- * Add number of keys for every DB in INFO
- * Resize the expires and Sets hash tables if needed as well? For Sets the right moment to check for this is probably in SREM
- * check 'server.dirty' everywere. Make it proprotional to the number of objects modified.
- * Cover most of the source code with test-redis.tcl
- * Remove tmp-.... files when saving child exits in the wrong way, to do so use tmp-pid.rdb as filename so that the parent can rebuild the file name just from the child pid.
+* For now only the last argument gets integer encoded, so make sure that: 1) every multi bulk commands implemented will have the last arg that is indeed a value, and not used otherwise. 2) to explicitly call the function to encode the object in MSET and other commands where there are multiple "values".
+* Man pages for MSET MSETNX and SRANDMEMBER, Z-commands, ...
+* ZSETs missing stuff: ZINCRBY
+* Use strcoll() to compare objects in sorted sets, like it already happens for SORT.
+* LMOVE, as discussed in the Redis group.
+* Write docs for the "STORE" operaiton of SORT, and GET "#" option.
+* Append only mode: testing and a command to rebuild the log from scratch.
+* Profiling and optimizations. For instance the commands lookup is probably starting to eat too CPU being a simple list. To implement binary search or an hash table lookup can be a win probably.
+* Redis-cli should be able to select a different DB than 0 using some switch.