-%token <false_> False "false"
-%token <null_> Null "null"
-%token <true_> True "true"
-// ES3/ES5/WIE/JSC Reserved
-%token <word_> Auto "auto"
-%token <word_> Break "break"
-%token <word_> Case "case"
-%token <word_> Catch "catch"
-%token <word_> Continue "continue"
-%token <word_> Default "default"
-%token <word_> Delete "delete"
-%token <word_> Do "do"
-%token <word_> Else "else"
-%token <word_> Finally "finally"
-%token <word_> For "for"
-%token <word_> Function "function"
-%token <word_> Function_ ";function"
-%token <word_> If "if"
-%token <word_> In "in"
-%token <word_> In_ "!in"
-%token <word_> InstanceOf "instanceof"
-%token <word_> New "new"
-%token <word_> Return "return"
-%token <word_> Switch "switch"
-%token <this_> This "this"
-%token <word_> Throw "throw"
-%token <word_> Try "try"
-%token <word_> TypeOf "typeof"
-%token <word_> Var "var"
-%token <word_> Void "void"
-%token <word_> While "while"
-%token <word_> With "with"
-// ES3/IE6 Future, ES5/JSC Reserved
-%token <word_> Debugger "debugger"
-// ES3/ES5/IE6 Future, JSC Reserved
-%token <word_> Const "const"
-// ES3/ES5/IE6/JSC Future
-%token <word_> Class "class"
-%token <word_> Enum "enum"
-%token <word_> Export "export"
-%token <word_> Extends "extends"
-%token <word_> Import "import"
-%token <word_> Super "super"
-// ES3 Future, ES5 Strict Future
-%token <identifier_> Implements "implements"
-%token <identifier_> Interface "interface"
-%token <identifier_> Package "package"
-%token <identifier_> Private "private"
-%token <identifier_> Protected "protected"
-%token <identifier_> Public "public"
-%token <identifier_> Static "static"
-// ES3 Future
-%token <identifier_> Abstract "abstract"
-%token <identifier_> Boolean "boolean"
-%token <identifier_> Byte "byte"
-%token <identifier_> Char "char"
-%token <identifier_> Double "double"
-%token <identifier_> Final "final"
-%token <identifier_> Float "float"
-%token <identifier_> Goto "goto"
-%token <identifier_> Int "int"
-%token <identifier_> Long "long"
-%token <identifier_> Native "native"
-%token <identifier_> Short "short"
-%token <identifier_> Synchronized "synchronized"
-%token <identifier_> Throws "throws"
-%token <identifier_> Transient "transient"
-%token <identifier_> Volatile "volatile"
-// ES5 Strict
-%token <identifier_> Let "let"
-%token <identifier_> Yield "yield"
-// Woah?!
-%token <identifier_> Each "each"
-%token <identifier_> Of "of"
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+%token _null_ "null"
+%token _true_ "true"
+%token _break_ "break"
+%token _case_ "case"
+%token _catch_ "catch"
+%token _class_ "class"
+%token _class__ "!class"
+%token _const_ "const"
+%token _continue_ "continue"
+%token _debugger_ "debugger"
+%token _default_ "default"
+%token _delete_ "delete"
+%token _do_ "do"
+%token _else_ "else"
+%token _enum_ "enum"
+%token _export_ "export"
+%token _extends_ "extends"
+%token _finally_ "finally"
+%token _for_ "for"
+%token _function_ "function"
+%token _function__ ";function"
+%token _if_ "if"
+%token _import_ "import"
+%token _in_ "in"
+%token _in__ "!in"
+%token _instanceof_ "instanceof"
+%token _new_ "new"
+%token _return_ "return"
+%token _super_ "super"
+%token _switch_ "switch"
+%token _this_ "this"
+%token _throw_ "throw"
+%token _try_ "try"
+%token _typeof_ "typeof"
+%token _var_ "var"
+%token _void_ "void"
+%token _while_ "while"
+%token _with_ "with"
+%token _abstract_ "abstract"
+%token _await_ "await"
+%token _boolean_ "boolean"
+%token _byte_ "byte"
+%token _char_ "char"
+%token _double_ "double"
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+%token _float_ "float"
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+%token _implements_ "implements"
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+%token _long_ "long"
+%token _native_ "native"
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+%token _protected_ "protected"
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+%token _short_ "short"
+%token _static_ "static"
+%token _synchronized_ "synchronized"
+%token _throws_ "throws"
+%token _transient_ "transient"
+%token _volatile_ "volatile"
+%token _yield_ "yield"
+%token _undefined_ "undefined"
+@begin ObjectiveC
+%token _bool_ "bool"
+%token _BOOL_ "BOOL"
+%token _id_ "id"
+%token _nil_ "nil"
+%token _NULL_ "NULL"
+%token _SEL_ "SEL"
+%token _auto_ "auto"
+%token _each_ "each"
+%token _of_ "of"