From: Jay Freeman (saurik) <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 23:27:19 +0000 (-0700)
Subject: Find all remote symbols via dyld_all_image_infos.
X-Git-Tag: v0.9.500%b1~54

Find all remote symbols via dyld_all_image_infos.

diff --git a/Baton.hpp b/Baton.hpp
index e2f96e4..8607893 100644
--- a/Baton.hpp
+++ b/Baton.hpp
@@ -24,15 +24,7 @@
 #include <sys/types.h>
 struct Baton {
-    void (*__pthread_set_self)(pthread_t);
-    int (*pthread_create)(pthread_t *, const pthread_attr_t *, void *(*)(void *), void *);
-    mach_port_t (*mach_thread_self)();
-    kern_return_t (*thread_terminate)(thread_act_t);
-    char *(*dlerror)();
-    void *(*dlsym)(void *, const char *);
+    mach_vm_address_t dyld;
     pid_t pid;
     char library[];
diff --git a/Mach/Inject.cpp b/Mach/Inject.cpp
index 64414e7..a6dcf9f 100644
--- a/Mach/Inject.cpp
+++ b/Mach/Inject.cpp
@@ -33,8 +33,6 @@
 #include "Pooling.hpp"
 #include "Trampoline.t.hpp"
-extern "C" void __pthread_set_self(pthread_t);
 void InjectLibrary(pid_t pid) {
     const char *library(CY_LIBRARY);
@@ -46,35 +44,32 @@ void InjectLibrary(pid_t pid) {
     uint8_t *local(pool.malloc<uint8_t>(depth));
     Baton *baton(reinterpret_cast<Baton *>(local));
-    baton->__pthread_set_self = &__pthread_set_self;
-    baton->pthread_create = &pthread_create;
-    baton->mach_thread_self = &mach_thread_self;
-    baton->thread_terminate = &thread_terminate;
-    baton->dlerror = &dlerror;
-    baton->dlsym = &dlsym;
     baton->pid = getpid();
     memcpy(baton->library, library, length);
-    vm_size_t size(depth + Stack_);
     mach_port_t self(mach_task_self()), task;
     _krncall(task_for_pid(self, pid, &task));
+    mach_msg_type_number_t count;
+    task_dyld_info info;
+    count = TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT;
+    _krncall(task_info(task, TASK_DYLD_INFO, reinterpret_cast<task_info_t>(&info), &count));
+    _assert(count == TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT);
+    _assert(info.all_image_info_addr != 0);
+    baton->dyld = info.all_image_info_addr;
+    vm_size_t size(depth + Stack_);
     vm_address_t stack;
     _krncall(vm_allocate(task, &stack, size, true));
-    vm_address_t data(stack + Stack_);
+    vm_address_t data(stack + Stack_);
     _krncall(vm_write(task, data, reinterpret_cast<vm_address_t>(baton), depth));
     thread_act_t thread;
     _krncall(thread_create(task, &thread));
     thread_state_flavor_t flavor;
-    mach_msg_type_number_t count;
 #if defined (__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__)
     x86_thread_state_t state;
     flavor = x86_THREAD_STATE;
diff --git a/Trampoline.t.cpp b/Trampoline.t.cpp
index 73baa3a..aff0296 100644
--- a/Trampoline.t.cpp
+++ b/Trampoline.t.cpp
@@ -22,14 +22,132 @@
 #define _PTHREAD_ATTR_T
 #include <pthread_internals.h>
+#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
+#include <mach-o/dyld_images.h>
+#include <mach-o/loader.h>
+extern "C" {
+#include <mach-o/nlist.h>
 #include "Standard.hpp"
 #include "Baton.hpp"
+static void $bzero(void *data, size_t size) {
+    char *bytes(reinterpret_cast<char *>(data));
+    for (size_t i(0); i != size; ++i)
+        bytes[i] = 0;
+static int $strcmp(const char *lhs, const char *rhs) {
+    while (*lhs == *rhs) {
+        if (*lhs == '\0')
+            return 0;
+        ++lhs, ++rhs;
+    } return *lhs < *rhs ? -1 : 1;
+#ifdef __LP64__
+typedef struct mach_header_64 mach_header_xx;
+typedef struct nlist_64 nlist_xx;
+typedef struct segment_command_64 segment_command_xx;
+static const uint32_t LC_SEGMENT_XX = LC_SEGMENT_64;
+static const uint32_t MH_MAGIC_XX = MH_MAGIC_64;
+typedef struct mach_header mach_header_xx;
+typedef struct nlist nlist_xx;
+typedef struct segment_command segment_command_xx;
+static const uint32_t LC_SEGMENT_XX = LC_SEGMENT;
+static const uint32_t MH_MAGIC_XX = MH_MAGIC;
+#define forlc(command, mach, lc, type) \
+    if (const struct load_command *load_commands = reinterpret_cast<const struct load_command *>(mach + 1)) \
+        if (const struct load_command *lcp = load_commands) \
+            for (uint32_t i(0); i != mach->ncmds; ++i, lcp = reinterpret_cast<const struct load_command *>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(lcp) + lcp->cmdsize)) \
+                if ( \
+                    lcp->cmdsize % sizeof(long) != 0 || lcp->cmdsize <= 0 || \
+                    reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(lcp) + lcp->cmdsize > reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(load_commands) + mach->sizeofcmds \
+                ) \
+                    return NULL; \
+                else if (lcp->cmd != lc) \
+                    continue; \
+                else if (lcp->cmdsize < sizeof(type)) \
+                    return NULL; \
+                else if (const type *command = reinterpret_cast<const type *>(lcp))
+static void *Symbol(struct dyld_all_image_infos *infos, const char *library, const char *name) {
+    const dyld_image_info *info(NULL);
+    for (uint32_t i(0); i != infos->infoArrayCount; ++i)
+        if ($strcmp(infos->infoArray[i].imageFilePath, library) == 0)
+            info = &infos->infoArray[i];
+    if (info == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    const mach_header_xx *mach(reinterpret_cast<const mach_header_xx *>(info->imageLoadAddress));
+    if (mach->magic != MH_MAGIC_XX)
+        return NULL;
+    const struct symtab_command *stp(NULL);
+    forlc (command, mach, LC_SYMTAB, struct symtab_command)
+        stp = command;
+    if (stp == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    size_t slide(_not(size_t));
+    const nlist_xx *symbols(NULL);
+    const char *strings(NULL);
+    forlc (segment, mach, LC_SEGMENT_XX, segment_command_xx) {
+        if (segment->fileoff == 0)
+            slide = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(mach) - segment->vmaddr;
+        if (stp->symoff >= segment->fileoff && stp->symoff < segment->fileoff + segment->filesize)
+            symbols = reinterpret_cast<const nlist_xx *>(stp->symoff - segment->fileoff + segment->vmaddr + slide);
+        if (stp->stroff >= segment->fileoff && stp->stroff < segment->fileoff + segment->filesize)
+            strings = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(stp->stroff - segment->fileoff + segment->vmaddr + slide);
+    }
+    if (slide == _not(size_t) || symbols == NULL || strings == NULL)
+        return NULL;
+    for (size_t i(0); i != stp->nsyms; ++i) {
+        const nlist_xx *symbol(&symbols[i]);
+        if (symbol->n_un.n_strx == 0 || (symbol->n_type & N_STAB) != 0)
+            continue;
+        const char *nambuf(strings + symbol->n_un.n_strx);
+        if ($strcmp(name, nambuf) != 0)
+            continue;
+        uintptr_t value(symbol->n_value);
+        if (value == 0)
+            continue;
+        value += slide;
+        return reinterpret_cast<void *>(value);
+    }
+    return NULL;
+struct Dynamic {
+    char *(*dlerror)();
+    void *(*dlsym)(void *, const char *);
 template <typename Type_>
-static _finline void dlset(Baton *baton, Type_ &function, const char *name, void *handle = RTLD_DEFAULT) {
-    function = reinterpret_cast<Type_>(baton->dlsym(handle, name));
+static _finline void dlset(Dynamic *dynamic, Type_ &function, const char *name, void *handle = RTLD_DEFAULT) {
+    function = reinterpret_cast<Type_>(dynamic->dlsym(handle, name));
     if (function == NULL)
-        baton->dlerror();
+        dynamic->dlerror();
+template <typename Type_>
+static _finline void cyset(Baton *baton, Type_ &function, const char *name, const char *library) {
+    struct dyld_all_image_infos *infos(reinterpret_cast<struct dyld_all_image_infos *>(baton->dyld));
+    function = reinterpret_cast<Type_>(Symbol(infos, library, name));
 // XXX: where you find this needs to be relative to CoreFoundation (or something)
@@ -40,36 +158,40 @@ static _finline void dlset(Baton *baton, Type_ &function, const char *name, void
 void *Routine(void *arg) {
     Baton *baton(reinterpret_cast<Baton *>(arg));
+    Dynamic dynamic;
+    cyset(baton, dynamic.dlerror, "_dlerror", "/usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib");
+    cyset(baton, dynamic.dlsym, "_dlsym", "/usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib");
     int (*pthread_detach)(pthread_t);
-    dlset(baton, pthread_detach, "pthread_detach");
+    dlset(&dynamic, pthread_detach, "pthread_detach");
     pthread_t (*pthread_self)();
-    dlset(baton, pthread_self, "pthread_self");
+    dlset(&dynamic, pthread_self, "pthread_self");
     void *(*dlopen)(const char *, int);
-    dlset(baton, dlopen, "dlopen");
+    dlset(&dynamic, dlopen, "dlopen");
-    if (baton->dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JSEvaluateScript") == NULL)
+    if (dynamic.dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, "JSEvaluateScript") == NULL)
         dlopen(Framework(JavaScriptCore), RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY);
     void *(*objc_getClass)(const char *);
-    dlset(baton, objc_getClass, "objc_getClass");
+    dlset(&dynamic, objc_getClass, "objc_getClass");
     if (objc_getClass("WebUndefined") == NULL)
         dlopen(Framework(WebKit), RTLD_GLOBAL | RTLD_LAZY);
     void *handle(dlopen(baton->library, RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL));
     if (handle == NULL) {
-        baton->dlerror();
+        dynamic.dlerror();
         return NULL;
     void (*CYHandleServer)(pid_t);
-    dlset(baton, CYHandleServer, "CYHandleServer", handle);
+    dlset(&dynamic, CYHandleServer, "CYHandleServer", handle);
     if (CYHandleServer == NULL) {
-        baton->dlerror();
+        dynamic.dlerror();
         return NULL;
@@ -77,31 +199,27 @@ void *Routine(void *arg) {
     return NULL;
-static void $bzero(void *data, size_t size) {
-    char *bytes(reinterpret_cast<char *>(data));
-    for (size_t i(0); i != size; ++i)
-        bytes[i] = 0;
 extern "C" void Start(Baton *baton) {
     struct _pthread self;
     $bzero(&self, sizeof(self));
-    // this code comes from _pthread_set_self
+    void (*$__pthread_set_self)(pthread_t);
+    cyset(baton, $__pthread_set_self, "___pthread_set_self", "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib");
     self.tsd[0] = &self;
-    baton->__pthread_set_self(&self);
+    $__pthread_set_self(&self);
-    //int (*pthread_create)(pthread_t *, const pthread_attr_t *, void *(*)(void *), void *);
-    //dlset(baton, pthread_create, "pthread_create");
+    int (*$pthread_create)(pthread_t *, const pthread_attr_t *, void *(*)(void *), void *);
+    cyset(baton, $pthread_create, "_pthread_create", "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib");
     pthread_t thread;
-    baton->pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &Routine, baton);
+    $pthread_create(&thread, NULL, &Routine, baton);
-    //mach_port_t (*mach_thread_self)();
-    //dlset(baton, mach_thread_self, "mach_thread_self");
+    mach_port_t (*$mach_thread_self)();
+    cyset(baton, $mach_thread_self, "_mach_thread_self", "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib");
-    //kern_return_t (*thread_terminate)(thread_act_t);
-    //dlset(baton, thread_terminate, "thread_terminate");
+    kern_return_t (*$thread_terminate)(thread_act_t);
+    cyset(baton, $thread_terminate, "_thread_terminate", "/usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib");
-    baton->thread_terminate(baton->mach_thread_self());
+    $thread_terminate($mach_thread_self());