+/* Emit the commands needed to rebuild a sorted set object.
+ * The function returns 0 on error, 1 on success. */
+int rewriteSortedSetObject(rio *r, robj *key, robj *o) {
+ long long count = 0, items = zsetLength(o);
+ if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
+ unsigned char *zl = o->ptr;
+ unsigned char *eptr, *sptr;
+ unsigned char *vstr;
+ unsigned int vlen;
+ long long vll;
+ double score;
+ eptr = ziplistIndex(zl,0);
+ redisAssert(eptr != NULL);
+ sptr = ziplistNext(zl,eptr);
+ redisAssert(sptr != NULL);
+ while (eptr != NULL) {
+ redisAssert(ziplistGet(eptr,&vstr,&vlen,&vll));
+ score = zzlGetScore(sptr);
+ if (count == 0) {
+ int cmd_items = (items > REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) ?
+ if (rioWriteBulkCount(r,'*',2+cmd_items*2) == 0) return 0;
+ if (rioWriteBulkString(r,"ZADD",4) == 0) return 0;
+ if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,key) == 0) return 0;
+ }
+ if (rioWriteBulkDouble(r,score) == 0) return 0;
+ if (vstr != NULL) {
+ if (rioWriteBulkString(r,(char*)vstr,vlen) == 0) return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (rioWriteBulkLongLong(r,vll) == 0) return 0;
+ }
+ zzlNext(zl,&eptr,&sptr);
+ if (++count == REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) count = 0;
+ items--;
+ }
+ } else if (o->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_SKIPLIST) {
+ zset *zs = o->ptr;
+ dictIterator *di = dictGetIterator(zs->dict);
+ dictEntry *de;
+ while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {
+ robj *eleobj = dictGetKey(de);
+ double *score = dictGetVal(de);
+ if (count == 0) {
+ int cmd_items = (items > REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) ?
+ if (rioWriteBulkCount(r,'*',2+cmd_items*2) == 0) return 0;
+ if (rioWriteBulkString(r,"ZADD",4) == 0) return 0;
+ if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,key) == 0) return 0;
+ }
+ if (rioWriteBulkDouble(r,*score) == 0) return 0;
+ if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,eleobj) == 0) return 0;
+ if (++count == REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) count = 0;
+ items--;
+ }
+ dictReleaseIterator(di);
+ } else {
+ redisPanic("Unknown sorted zset encoding");
+ }
+ return 1;
+/* Write either the key or the value of the currently selected item of an hash.
+ * The 'hi' argument passes a valid Redis hash iterator.
+ * The 'what' filed specifies if to write a key or a value and can be
+ *
+ * The function returns 0 on error, non-zero on success. */
+static int rioWriteHashIteratorCursor(rio *r, hashTypeIterator *hi, int what) {
+ if (hi->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_ZIPLIST) {
+ unsigned char *vstr = NULL;
+ unsigned int vlen = UINT_MAX;
+ long long vll = LLONG_MAX;
+ hashTypeCurrentFromZiplist(hi, what, &vstr, &vlen, &vll);
+ if (vstr) {
+ return rioWriteBulkString(r, (char*)vstr, vlen);
+ } else {
+ return rioWriteBulkLongLong(r, vll);
+ }
+ } else if (hi->encoding == REDIS_ENCODING_HT) {
+ robj *value;
+ hashTypeCurrentFromHashTable(hi, what, &value);
+ return rioWriteBulkObject(r, value);
+ }
+ redisPanic("Unknown hash encoding");
+ return 0;
+/* Emit the commands needed to rebuild a hash object.
+ * The function returns 0 on error, 1 on success. */
+int rewriteHashObject(rio *r, robj *key, robj *o) {
+ hashTypeIterator *hi;
+ long long count = 0, items = hashTypeLength(o);
+ hi = hashTypeInitIterator(o);
+ while (hashTypeNext(hi) != REDIS_ERR) {
+ if (count == 0) {
+ int cmd_items = (items > REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) ?
+ if (rioWriteBulkCount(r,'*',2+cmd_items*2) == 0) return 0;
+ if (rioWriteBulkString(r,"HMSET",5) == 0) return 0;
+ if (rioWriteBulkObject(r,key) == 0) return 0;
+ }
+ if (rioWriteHashIteratorCursor(r, hi, REDIS_HASH_KEY) == 0) return 0;
+ if (rioWriteHashIteratorCursor(r, hi, REDIS_HASH_VALUE) == 0) return 0;
+ if (++count == REDIS_AOF_REWRITE_ITEMS_PER_CMD) count = 0;
+ items--;
+ }
+ hashTypeReleaseIterator(hi);
+ return 1;