Pipelining: Contents
  Pipelining (DRAFT)


Pipelining (DRAFT)

A client library can use the same connection in order to issue multiple commands. But Redis supports pipelining, so multiple commands can be sent to the server with a single write operation by the client, without need to read the server reply in order to issue the next command. All the replies can be read at the end.

Usually Redis server and client will have a very fast link so this is not very important to support this feature in a client implementation, still if an application needs to issue a very large number of commands in s short time, using pipelining can be much faster.

Please read the ProtocolSpecification if you want to learn more about the way Redis clients and the server communicate.

Pipelining is one of the Speed Features of Redis, you can also check the support for send and receive multiple values in a single command.