///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: xrc.i // Purpose: Wrappers for the XML based Resource system // // Author: Robin Dunn // // Created: 4-June-2001 // RCS-ID: $Id$ // Copyright: (c) 2001 by Total Control Software // Licence: wxWindows license ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// %module xrc %{ #include "wxPython.h" #include "pyistream.h" #include "wx/xml/xml.h" #include "wx/xrc/xmlres.h" #include #include %} //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %include typemaps.i %include my_typemaps.i %extern wx.i %extern windows.i %extern _defs.i %extern events.i %extern controls.i %extern streams.i //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- %{ // Put some wx default wxChar* values into wxStrings. static const wxString wxPyEmptyString(wxT("")); static const wxString wxPyUTF8String(wxT("UTF-8")); static const wxString wxPyStyleString(wxT("style")); static const wxString wxPySizeString(wxT("size")); static const wxString wxPyPosString(wxT("pos")); static const wxString wxPyBitmapString(wxT("bitmap")); static const wxString wxPyIconString(wxT("icon")); static const wxString wxPyFontString(wxT("font")); %} class wxPyXmlSubclassFactory; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum wxXmlResourceFlags { wxXRC_USE_LOCALE = 1, wxXRC_NO_SUBCLASSING = 2 }; // This class holds XML resources from one or more .xml files // (or derived forms, either binary or zipped -- see manual for // details). class wxXmlResource : public wxObject { public: // Ctors. // Flags: wxXRC_USE_LOCALE // translatable strings will be translated via _() // wxXRC_NO_SUBCLASSING // subclass property of object nodes will be ignored // (useful for previews in XRC editors) wxXmlResource(const wxString& filemask, int flags = wxXRC_USE_LOCALE); %name(wxEmptyXmlResource) wxXmlResource(int flags = wxXRC_USE_LOCALE); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self.InitAllHandlers()" %pragma(python) addtomethod = "wxEmptyXmlResource:val.InitAllHandlers()" ~wxXmlResource(); // Loads resources from XML files that match given filemask. // This method understands VFS (see filesys.h). bool Load(const wxString& filemask); %addmethods { bool LoadFromString(const wxString& data) { static int s_memFileIdx = 0; // Check for memory FS. If not present, load the handler: wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(wxT("XRC_resource/dummy_file"), wxT("dummy data")); wxFileSystem fsys; wxFSFile *f = fsys.OpenFile(wxT("memory:XRC_resource/dummy_file")); wxMemoryFSHandler::RemoveFile(wxT("XRC_resource/dummy_file")); if (f) delete f; else wxFileSystem::AddHandler(new wxMemoryFSHandler); // Now put the resource data into the memory FS wxString filename(wxT("XRC_resource/data_string_")); filename << s_memFileIdx; s_memFileIdx += 1; wxMemoryFSHandler::AddFile(filename, data); // Load the "file" into the resource object bool retval = self->Load(wxT("memory:") + filename ); return retval; } } // Initialize handlers for all supported controls/windows. This will // make the executable quite big because it forces linking against // most of wxWin library void InitAllHandlers(); // Initialize only specific handler (or custom handler). Convention says // that handler name is equal to control's name plus 'XmlHandler', e.g. // wxTextCtrlXmlHandler, wxHtmlWindowXmlHandler. XML resource compiler // (xmlres) can create include file that contains initialization code for // all controls used within the resource. void AddHandler(wxPyXmlResourceHandler *handler); // Add a new handler at the begining of the handler list void InsertHandler(wxPyXmlResourceHandler *handler); // Removes all handlers void ClearHandlers(); // Registers subclasses factory for use in XRC. This function is not meant // for public use, please see the comment above wxXmlSubclassFactory // definition. static void AddSubclassFactory(wxPyXmlSubclassFactory *factory); // Loads menu from resource. Returns NULL on failure. wxMenu *LoadMenu(const wxString& name); // Loads menubar from resource. Returns NULL on failure. wxMenuBar *LoadMenuBar(const wxString& name); %name(LoadMenuBarOnFrame) wxMenuBar *LoadMenuBar(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name); // Loads toolbar wxToolBar *LoadToolBar(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name); // Loads dialog. dlg points to parent window (if any). Second form // is used to finish creation of already existing instance (main reason // for this is that you may want to use derived class with new event table) // Example (typical usage): // MyDialog dlg; // wxTheXmlResource->LoadDialog(&dlg, mainFrame, "my_dialog"); // dlg->ShowModal(); wxDialog *LoadDialog(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name); %name(LoadOnDialog)bool LoadDialog(wxDialog *dlg, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name); // Loads panel. panel points to parent window (if any). Second form // is used to finish creation of already existing instance. wxPanel *LoadPanel(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name); %name(LoadOnPanel)bool LoadPanel(wxPanel *panel, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name); // Load a frame's contents from a resource wxFrame *LoadFrame(wxWindow* parent, const wxString& name); %name(LoadOnFrame)bool LoadFrame(wxFrame* frame, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name); // Load an object from the resource specifying both the resource name and // the classname. This lets you load nonstandard container windows. wxObject *LoadObject(wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name, const wxString& classname); // Load an object from the resource specifying both the resource name and // the classname. This form lets you finish the creation of an existing // instance. %name(LoadOnObject)bool LoadObject(wxObject *instance, wxWindow *parent, const wxString& name, const wxString& classname); // Loads bitmap or icon resource from file: wxBitmap LoadBitmap(const wxString& name); wxIcon LoadIcon(const wxString& name); // Attaches unknown control into given panel/window/dialog: // (unknown controls are used in conjunction with ) bool AttachUnknownControl(const wxString& name, wxWindow *control, wxWindow *parent = NULL); // Returns numeric ID that is equivalent to string id used in XML // resource. To be used in event tables // Macro XMLID is provided for convenience static int GetXRCID(const wxString& str_id); // Returns version info (a.b.c.d = d+ 256*c + 256^2*b + 256^3*a) long GetVersion() const; // Compares resources version to argument. Returns -1 if resources version // is less than the argument, +1 if greater and 0 if they equal. int CompareVersion(int major, int minor, int release, int revision) const; // Gets global resources object or create one if none exists static wxXmlResource *Get(); // Sets global resources object and returns pointer to previous one (may be NULL). static wxXmlResource *Set(wxXmlResource *res); // Returns flags, which may be a bitlist of wxXRC_USE_LOCALE and wxXRC_NO_SUBCLASSING. int GetFlags(); // Set flags after construction. void SetFlags(int flags) { m_flags = flags; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %pragma(python) code = " def XRCID(str_id): return wxXmlResource_GetXRCID(str_id) def XRCCTRL(window, str_id, *ignoreargs): return window.FindWindowById(XRCID(str_id)) XMLID = XRCID XMLCTRL = XRCCTRL " //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // wxXmlSubclassFactory %{ class wxPyXmlSubclassFactory : public wxXmlSubclassFactory { public: wxPyXmlSubclassFactory() {} DEC_PYCALLBACK_OBJECT_STRING_pure(Create); PYPRIVATE; }; IMP_PYCALLBACK_OBJECT_STRING_pure(wxPyXmlSubclassFactory, wxXmlSubclassFactory, Create); %} %name(wxXmlSubclassFactory)class wxPyXmlSubclassFactory { public: wxPyXmlSubclassFactory(); void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setCallbackInfo(self, wxXmlSubclassFactory)" }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // In order to provide wrappers for wxXmlResourceHandler we need to also // provide the classes for representing and parsing XML. // Represents XML node type. enum wxXmlNodeType { // note: values are synchronized with xmlElementType from libxml wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, wxXML_ATTRIBUTE_NODE, wxXML_TEXT_NODE, wxXML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE, wxXML_ENTITY_REF_NODE, wxXML_ENTITY_NODE, wxXML_PI_NODE, wxXML_COMMENT_NODE, wxXML_DOCUMENT_NODE, wxXML_DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE, wxXML_DOCUMENT_FRAG_NODE, wxXML_NOTATION_NODE, wxXML_HTML_DOCUMENT_NODE }; // Represents node property(ies). // Example: in "src" is property with value // "hello.gif" and "id" is property with value "3". class wxXmlProperty { public: wxXmlProperty(const wxString& name = wxPyEmptyString, const wxString& value = wxPyEmptyString, wxXmlProperty *next = NULL); wxString GetName() const; wxString GetValue() const; wxXmlProperty *GetNext() const; void SetName(const wxString& name); void SetValue(const wxString& value); void SetNext(wxXmlProperty *next); }; // Represents node in XML document. Node has name and may have content // and properties. Most common node types are wxXML_TEXT_NODE (name and props // are irrelevant) and wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE (e.g. in hi there is // element with name="title", irrelevant content and one child (wxXML_TEXT_NODE // with content="hi"). // // If wxUSE_UNICODE is 0, all strings are encoded in the encoding given to Load // (default is UTF-8). class wxXmlNode { public: wxXmlNode(wxXmlNode *parent = NULL, wxXmlNodeType type = 0, const wxString& name = wxPyEmptyString, const wxString& content = wxPyEmptyString, wxXmlProperty *props = NULL, wxXmlNode *next = NULL); ~wxXmlNode(); // user-friendly creation: %name(wxXmlNodeEasy)wxXmlNode(wxXmlNodeType type, const wxString& name, const wxString& content = wxPyEmptyString); void AddChild(wxXmlNode *child); void InsertChild(wxXmlNode *child, wxXmlNode *before_node); bool RemoveChild(wxXmlNode *child); void AddProperty(wxXmlProperty *prop); %name(AddPropertyName)void AddProperty(const wxString& name, const wxString& value); bool DeleteProperty(const wxString& name); // access methods: wxXmlNodeType GetType() const; wxString GetName() const; wxString GetContent() const; wxXmlNode *GetParent() const; wxXmlNode *GetNext() const; wxXmlNode *GetChildren() const; wxXmlProperty *GetProperties() const; wxString GetPropVal(const wxString& propName, const wxString& defaultVal) const; bool HasProp(const wxString& propName) const; void SetType(wxXmlNodeType type); void SetName(const wxString& name); void SetContent(const wxString& con); void SetParent(wxXmlNode *parent); void SetNext(wxXmlNode *next); void SetChildren(wxXmlNode *child); void SetProperties(wxXmlProperty *prop); }; // This class holds XML data/document as parsed by XML parser. class wxXmlDocument : public wxObject { public: wxXmlDocument(const wxString& filename, const wxString& encoding = wxPyUTF8String); %name(wxXmlDocumentFromStream)wxXmlDocument(wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& encoding = wxPyUTF8String); %name(wxEmptyXmlDocument)wxXmlDocument(); ~wxXmlDocument(); // Parses .xml file and loads data. Returns TRUE on success, FALSE // otherwise. bool Load(const wxString& filename, const wxString& encoding = wxPyUTF8String); %name(LoadFromStream)bool Load(wxInputStream& stream, const wxString& encoding = wxPyUTF8String); // Saves document as .xml file. bool Save(const wxString& filename) const; %name(SaveToStream)bool Save(wxOutputStream& stream) const; bool IsOk() const; // Returns root node of the document. wxXmlNode *GetRoot() const; // Returns version of document (may be empty). wxString GetVersion() const; // Returns encoding of document (may be empty). // Note: this is the encoding original file was saved in, *not* the // encoding of in-memory representation! wxString GetFileEncoding() const; // Write-access methods: void SetRoot(wxXmlNode *node); void SetVersion(const wxString& version); void SetFileEncoding(const wxString& encoding); %addmethods { // Returns encoding of in-memory representation of the document (same // as passed to Load or ctor, defaults to UTF-8). NB: this is // meaningless in Unicode build where data are stored as wchar_t* wxString GetEncoding() { #if wxUSE_UNICODE return wxPyEmptyString; #else return self->GetEncoding(); #endif } void SetEncoding(const wxString& enc) { #if wxUSE_UNICODE // do nothing #else self->SetEncoding(enc); #endif } } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // And now for wxXmlResourceHandler... %{ // C++ version of Python aware wxXmlResourceHandler, for the pure virtual // callbacks, as well as to make some protected things public so they can // be wrapped. class wxPyXmlResourceHandler : public wxXmlResourceHandler { public: wxPyXmlResourceHandler() : wxXmlResourceHandler() {} //~wxPyXmlResourceHandler(); // Base class virtuals DEC_PYCALLBACK_OBJECT__pure(DoCreateResource); DEC_PYCALLBACK_BOOL_NODE_pure(CanHandle); // accessors for protected members wxXmlResource* GetResource() { return m_resource; } wxXmlNode* GetNode() { return m_node; } wxString GetClass() { return m_class; } wxObject* GetParent() { return m_parent; } wxObject* GetInstance() { return m_instance; } wxWindow* GetParentAsWindow() { return m_parentAsWindow; } wxWindow* GetInstanceAsWindow() { return m_instanceAsWindow; } // turn some protected methods into public via delegation bool IsOfClass(wxXmlNode *node, const wxString& classname) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::IsOfClass(node, classname); } wxString GetNodeContent(wxXmlNode *node) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetNodeContent(node); } bool HasParam(const wxString& param) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::HasParam(param); } wxXmlNode *GetParamNode(const wxString& param) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetParamNode(param); } wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& param) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetParamValue(param); } void AddStyle(const wxString& name, int value) { wxXmlResourceHandler::AddStyle(name, value); } void AddWindowStyles() { wxXmlResourceHandler::AddWindowStyles(); } int GetStyle(const wxString& param = wxT("style"), int defaults = 0) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetStyle(param, defaults); } wxString GetText(const wxString& param, bool translate = TRUE) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetText(param, translate); } int GetID() { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetID(); } wxString GetName() { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetName(); } bool GetBool(const wxString& param, bool defaultv = FALSE) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetBool(param, defaultv); } long GetLong( const wxString& param, long defaultv = 0 ) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetLong(param, defaultv); } wxColour GetColour(const wxString& param) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetColour(param); } wxSize GetSize(const wxString& param = wxT("size")) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetSize(param); } wxPoint GetPosition(const wxString& param = wxT("pos")) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetPosition(param); } wxCoord GetDimension(const wxString& param, wxCoord defaultv = 0) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetDimension(param, defaultv); } wxBitmap GetBitmap(const wxString& param = wxT("bitmap"), const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER, wxSize size = wxDefaultSize) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetBitmap(param, defaultArtClient, size); } wxIcon GetIcon(const wxString& param = wxT("icon"), const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER, wxSize size = wxDefaultSize) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetIcon(param, defaultArtClient, size); } wxFont GetFont(const wxString& param = wxT("font")) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetFont(param); } void SetupWindow(wxWindow *wnd) { wxXmlResourceHandler::SetupWindow(wnd); } void CreateChildren(wxObject *parent, bool this_hnd_only = FALSE) { wxXmlResourceHandler::CreateChildren(parent, this_hnd_only); } void CreateChildrenPrivately(wxObject *parent, wxXmlNode *rootnode = NULL) { wxXmlResourceHandler::CreateChildrenPrivately(parent, rootnode); } wxObject *CreateResFromNode(wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent, wxObject *instance = NULL) { return wxXmlResourceHandler::CreateResFromNode(node, parent, instance); } wxFileSystem& GetCurFileSystem() { return wxXmlResourceHandler::GetCurFileSystem(); } PYPRIVATE; }; IMP_PYCALLBACK_OBJECT__pure(wxPyXmlResourceHandler, wxXmlResourceHandler, DoCreateResource); IMP_PYCALLBACK_BOOL_NODE_pure(wxPyXmlResourceHandler, wxXmlResourceHandler, CanHandle); %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Now the version that will be SWIGged. %name(wxXmlResourceHandler) class wxPyXmlResourceHandler : public wxObject { public: wxPyXmlResourceHandler() : wxXmlResourceHandler() {} //~wxPyXmlResourceHandler(); void _setCallbackInfo(PyObject* self, PyObject* _class); %pragma(python) addtomethod = "__init__:self._setCallbackInfo(self, wxXmlResourceHandler)" // Creates an object (menu, dialog, control, ...) from an XML node. // Should check for validity. // parent is a higher-level object (usually window, dialog or panel) // that is often neccessary to create the resource. // If instance is non-NULL it should not create a new instance via 'new' but // should rather use this one, and call its Create method. wxObject *CreateResource(wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent, wxObject *instance); // Sets the parent resource. void SetParentResource(wxXmlResource *res); wxXmlResource* GetResource() { return m_resource; } wxXmlNode* GetNode() { return m_node; } wxString GetClass() { return m_class; } wxObject* GetParent() { return m_parent; } wxObject* GetInstance() { return m_instance; } wxWindow* GetParentAsWindow() { return m_parentAsWindow; } wxWindow* GetInstanceAsWindow() { return m_instanceAsWindow; } // Returns true if the node has a property class equal to classname, // e.g. . bool IsOfClass(wxXmlNode *node, const wxString& classname); // Gets node content from wxXML_ENTITY_NODE // The problem is, content is represented as // wxXML_ENTITY_NODE name="tag", content="" // |-- wxXML_TEXT_NODE or // wxXML_CDATA_SECTION_NODE name="" content="content" wxString GetNodeContent(wxXmlNode *node); // Check to see if a parameter exists. bool HasParam(const wxString& param); // Finds the node or returns NULL. wxXmlNode *GetParamNode(const wxString& param); // Finds the parameter value or returns the empty string. wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& param); // Add a style flag (e.g. wxMB_DOCKABLE) to the list of flags // understood by this handler. void AddStyle(const wxString& name, int value); // Add styles common to all wxWindow-derived classes. void AddWindowStyles(); // Gets style flags from text in form "flag | flag2| flag3 |..." // Only understads flags added with AddStyle int GetStyle(const wxString& param = wxPyStyleString, int defaults = 0); // Gets text from param and does some conversions: // - replaces \n, \r, \t by respective chars (according to C syntax) // - replaces _ by & and __ by _ (needed for _File => &File because of XML) // - calls wxGetTranslations (unless disabled in wxXmlResource) wxString GetText(const wxString& param, bool translate = TRUE); // Returns the XRCID. int GetID(); // Returns the resource name. wxString GetName(); // Gets a bool flag (1, t, yes, on, true are TRUE, everything else is FALSE). bool GetBool(const wxString& param, bool defaultv = FALSE); // Gets the integer value from the parameter. long GetLong( const wxString& param, long defaultv = 0 ); // Gets colour in HTML syntax (#RRGGBB). wxColour GetColour(const wxString& param); // Gets the size (may be in dialog units). wxSize GetSize(const wxString& param = wxPySizeString); // Gets the position (may be in dialog units). wxPoint GetPosition(const wxString& param = wxPyPosString); // Gets a dimension (may be in dialog units). wxCoord GetDimension(const wxString& param, wxCoord defaultv = 0); // Gets a bitmap. wxBitmap GetBitmap(const wxString& param = wxPyBitmapString, const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER, wxSize size = wxDefaultSize); // Gets an icon. wxIcon GetIcon(const wxString& param = wxPyIconString, const wxArtClient& defaultArtClient = wxART_OTHER, wxSize size = wxDefaultSize); // Gets a font. wxFont GetFont(const wxString& param = wxPyFontString); // Sets common window options. void SetupWindow(wxWindow *wnd); // Creates children. void CreateChildren(wxObject *parent, bool this_hnd_only = FALSE); // Helper function. void CreateChildrenPrivately(wxObject *parent, wxXmlNode *rootnode = NULL); // Creates a resource from a node. wxObject *CreateResFromNode(wxXmlNode *node, wxObject *parent, wxObject *instance = NULL); // helper wxFileSystem& GetCurFileSystem(); }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %init %{ wxXmlInitResourceModule(); wxXmlResource::Get()->InitAllHandlers(); %} //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // This file gets appended to the shadow class file. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- %pragma(python) include="_xrcextras.py";