///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: _colour.i // Purpose: SWIG interface for wxColour // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 7-July-1997 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 2003 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Not a %module //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %newgroup; DocStr(wxColour, "A colour is an object representing a combination of Red, Green, and Blue (RGB) intensity values, and is used to determine drawing colours, window colours, etc. Valid RGB values are in the range 0 to 255. In wxPython there are typemaps that will automatically convert from a colour name, from a '#RRGGBB' colour hex value string, or from a 3 integer tuple to a wx.Colour object when calling C++ methods that expect a wxColour. This means that the following are all equivallent:: win.SetBackgroundColour(wxColour(0,0,255)) win.SetBackgroundColour('BLUE') win.SetBackgroundColour('#0000FF') win.SetBackgroundColour((0,0,255)) Additional colour names and their coresponding values can be added using `wx.ColourDatabase`. Various system colours (as set in the user's system preferences) can be retrieved with `wx.SystemSettings.GetColour`. ", ""); MustHaveApp( wxColour(const wxString& colorName) ); class wxColour : public wxObject { public: DocCtorStr( wxColour(byte red=0, byte green=0, byte blue=0), "Constructs a colour from red, green and blue values. :see: Alternate constructors `wx.NamedColour` and `wx.ColourRGB`. ", ""); DocCtorStrName( wxColour( const wxString& colorName), "Constructs a colour object using a colour name listed in ``wx.TheColourDatabase``.", "", NamedColour); DocCtorStrName( wxColour( unsigned long colRGB ), "Constructs a colour from a packed RGB value.", "", ColourRGB); ~wxColour(); DocDeclStr( byte , Red(), "Returns the red intensity.", ""); DocDeclStr( byte , Green(), "Returns the green intensity.", ""); DocDeclStr( byte , Blue(), "Returns the blue intensity.", ""); DocDeclStr( bool , Ok(), "Returns True if the colour object is valid (the colour has been initialised with RGB values).", ""); DocDeclStr( void , Set(byte red, byte green, byte blue), "Sets the RGB intensity values.", ""); DocDeclStrName( void , Set(unsigned long colRGB), "Sets the RGB intensity values from a packed RGB value.", "", SetRGB); DocDeclStrName( void , InitFromName(const wxString& colourName), "Sets the RGB intensity values using a colour name listed in ``wx.TheColourDatabase``.", "", SetFromName); DocDeclStr( long , GetPixel() const, "Returns a pixel value which is platform-dependent. On Windows, a COLORREF is returned. On X, an allocated pixel value is returned. -1 is returned if the pixel is invalid (on X, unallocated).", ""); DocDeclStr( bool , operator==(const wxColour& colour) const, "Compare colours for equality", ""); DocDeclStr( bool , operator!=(const wxColour& colour) const, "Compare colours for inequality", ""); %extend { DocAStr(Get, "Get() -> (r, g, b)", "Returns the RGB intensity values as a tuple.", ""); PyObject* Get() { PyObject* rv = PyTuple_New(3); int red = -1; int green = -1; int blue = -1; if (self->Ok()) { red = self->Red(); green = self->Green(); blue = self->Blue(); } PyTuple_SetItem(rv, 0, PyInt_FromLong(red)); PyTuple_SetItem(rv, 1, PyInt_FromLong(green)); PyTuple_SetItem(rv, 2, PyInt_FromLong(blue)); return rv; } DocStr(GetRGB, "Return the colour as a packed RGB value", ""); unsigned long GetRGB() { return self->Red() | (self->Green() << 8) | (self->Blue() << 16); } } %pythoncode { asTuple = wx._deprecated(Get, "asTuple is deprecated, use `Get` instead") def __str__(self): return str(self.Get()) def __repr__(self): return 'wx.Colour' + str(self.Get()) def __nonzero__(self): return self.Ok() __safe_for_unpickling__ = True def __reduce__(self): return (Colour, self.Get()) } }; %pythoncode { Color = Colour NamedColor = NamedColour ColorRGB = ColourRGB } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------