How to update a third party library to a newer version ====================================================== 0. Introduction --------------- wxWidgets includes several third party libraries, i.e. libraries which are used by wxWidgets and distributed with it but which we don't maintain nor even modify, inasmuch as possible, ourselves. These libraries are developed by their maintainers and from time to time we need to replace the versions used by wxWidgets with newer versions. 1. Vendor branches ------------------ Normally all third party libraries should be managed using Subversion vendor branches. I.e. we should have the latest version of the library under /wx/wxWidgets/vendor directory in the repository. Currently only expat, libpng and libtiff are handled like this, while libjpeg and zlib are not. Hopefully these exceptions will disappear soon, the rest of this note assumes that we are using a vendor branch for the library $(LIB). We also use $(OLD_VERSION) and $(VERSION) below for the current version of the library and the version we are upgrading to. $(OLD_VERSION) can be determined by doing svn ls$(LIB) as normally it's the latest version present in this directory. You can, of course, also look at the library sources currently in the trunk to find out its version. NB: the instructions here are based on the Subversion documentation, see for more information about vendor branches. 2. Updating the current branch ------------------------------ The first thing to do is to checkout a pristine copy of the version currently being used, e.g. cd /some/temp/directory svn checkout$(LIB)/current $(LIB) Now delete all the old files: cd $(LIB) find . -type f -not -path '*/.svn/*' -exec rm {} \; or, if you are using zsh, just rm **/*(.) Next, get the version of the library you are updating to and unpack it into the same directory. Examine "svn status" output and add all the files with "?" in the first column using "svn add" and delete all the files with "!" in the first column using "svn rm". Finally commit and tag the new version: svn commit -m 'Update $(LIB) to $(VERSION).' svn cp$(LIB)/current \$(LIB)/$(VERSION) \ -m 'Tagging $(LIB) $(VERSION).' You can now do rm -rf /some/temp/directory/$(LIB) as it won't be needed any longer. 3. Merging the current branch ----------------------------- Now switch to wxWidgets checkout and run svn merge ^/wxWidgets/vendor/$(LIB)/$(OLD_VERSION) ^/wxWidgets/vendor/$(LIB)/current src/$(LIBDIR) Notice that you may need to escape the circumflexes with backslashes if they are special for your shell. Also notice that the directory of the library may be different from its name, e.g. we use libpng for the vendor branch but just png for the name of the directory. Unless you are very lucky, the merge will result in conflicts and you will need to resolve them by examining the differences -- this is the difficult part. Once everything was resolved, test your changes. As building the third party libraries is quite different between Unix and Windows, please do it under both platforms. Under Windows it's enough to just build everything as usual as the built-in libraries are used by default. Please build both static and dynamic wxWidgets libraries as some problems arise only in one of those configurations. Under Unix you need to configure with --with-$(LIB)=builtin option to ensure that the newly updated built-in version of the library is used and not the system version. If upgrading an image format library, please build and run the image sample. In any case, run the unit tests to check that everything still works. After testing and correcting the problems, simply commit your changes: svn commit -m 'Update $(LIB) to $(VERSION).' src/$(LIBDIR)