- <string>Most themes are ancient/slow, designed for SummerBoard, not WinterBoard.</string>
+ <string>Many themes are ancient/slow, designed for SummerBoard, not WinterBoard.</string>
- <string>Most themes are ancient/slow, designed for SummerBoard, not WinterBoard.</string>
- <key>requiredCapabilities</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>wildcat</key>
- <false/>
- <key>voip</key>
- <false/>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>cell</key>
- <string>PSGroupCell</string>
- <key>footerText</key>
- <string>WinterBoard can also be found under the normal iOS Settings application.</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>cell</key>
- <string>PSSwitchCell</string>
- <key>default</key>
- <false/>
- <key>key</key>
- <string>IconHidden</string>
- <key>label</key>
- <string>Hide WinterBoard</string>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>cell</key>
- <string>PSGroupCell</string>
- <key>isStaticText</key>
- <string>true</string>
- <key>requiredCapabilities</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>wildcat</key>
- <false/>
- <key>voip</key>
- <false/>
- </dict>
- </array>
- </dict>
- <dict>
- <key>cell</key>
- <string>PSTitleValueCell</string>
- <key>label</key>
- <string>WinterBoard can also be found under the normal iOS Settings application.</string>
+ <string>Many themes are ancient/slow, designed for SummerBoard, not WinterBoard.</string>