use wxPython.  Most
of the classes available are demonstrated there, and you can view the
sources directly in the demo so it is designed to help you learn.  If
you are on Windows or OS X then you can run the demo just by double
clicking it's icon.  If you are on Linux/Unix then change to the
directory containing the demo and type:

    python demo.py

There are also some sample mini applications available for you to run
and to play with as a learning exercise.

The next thing you should do is join the wxPython-users maillist where
you can interact with a community of other users and developers who
are willing to help you learn, answer questions and solve problems.
To join the mail list just send an email message to the following
address from the account you want to receive the mail messages from
the list:


There is also a good set of class reference documentation available
for wxPython, but currently it is geared for the C++ user.  This may
be a little daunting at first, but with a little practice you'll
easily be able to "translate" from the C++ shown there to Python.  Not
all classes documented are available in Python, but most of the GUI
related classes are.

Other Info

Please also see the following files in this directory:

       CHANGES.txt         Information about new features, fixes,
                           etc. in each release.

       ../README.1st.txt   Instructions for building wxGTK and
                           wxPython on Unix-like platforms the
			   "new way."

       BUILD.unix.txt	   Instructions for building wxPython on
			   various Unix-like platforms the "old way."

       BUILD.win32.txt     Instructions for building wxPython on Windows.

       BUILD.osx.txt       Instructions for building wxPython on Mac OS X.

       licence/*           Text of the wxWindows license.

Robin Dunn