entry cell PSLinkCell icon Veency.png label Veency items cell PSGroupCell cell PSSwitchCell default defaults com.saurik.Veency key Enabled label Enabled PostNotification com.saurik.Veency-Enabled cell PSSwitchCell default defaults com.saurik.Veency key ShowCursor label Show Cursor PostNotification com.saurik.Veency-Settings cell PSGroupCell footerText Leaving the password blank will prompt you to accept each incoming connection. cell PSSecureEditTextCell defaults com.saurik.Veency key Password label Password PostNotification com.saurik.Veency-Settings cell PSGroupCell isStaticText requiredCapabilities wildcat voip cell PSTitleValueCell label Leaving the password blank will prompt you to accept each incoming connection. requiredCapabilities wildcat voip title Veency