Add scrollbars if the columns exceed the horizontal space for the control, also,...
[wxWidgets.git] / src / expat / xmlwf / xmltchar.h
1 #ifdef XML_UNICODE
3 #error xmlwf requires a 16-bit Unicode-compatible wchar_t
4 #endif
5 #define T(x) L ## x
6 #define ftprintf fwprintf
7 #define tfopen _wfopen
8 #define fputts fputws
9 #define puttc putwc
10 #define tcscmp wcscmp
11 #define tcscpy wcscpy
12 #define tcscat wcscat
13 #define tcschr wcschr
14 #define tcsrchr wcsrchr
15 #define tcslen wcslen
16 #define tperror _wperror
17 #define topen _wopen
18 #define tmain wmain
19 #define tremove _wremove
20 #else /* not XML_UNICODE */
21 #define T(x) x
22 #define ftprintf fprintf
23 #define tfopen fopen
24 #define fputts fputs
25 #define puttc putc
26 #define tcscmp strcmp
27 #define tcscpy strcpy
28 #define tcscat strcat
29 #define tcschr strchr
30 #define tcsrchr strrchr
31 #define tcslen strlen
32 #define tperror perror
33 #define topen open
34 #define tmain main
35 #define tremove remove
36 #endif /* not XML_UNICODE */