Solving issue #191 on Google Code: -v and --version should print the version of Redis
[redis.git] / zmalloc.c
2010-02-19  antirezA problem with replication with multiple slaves connect...
2010-01-15  antirezthread safe zmalloc used memory counter
2010-01-11  antirezMore threaded I/O VM work + Redis init script
2009-10-31  antirezFixed Issue 83:Using TYPE on a zset results in a malfor...
2009-10-27  antirezzmalloc Solaris fixes thanks to Alan Harder
2009-10-23  antirezinitial skiplist implementation. Most memory checks...
2009-06-06  antirezMerge git://
2009-06-05  antirezadded config.h for #ifdef business isolation, added...
2009-06-04  antirezmacosx specific zmalloc.c, uses malloc_size function...
2009-04-30  antirezzmalloc fix, return NULL or real malloc failure
2009-03-27  antirezANSI-C compatibility changes
2009-03-22  antirezfirst commit