click here to go to tables test page!
click here to go to IMAGEMAPs test page!
i18n demo 1 (iso8859-2)
i18n demo 2 (cp1250)
This is - - default text, now switching to
center, now still ctr, now exiting
exited!.[link to down]
Hello, this *is* default charset (helvetica, probably) and it is displayed
with one COLOR CHANGE. Of course we
can have as many color changes as we can, what about this MADNESS?
There was a space above.
This was a line. (BTW we are in fixed font
/ typewriter font right now :-)
This is in BOLD face. This is ITALIC. This is E
V E R Y T H I N G.
Right now, centered REALLY Big Text,
how do you like (space) it?
RIGHT: text-2, text-1,
we are right now
we are center now
we are left now.
Blue italic text is displayed there....
This is heading one.
this is normal
This is CENTERED heading one
Yes, hmmmmmmmmm........, right now, we should
display some tiny nice image, he?

and this is text......
this is text......
(try clicking on the image :-) and
this is text......
item 1
item 2
nested item
nested item 2
item 3
item one
item two
nsted item
last numbered item
Heading 1
Italic text now...
Heading 2
and now?
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
And this is normal text, once again :-)
And yes, we're in HTML DOCUMENT, so
what about some nice hypertext link??
This is centered paragraph
This is new par?
We switched to BOLD
This is new paragraph Bold is off now.
new par
this is standalone :-)
This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO
(blockquote)two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO
This is item nyumber 3.
This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
This is item nyumber 3.
This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
This is item nyumber 3.
This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two
two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two
two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two
two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
This is item nyumber 3.
This is item number one. iti lkdjfdl kjd lk jlkjdl kjlk jlf
jflkj d lfkjlkf jl jflkj flkwe lkhelf ;fk;fl kw;lfke ;ffj lkjflk wj lfjl
fkw ;k;ekf;lkfe ;kf;lk; ;j ;lrj;wfj;f ;eljfw; lfj;ewlfj dagdja gdj chga
kjegiquw iuqdb qiud iquwd hurray googoo.
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo
TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two
two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two
two twotwo TWO
two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two
two twotwo TWO two two two two two two twotwo TWO two two two two two two
twotwo TWO
This is item nyumber 3.
Now, you will see some PRE text:
// This is sample C++ code:
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("Go away, man!\n");
i = 666;
printf("\n\n\nCRASH\n DOWN NOW. . . \n");
This is WWW link to KDE site!
(one folder up)
Link to normal text file : test.cpp
And link to BINARY : Unix or Windows
Definition lists
This is definition list (DL,DT,DD):
- term
- and it's definition
- Windows 95
- Windows 98
- Windows NT
- so-called operating systems
- Micro$oft trademarks
- Unix
- operating system
- huh?
...end of DD
Increasing font size test
plus one
plus one
plus one
minus two
Normal font
Times New Roman (and typewriter)
avantgarde or Tahoma, if available
inside tt tag... lucida/terminal
...and now, everything is back in normal, we
continue as before, ok? ??
Justified paragraph:
A frame is a window whose size and position can (usually) be changed by the
user. It usually has thick borders and a title bar, and can optionally contain
a menu bar, toolbar and status bar. A frame can contain any window that is not
a frame or dialog.
A frame that has a status bar and toolbar created via the
CreateStatusBar/CreateToolBar functions manages these windows, and adjusts the
value returned by GetClientSize to reflect the remaining size available to
application windows.