-- TTL command that returns -1 if a key is not volatile otherwise the time to live of a volatile key.
-- Remove max number of args limit
-- What happens if the saving child gets killed or segfaults instead of ending normally? Handle this.
-- Make sinterstore / unionstore / sdiffstore returning the cardinality of the resulting set.
-- maxclients directive
-- check 'server.dirty' everywere
-- replication automated tests
-- Shutdown must kill other background savings before to start saving. Otherwise the DB can get replaced by the child that rename(2) after the parent for some reason.
-- Document replication
-- Objects sharing configuration, add the directive "objectsharingpool <size>"
-- Make sure to convert all the fstat() calls to 64bit versions.
+WARNING: are you a possible Redis contributor?
+ Before implementing what is listed in this file
+ please drop a message in the Redis google group or chat with
+ antirez or pietern on irc.freenode.org #redis to check if the work
+ is already in progress and if the feature is still interesting for
+ us, and *how* exactly this can be implemented to have good changes
+ of a merge. Otherwise it is probably wasted work! Thank you