X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/cycript.git/blobdiff_plain/697d6fd2b2bf66a1f0bf1f28de0ced96fc14cbfc..fb726fc55e2a79b03564be97d5057e28805d84f0:/Cycript.l.in
diff --git a/Cycript.l.in b/Cycript.l.in
index ec2befc..f97158e 100644
--- a/Cycript.l.in
+++ b/Cycript.l.in
@@ -1,36 +1,58 @@
-// XXX: supposedly I will be screwed on very very long multi-line comments and need to replace these with a manual lexer. http://websrv.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/courses/COP5621/Pr2.pdf
+/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime
+ * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jay Freeman (saurik)
+/* GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */
+ * Cycript is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+ * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
+ * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+ * option) any later version.
+ *
+ * Cycript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
+ * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+ * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * along with Cycript. If not, see .
+/* }}} */
+/* XXX: supposedly I will be screwed on very very long multi-line comments and need to replace these with a manual lexer. http://websrv.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/courses/COP5621/Pr2.pdf */
#define YYLTYPE cy::location
#include "Cycript.tab.hh"
typedef cy::parser::token tk;
#define YY_EXTRA_TYPE CYDriver *
+#define A new($pool)
+#define Y apr_pstrmemdup($pool, yytext, yyleng)
+#define I(type, Type, Name) do { \
+ yylval->type ## _ = A CY ## Type; \
+ return tk::Name; \
+} while (false)
#define T yylval->newline_ = yyextra->state_ == CYNewLine; BEGIN(Div);
#define C T yyextra->state_ = CYClear;
#define R T yyextra->state_ = CYRestricted;
-#define E(prefix) L C { \
- char *value(reinterpret_cast(apr_palloc(yyextra->pool_, yyleng + sizeof(prefix)))); \
- memcpy(value, prefix, sizeof(prefix) - 1); \
- memcpy(value + sizeof(prefix) - 1, yytext, yyleng); \
- value[yyleng + sizeof(prefix) - 1] = '\0'; \
- yylval->literal_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYRegEx(value); \
- return tk::RegularExpressionLiteral; \
+#define E L C I(literal, RegEx(Y), RegularExpressionLiteral);
#define N \
if (yyextra->state_ != CYNewLine) { \
- bool restricted(yyextra->state_ == CYRestricted); \
- if (restricted) { \
+ if (yyextra->state_ != CYRestricted) \
+ yyextra->state_ = CYNewLine; \
+ else { \
yyextra->state_ = CYClear; \
return tk::NewLine; \
- } else \
- yyextra->state_ = CYNewLine; \
+ } \
-#define M { \
+#define V(more) { \
if (const char *nl = reinterpret_cast(memchr(yytext, '\n', yyleng))) { \
unsigned lines(0); \
size_t left; \
@@ -42,7 +64,7 @@ typedef cy::parser::token tk;
yylloc->end.lines(lines); \
yylloc->end.columns(left); \
yylloc->step(); \
- N \
+ more \
} else L \
@@ -68,7 +90,8 @@ int H(char c) {
} else if (yyextra->size_ == 0) \
value = YY_NULL; \
else { \
- size_t copy(std::min(size, yyextra->size_)); \
+ size_t copy(size); \
+ copy = (std::min(copy, yyextra->size_)); \
memcpy(data, yyextra->data_, copy); \
yyextra->data_ += copy; \
yyextra->size_ -= copy; \
@@ -86,6 +109,7 @@ int H(char c) {
%option nounput
%option interactive
%option reentrant
+%option stack
Exponent [eE][+-]?[0-9]+
Escape \\[\\'"bfnrtv]|\\0|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\\n
@@ -101,27 +125,60 @@ RegularExpressionFlags {IdentifierPart}*
RegularExpressionChars {RegularExpressionChar}*
RegularExpressionBody {RegularExpressionFirstChar}{RegularExpressionChars}
+@begin E4X
+XMLNameStart [a-zA-Z_:]
+XMLNamePart [a-zA-Z0-9.-_:]
+XMLName {XMLNameStart}{XMLNamePart}*
%s Div
%s RegExp
+@begin E4X
+%x XMLContent
+%x XMLTag
-\/{RegularExpressionBody}\/{RegularExpressionFlags} E("")
+\/{RegularExpressionBody}\/{RegularExpressionFlags} E
\/\/[^\n]* L
-\/\*(\n|[^\*]|\*[^/])*\*\/ M
+ /* http://ostermiller.org/findcomment.html */
+ /* XXX: unify these two rules using !? */
+\/\*!([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+\/ V() C I(comment, Comment(Y), Comment);
+\/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+\/ V(N)
@begin E4X
+"<>" L return tk::LeftRight;
+">" L return tk::LeftSlashRight;
-"@" L C return tk::At;
+\])*]]> V() return tk::XMLCDATA;
+\ V() return tk::XMLComment;
+\(\n|[^?]|\?[^>])*?> V() return tk::XMLPI;
+"=" L return tk::Equal;
+">" L return tk::Right;
+"/>" L return tk::SlashRight;
+"{" L return tk::OpenBrace;
+\"(\n|[^"])*\"|'(\n|[^'])*' V() return tk::XMLAttributeValue;
+{XMLName} L return tk::XMLName;
+[ \t\r\n] V() return tk::XMLWhitespace;
+"{" L return tk::OpenBrace;
+"<" L return tk::Left;
+"" L return tk::LeftSlash;
+@begin E4X
"::" L C return tk::ColonColon;
-"<>" L C return tk::LeftRight;
-">" L C return tk::LeftSlashRight;
".." L C return tk::PeriodPeriod;
-"/>" L C return tk::SlashRight;
+@begin E4X ObjectiveC
+"@" L C return tk::At;
"&" L C return tk::Ampersand;
@@ -173,102 +230,112 @@ RegularExpressionBody {RegularExpressionFirstChar}{RegularExpressionChars}
"(" L C return tk::OpenParen;
")" L C return tk::CloseParen;
-"{" L C return tk::OpenBrace;
+"{" L C return yylval->newline_ ? tk::OpenBrace_ : tk::OpenBrace;
"}" L C return tk::CloseBrace;
"[" L C return tk::OpenBracket;
"]" L C return tk::CloseBracket;
+@begin Java
+"@class" L C return tk::AtClass;
@begin ObjectiveC
-"@class" L C return tk::AtClass;
-"@end" L C return tk::AtEnd;
-"@selector" L C return tk::AtSelector;
+"@end" L C return tk::AtEnd;
+"@implementation" L C return tk::AtImplementation;
+"@import" L C return tk::AtImport;
+"@selector" L C return tk::AtSelector;
+"false" L C I(false, False(), False);
+"null" L C I(null, Null(), Null);
+"true" L C I(true, True(), True);
+"break" L R I(word, Word("break"), Break);
+"case" L C I(word, Word("case"), Case);
+"catch" L C I(word, Word("catch"), Catch);
+"continue" L R I(word, Word("continue"), Continue);
+"default" L C I(word, Word("default"), Default);
+"delete" L C I(word, Word("delete"), Delete);
+"do" L C I(word, Word("do"), Do);
+"else" L C I(word, Word("else"), Else);
+"finally" L C I(word, Word("finally"), Finally);
+"for" L C I(word, Word("for"), For);
+"function" L C I(word, Word("function"), Function);
+"if" L C I(word, Word("if"), If);
+"in" L C I(word, Word("in"), In);
+"instanceof" L C I(word, Word("instanceof"), InstanceOf);
+"new" L C I(word, Word("new"), New);
+"return" L R I(word, Word("return"), Return);
+"switch" L C I(word, Word("switch"), Switch);
+"this" L C I(this, This(), This);
+"throw" L R I(word, Word("throw"), Throw);
+"try" L C I(word, Word("try"), Try);
+"typeof" L C I(word, Word("typeof"), TypeOf);
+"var" L C I(word, Word("var"), Var);
+"void" L C I(word, Word("void"), Void);
+"while" L C I(word, Word("while"), While);
+"with" L C I(word, Word("with"), With);
+"debugger" L C I(word, Word("debugger"), Debugger);
+"const" L C I(word, Word("const"), Const);
+"class" L C I(word, Word("class"), Class);
+"enum" L C I(word, Word("enum"), Enum);
+"export" L C I(word, Word("export"), Export);
+"extends" L C I(word, Word("extends"), Extends);
+"import" L C I(word, Word("import"), Import);
+"super" L C I(word, Word("super"), Super);
+"implements" L C I(identifier, Identifier("implements"), Implements);
+"interface" L C I(identifier, Identifier("interface"), Interface);
+"package" L C I(identifier, Identifier("package"), Package);
+"private" L C I(identifier, Identifier("private"), Private);
+"protected" L C I(identifier, Identifier("protected"), Protected);
+"public" L C I(identifier, Identifier("public"), Public);
+"static" L C I(identifier, Identifier("static"), Static);
+"abstract" L C I(identifier, Identifier("abstract"), Abstract);
+"boolean" L C I(identifier, Identifier("boolean"), Boolean);
+"byte" L C I(identifier, Identifier("byte"), Byte);
+"char" L C I(identifier, Identifier("char"), Char);
+"double" L C I(identifier, Identifier("double"), Double);
+"final" L C I(identifier, Identifier("final"), Final);
+"float" L C I(identifier, Identifier("float"), Float);
+"goto" L C I(identifier, Identifier("goto"), Goto);
+"int" L C I(identifier, Identifier("int"), Int);
+"long" L C I(identifier, Identifier("long"), Long);
+"native" L C I(identifier, Identifier("native"), Native);
+"short" L C I(identifier, Identifier("short"), Short);
+"synchronized" L C I(identifier, Identifier("synchronized"), Synchronized);
+"throws" L C I(identifier, Identifier("throws"), Throws);
+"transient" L C I(identifier, Identifier("transient"), Transient);
+"volatile" L C I(identifier, Identifier("volatile"), Volatile);
+"let" L C I(identifier, Identifier("let"), Let);
+"yield" L C I(identifier, Identifier("yield"), Yield);
+"each" L C I(identifier, Identifier("each"), Each);
+@begin E4X
+"namespace" L C I(identifier, Identifier("namespace"), Namespace);
+"xml" L C I(identifier, Identifier("xml"), XML);
-"false" L C yylval->false_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYFalse(); return tk::False;
-"null" L C yylval->null_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYNull(); return tk::Null;
-"true" L C yylval->true_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYTrue(); return tk::True;
-"break" L R yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("break"); return tk::Break;
-"case" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("case"); return tk::Case;
-"catch" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("catch"); return tk::Catch;
-"continue" L R yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("continue"); return tk::Continue;
-"default" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("default"); return tk::Default;
-"delete" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("delete"); return tk::Delete;
-"do" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("do"); return tk::Do;
-"else" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("else"); return tk::Else;
-"finally" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("finally"); return tk::Finally;
-"for" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("for"); return tk::For;
-"function" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("function"); return tk::Function;
-"if" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("if"); return tk::If;
-"in" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("in"); return tk::In;
-"instanceof" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("instanceof"); return tk::InstanceOf;
-"new" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("new"); return tk::New;
-"return" L R yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("return"); return tk::Return;
-"switch" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("switch"); return tk::Switch;
-"this" L C yylval->this_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYThis(); return tk::This;
-"throw" L R yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("throw"); return tk::Throw;
-"try" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("try"); return tk::Try;
-"typeof" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("typeof"); return tk::TypeOf;
-"var" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("var"); return tk::Var;
-"void" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("void"); return tk::Void;
-"while" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("while"); return tk::While;
-"with" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("with"); return tk::With;
-"debugger" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("debugger"); return tk::Debugger;
-"const" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("const"); return tk::Const;
-"class" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("class"); return tk::Class;
-"enum" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("enum"); return tk::Enum;
-"export" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("export"); return tk::Export;
-"extends" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("extends"); return tk::Extends;
-"import" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("import"); return tk::Import;
-"super" L C yylval->word_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYWord("super"); return tk::Super;
-"implements" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("implements"); return tk::Implements;
-"interface" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("interface"); return tk::Interface;
-"package" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("package"); return tk::Package;
-"private" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("private"); return tk::Private;
-"protected" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("protected"); return tk::Protected;
-"public" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("public"); return tk::Public;
-"static" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("static"); return tk::Static;
-"abstract" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("abstract"); return tk::Abstract;
-"boolean" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("boolean"); return tk::Boolean;
-"byte" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("byte"); return tk::Byte;
-"char" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("char"); return tk::Char;
-"double" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("double"); return tk::Double;
-"final" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("final"); return tk::Final;
-"float" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("float"); return tk::Float;
-"goto" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("goto"); return tk::Goto;
-"int" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("int"); return tk::Int;
-"long" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("long"); return tk::Long;
-"native" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("native"); return tk::Native;
-"short" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("short"); return tk::Short;
-"synchronized" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("synchronized"); return tk::Synchronized;
-"throws" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("throws"); return tk::Throws;
-"transient" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("transient"); return tk::Transient;
-"volatile" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("volatile"); return tk::Volatile;
-"let" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("let"); return tk::Let;
-"yield" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("yield"); return tk::Yield;
-"each" L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier("each"); return tk::Each;
-{IdentifierStart}{IdentifierPart}* L C yylval->identifier_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYIdentifier(apr_pstrmemdup(yyextra->pool_, yytext, yyleng)); return tk::Identifier_;
-(\.[0-9]+|(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)?){Exponent}? L C yylval->number_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYNumber(strtod(yytext, NULL)); return tk::NumericLiteral;
-0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ L C yylval->number_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYNumber(strtoull(yytext + 2, NULL, 16)); return tk::NumericLiteral;
-0[bB][0-1]+ L C yylval->number_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYNumber(strtoull(yytext + 2, NULL, 2)); return tk::NumericLiteral;
+{IdentifierStart}{IdentifierPart}* L C I(identifier, Identifier(Y), Identifier_);
+(\.[0-9]+|(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)?){Exponent}? L C I(number, Number(strtod(yytext, NULL)), NumericLiteral);
+0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ L C I(number, Number(strtoull(yytext + 2, NULL, 16)), NumericLiteral);
+0[0-7]+ L C I(number, Number(strtoull(yytext + 1, NULL, 8)), NumericLiteral);
+0[bB][0-1]+ L C I(number, Number(strtoull(yytext + 2, NULL, 2)), NumericLiteral);
\"([^"\\\n]|{Escape})*\"|'([^'\\\n]|{Escape})*' L C {
- char *value(reinterpret_cast(apr_palloc(yyextra->pool_, yyleng)));
+ char *value(A char[yyleng]);
char *local(value);
- for (int i(1); i != yyleng - 1; ++i) {
+ for (yy_size_t i(1), e(yyleng - 1); i != e; ++i) {
char next(yytext[i]);
if (yytext[i] == '\\')
@@ -295,14 +362,14 @@ RegularExpressionBody {RegularExpressionFirstChar}{RegularExpressionChars}
*local = '\0';
- yylval->string_ = new(yyextra->pool_) CYString(value, local - value);
- return tk::StringLiteral;
+ I(string, String(value, local - value), StringLiteral);
\r?\n yylloc->end.lines(); yylloc->step(); N
[ \t] L
-<> L yyterminate();
+<> if (yyextra->auto_) { yyextra->auto_ = false; return tk::AutoComplete; } L yyterminate();
. L {
CYDriver::Error error;
@@ -323,14 +390,59 @@ void CYDriver::ScannerDestroy() {
-void CYDriver::BeginCondition(Condition condition) {
+CYDriver::Condition CYDriver::GetCondition() {
+ switch (yy_top_state(scanner_)) {
+ case RegExp:
+ return RegExpCondition;
+@begin E4X
+ case XMLContent:
+ return XMLContentCondition;
+ case XMLTag:
+ return XMLTagCondition;
+ default:
+ _assert(false);
+ }
+void CYDriver::SetCondition(Condition condition) {
struct yyguts_t *yyg(reinterpret_cast(scanner_));
switch (condition) {
case RegExpCondition:
+@begin E4X
+ case XMLContentCondition:
+ BEGIN(XMLContent);
+ break;
+ case XMLTagCondition:
+ break;
+void CYDriver::PushCondition(Condition condition) {
+ switch (condition) {
+ case RegExpCondition:
+ yy_push_state(RegExp, scanner_);
+ break;
+@begin E4X
+ case XMLContentCondition:
+ yy_push_state(XMLContent, scanner_);
+ break;
+ case XMLTagCondition:
+ yy_push_state(XMLTag, scanner_);
+ break;
+ default:
+ _assert(false);
+ }
+void CYDriver::PopCondition() {
+ yy_pop_state(scanner_);