items cell PSGroupCell footerText WinterBoard can also be found under the normal iPhone OS Settings application. cell PSSwitchCell default key IconHidden label Hide WinterBoard cell PSGroupCell isStaticText true requiredCapabilities wildcat cell PSTitleValueCell label WinterBoard can also be found under the normal iPhone OS Settings application. requiredCapabilities wildcat cell PSGroupCell footerText Most themes are ancient/slow, designed for SummerBoard, not WinterBoard. cell PSSwitchCell default key Debug label Debug Logging cell PSSwitchCell default key SummerBoard label SummerBoard Mode cell PSGroupCell isStaticText true requiredCapabilities wildcat cell PSTitleValueCell label Most themes are ancient/slow, designed for SummerBoard, not WinterBoard. requiredCapabilities wildcat cell PSGroupCell cell PSLinkCell detail WBSThemesController icon Themes.png label Select Themes cell PSGroupCell footerText iPhone-optimize PNGs (for speed). action optimizeThemes cell PSButtonCell label Optimize Themes (v1.0) cell PSGroupCell isStaticText true requiredCapabilities wildcat cell PSTitleValueCell label iPhone-optimize PNGs (for speed). requiredCapabilities wildcat title WinterBoard