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1 | Redis Cluster - Alternative 1 |
2 | |
3 | 28 Apr 2010: Ver 1.0 - initial version |
4 | |
5 | Overview |
6 | ======== |
7 | |
8 | The motivations and design goals of Redis Cluster are already outlined in the |
9 | first design document of Redis Cluster. This document is just an attempt to |
10 | provide a completely alternative approach in order to explore more ideas. |
11 | |
12 | In this document the alternative explored is a cluster where communication is |
13 | performed directly from client to the target node, without intermediate layer. |
14 | |
15 | The intermediate layer can be used, in the form of a proxy, in order to provide |
16 | the same functionality to clients not able to directly use the cluster protocol. |
17 | So in a first stage clients can use a proxy to implement the hash ring, but |
18 | later this clients can switch to a native implementation, following a |
19 | specification that the Redis project will provide. |
20 | |
21 | In this new design fault tolerance is achieved by replicating M-1 times every |
22 | data node instead of storing the same key M times across nodes. |
23 | |
24 | From the point of view of CAP our biggest sacrifice is about "P", that is |
25 | resistance to partitioning. Only M-1 nodes can go down for the cluster still |
26 | be functional. Also when possible "A" is somewhat sacrificed for "L", that |
27 | is, Latency. Not really in the CAP equation but a very important parameter. |
28 | |
29 | Network layout |
30 | ============== |
31 | |
32 | In this alternative design the network layout is simple as there are only |
33 | clients talking directly to N data nodes. So we can imagine to have: |
34 | |
35 | - K Redis clients, directly talking to the data nodes. |
36 | - N Redis data nodes, that are, normal Redis instances. |
37 | |
38 | Data nodes are replicate M-1 times (so there are a total of M copies for |
39 | every node). If M is one, the system is not fault tolerant. If M is 2 one |
40 | data node can go off line without affecting the operations. And so forth. |
41 | |
42 | Hash slots |
43 | ========== |
44 | |
45 | The key space is divided into 1024 slots. |
46 | |
47 | Given a key, the SHA1 function is applied to it. |
48 | The first 10 bytes of the SHA1 digest are interpreted as an unsigned integer |
49 | from 0 to 1023. This is the hash slot of the key. |
50 | |
51 | Data nodes |
52 | ========== |
53 | |
54 | Data nodes are normal Redis instances, but a few additional commands are |
55 | provided. |
56 | |
57 | HASHRING ADD ... list of hash slots ... |
58 | HASHRING DEL ... list of hash slots ... |
60 | HASHRING SLOTS => returns the list of configured slots |
61 | HSAHRING KEYS ... list of hash slots ... |
62 | |
63 | By default Redis instances are configured to accept operations about all |
64 | the hash slots. With this commands it's possible to configure a Redis instance |
65 | to accept only a subset of the key space. |
66 | |
67 | If an operation is performed against a key hashing to a slot that is not |
68 | configured to be accepted, the Redis instance will reply with: |
69 | |
70 | "-ERR wrong hash slot" |
71 | |
72 | More details on the HASHRING command and sub commands will be showed later |
73 | in this document. |
74 | |
75 | Additionally three other commands are added: |
76 | |
77 | DUMP key |
78 | RESTORE key <dump data> |
79 | MIGRATE key host port |
80 | |
81 | DUMP is used to output a very compact binary representation of the data stored at key. |
82 | |
83 | RESTORE re-creates a value (storing it at key) starting from the output produced by DUMP. |
84 | |
85 | MIGRATE is like a server-side DUMP+RESTORE command. This atomic command moves one key from the connected instance to another instance, returning the status code of the operation (+OK or an error). |
86 | |
87 | The protocol described in this draft only uses the MIGRATE command, but this in turn will use RESTORE internally when connecting to another server, and DUMP is provided for symmetry. |
88 | |
89 | Querying the cluster |
90 | ==================== |
91 | |
92 | 1) Reading the cluster config |
93 | ----------------------------- |
94 | |
95 | Clients of the cluster are required to have the cluster configuration loaded |
96 | into memory. The cluster configuration is the sum of the following info: |
97 | |
98 | - Number of data nodes in the cluster, for instance, 10 |
99 | - A map between hash slots and nodes, so for instnace: |
100 | hash slot 1 -> node 0 |
101 | hash slot 2 -> node 5 |
102 | hash slot 3 -> node 3 |
103 | ... and so forth ... |
104 | - Physical address of nodes, and their replicas. |
105 | node 0 addr -> |
106 | node 0 replicas ->, |
107 | - Configuration version: the SHA1 of the whole configuration |
108 | |
109 | The configuration is stored in every single data node of the cluster. |
110 | |
111 | A client without the configuration in memory is require, as a first step, to |
112 | read the config. In order to do so the client requires to have a list of IPs |
113 | that are with good probability data nodes of the cluster. |
114 | |
115 | The client will try to get the config from all this nodes. If no node is found |
116 | responding, an error is reported to the user. |
117 | |
118 | 2) Caching and refreshing the configuration |
119 | ------------------------------------------- |
120 | |
121 | A node is allowed to cache the configuration in memory or in a different way |
122 | (for instance storing the configuration into a file), but every client is |
123 | required to check if the configuration changed at max every 10 seconds, asking |
124 | for the configuration version key with a single GET call, and checking if the |
125 | configuration version matches the one loaded in memory. |
126 | |
127 | Also a client is required to refresh the configuration every time a node |
128 | replies with: |
129 | |
130 | "-ERR wrong hash slot" |
131 | |
132 | As this means that hash slots were reassigned in some way. |
133 | |
134 | Checking the configuration every 10 seconds is not required in theory but is |
135 | a good protection against errors and failures that may happen in real world |
136 | environments. It is also very cheap to perform, as a GET operation from time |
137 | to time is going to have no impact in the overall performance. |
138 | |
139 | 3) Read query |
140 | ------------- |
141 | |
142 | To perform a read query the client hashes the key argument from the command |
143 | (in the intiial version of Redis Cluster only single-key commands are |
144 | allowed). Using the in memory configuration it maps the hash key to the |
145 | node ID. |
146 | |
147 | If the client is configured to support read-after-write consistency, then |
148 | the "master" node for this hash slot is queried. |
149 | |
150 | Otherwise the client picks a random node from the master and the replicas |
151 | available. |
152 | |
153 | 4) Write query |
154 | -------------- |
155 | |
156 | A write query is exactly like a read query, with the difference that the |
157 | write always targets the master node, instead of the replicas. |
158 | |
159 | Creating a cluster |
160 | ================== |
161 | |
162 | In order to create a new cluster, the redis-cluster command line utility is |
163 | used. It gets a list of available nodes and replicas, in order to write the |
164 | initial configuration in all the nodes. |
165 | |
166 | At this point the cluster is usable by clients. |
167 | |
168 | Adding nodes to the cluster |
169 | =========================== |
170 | |
171 | The command line utility redis-cluster is used in order to add a node to the |
172 | cluster: |
173 | |
174 | 1) The cluster configuration is loaded. |
175 | 2) A fair number of hash slots are assigned to the new data node. |
176 | 3) Hash slots moved to the new node are marked as "REHASHING" in the old |
177 | nodes, using the HASHRING command: |
178 | |
180 | |
181 | The above command set the hash slot "1" in rehashing state, with the |
182 | "forwarding address" to As a result if this node receives |
183 | a query about a key hashing to hash slot 1, that *is not present* in the |
184 | current data set, it replies with: |
185 | |
186 | "-MIGRATED" |
187 | |
188 | The client can then reissue the query against the new node. |
189 | |
190 | Instead even if the hash slot is marked as rehashing but the requested key |
191 | is still there, the query is processed. This allows for non blocking |
192 | rehashing. |
193 | |
194 | Note that no additional memory is used by Redis in order to provide such a |
195 | feature. |
196 | |
197 | 4) While the Hash slot is marked as "REHASHING", redis-cluster asks this node |
198 | the list of all the keys matching the specified hash slot. Then all the keys |
199 | are moved to the new node using the MIGRATE command. |
200 | 5) Once all the keys are migrated, the hash slot is deleted from the old |
201 | node configuration with "HASHRING DEL 1". And the configuration is update. |
202 | |
203 | Using this algorithm all the hash slots are migrated one after the other to the new node. In practical implementation before to start the migration the |
204 | redis-cluster utility should write a log into the configuration so that |
205 | in case of crash or any other problem the utility is able to recover from |
206 | were it left. |
207 | |
208 | Fault tolerance |
209 | =============== |
210 | |
211 | Fault tolerance is reached replicating every data node M-1 times, so that we |
212 | have one master and M-1 replicas for a total of M nodes holding the same |
213 | hash slots. Up to M-1 nodes can go down without affecting the cluster. |
214 | |
215 | The tricky part about fault tolerance is detecting when a node is failing and |
216 | signaling it to all the other clients. |
217 | |
218 | When a master node is failing in a permanent way, promoting the first slave |
219 | is easy: |
220 | 1) At some point a client will notice there are problems accessing a given node. It will try to refresh the config, but will notice that the config is already up to date. |
221 | 2) In order to make sure the problem is not about the client connectivity itself, it will try to reach other nodes as well. If more than M-1 nodes appear to be down, it's either a client networking problem or alternatively the cluster can't be fixed as too many nodes are down anyway. So no action is taken, but an error is reported. |
222 | 3) If instead only 1 or at max M-1 nodes appear to be down, the client promotes a slave as master and writes the new configuration to all the data nodes. |
223 | |
224 | All the other clients will see the data node not working, and as a first step will try to refresh the configuration. They will successful refresh the configuration and the cluster will work again. |
225 | |
226 | Every time a slave is promoted, the information is written in a log that is actually a Redis list, in all the data nodes, so that system administration tools can detect what happened in order to send notifications to the admin. |
227 | |
228 | Intermittent problems |
229 | --------------------- |
230 | |
231 | In the above scenario a master was failing in a permanent way. Now instead |
232 | let's think to a case where a network cable is not working well so a node |
233 | appears to be a few seconds up and a few seconds down. |
234 | |
235 | When this happens recovering can be much harder, as a client may notice the |
236 | problem and will promote a slave to master as a result, but then the host |
237 | will be up again and the other clients will not see the problem, writing to |
238 | the old master for at max 10 seconds (after 10 seconds all the clients are |
239 | required to perform a few GETs to check the configuration version of the |
240 | cluster and update if needed). |
241 | |
242 | One way to fix this problem is to delegate the fail over mechanism to a |
243 | failover agent. When clients notice problems will not take any active action |
244 | but will just log the problem into a redis list in all the reachable nodes, |
245 | wait, check for configuration change, and retry. |
246 | |
247 | The failover agent constantly monitor this logs: if some client is reporting |
248 | a failing node, it can take appropriate actions, checking if the failure is |
249 | permanent or not. If it's not he can send a SHUTDOWN command to the failing |
250 | master if possible. The failover agent can also consider better the problem |
251 | checking if the failing mode is advertised by all the clients or just a single |
252 | one, and can check itself if there is a real problem before to proceed with |
253 | the fail over. |
254 | |
255 | Redis proxy |
256 | =========== |
257 | |
258 | In order to make the switch to the clustered version of Redis simpler, and |
259 | because the client-side protocol is non trivial to implement compared to the |
260 | usual Redis client lib protocol (where a minimal lib can be as small as |
261 | 100 lines of code), a proxy will be provided to implement the cluster protocol |
262 | as a proxy. |
263 | |
264 | Every client will talk to a redis-proxy node that is responsible of using |
265 | the new protocol and forwarding back the replies. |
266 | |
267 | In the long run the aim is to switch all the major client libraries to the |
268 | new protocol in a native way. |
269 | |
270 | Supported commands |
271 | ================== |
272 | |
273 | Because with this design we talk directly to data nodes and there is a single |
274 | "master" version of every value (that's the big gain dropping "P" from CAP!) |
275 | almost all the redis commands can be supported by the clustered version |
276 | including MULTI/EXEC and multi key commands as long as all the keys will hash |
277 | to the same hash slot. In order to guarantee this, key tags can be used, |
278 | where when a specific pattern is present in the key name, only that part is |
279 | hashed in order to obtain the hash index. |
280 | |
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281 | Random remarks |
282 | ============== |
283 | |
284 | - It's still not clear how to perform an atomic election of a slave to master. |
285 | - In normal conditions (all the nodes working) this new design is just |
286 | K clients talking to N nodes without intermediate layers, no routes: |
287 | this means it is horizontally scalable with O(1) lookups. |
288 | - The cluster should optionally be able to work with manual fail over |
289 | for environments where it's desirable to do so. For instance it's possible |
290 | to setup periodic checks on all the nodes, and switch IPs when needed |
291 | or other advanced configurations that can not be the default as they |
292 | are too environment dependent. |
293 | |
294 | A few ideas about client-side slave election |
295 | ============================================ |
296 | |
297 | Detecting failures in a collaborative way |
298 | ----------------------------------------- |
299 | |
300 | In order to take the node failure detection and slave election a distributed |
301 | effort, without any "control program" that is in some way a single point |
302 | of failure (the cluster will not stop when it stops, but errors are not |
303 | corrected without it running), it's possible to use a few consensus-alike |
304 | algorithms. |
305 | |
306 | For instance all the nodes may take a list of errors detected by clients. |
307 | |
308 | If Client-1 detects some failure accessing Node-3, for instance a connection |
309 | refused error or a timeout, it logs what happened with LPUSH commands against |
310 | all the other nodes. This "error messages" will have a timestamp and the Node |
311 | id. Something like: |
312 | |
313 | LPUSH __cluster__:errors 3:1272545939 |
314 | |
315 | So if the error is reported many times in a small amount of time, at some |
316 | point a client can have enough hints about the need of performing a |
317 | slave election. |
318 | |
319 | Atomic slave election |
320 | --------------------- |
321 | |
322 | In order to avoid races when electing a slave to master (that is in order to |
323 | avoid that some client can still contact the old master for that node in |
324 | the 10 seconds timeframe), the client performing the election may write |
325 | some hint in the configuration, change the configuration SHA1 accordingly and |
326 | wait for more than 10 seconds, in order to be sure all the clients will |
327 | refresh the configuration before a new access. |
328 | |
329 | The config hint may be something like: |
330 | |
331 | "we are switching to a new master, that is x.y.z.k:port, in a few seconds" |
332 | |
333 | When a client updates the config and finds such a flag set, it starts to |
334 | continuously refresh the config until a change is noticed (this will take |
335 | at max 10-15 seconds). |
336 | |
337 | The client performing the election will wait that famous 10 seconds time frame |
338 | and finally will update the config in a definitive way setting the new |
339 | slave as mater. All the clients at this point are guaranteed to have the new |
340 | config either because they refreshed or because in the next query their config |
341 | is already expired and they'll update the configuration. |
342 | |
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