/* Cycript - Optimizing JavaScript Compiler/Runtime * Copyright (C) 2009-2015 Jay Freeman (saurik) */ /* GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3 {{{ */ /* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . **/ /* }}} */ %code top { #define YYSTACKEXPANDABLE 1 } %code requires { #include "Driver.hpp" #include "Parser.hpp" #include "Stack.hpp" #define CYNew new(driver.pool_) @begin ObjectiveC #include "ObjectiveC/Syntax.hpp" @end @begin E4X #include "E4X/Syntax.hpp" @end #include "Highlight.hpp" } %union { bool bool_; } %union { CYMember *access_; } %union { CYArgument *argument_; } %union { CYAssignment *assignment_; } %union { CYBinding *binding_; } %union { CYBindings *bindings_; } %union { CYBoolean *boolean_; } %union { CYClause *clause_; } %union { cy::Syntax::Catch *catch_; } %union { CYClassTail *classTail_; } %union { CYComprehension *comprehension_; } %union { CYElement *element_; } %union { CYExpression *expression_; } %union { CYFalse *false_; } %union { CYVariable *variable_; } %union { CYFinally *finally_; } %union { CYForInitializer *for_; } %union { CYForInInitializer *forin_; } %union { CYFunctionParameter *functionParameter_; } %union { CYIdentifier *identifier_; } %union { CYInfix *infix_; } %union { CYLiteral *literal_; } %union { CYMethod *method_; } %union { CYModule *module_; } %union { CYNull *null_; } %union { CYNumber *number_; } %union { CYParenthetical *parenthetical_; } %union { CYProperty *property_; } %union { CYPropertyName *propertyName_; } %union { CYRubyProc *rubyProc_; } %union { CYSpan *span_; } %union { CYStatement *statement_; } %union { CYString *string_; } %union { CYTarget *target_; } %union { CYThis *this_; } %union { CYTrue *true_; } %union { CYWord *word_; } @begin C %union { CYTypeStructField *structField_; } %union { CYTypeModifier *modifier_; } %union { CYTypeSpecifier *specifier_; } %union { CYTypedIdentifier *typedIdentifier_; } %union { CYTypedParameter *typedParameter_; } @end @begin ObjectiveC %union { CYImplementationField *implementationField_; } %union { CYMessage *message_; } %union { CYMessageParameter *messageParameter_; } %union { CYProtocol *protocol_; } %union { CYSelectorPart *selector_; } @end @begin E4X %union { CYAttribute *attribute_; } %union { CYPropertyIdentifier *propertyIdentifier_; } %union { CYSelector *selector_; } @end %code provides { struct YYSTYPE { cy::parser::semantic_type semantic_; hi::Value highlight_; }; int cylex(YYSTYPE *, CYLocation *, void *); } %code { #undef yylex typedef cy::parser::token tk; _finline int cylex_(cy::parser::semantic_type *semantic, CYLocation *location, CYDriver &driver) { driver.newline_ = false; lex: YYSTYPE data; int token(cylex(&data, location, driver.scanner_)); *semantic = data.semantic_; switch (token) { case tk::OpenBrace: case tk::OpenBracket: case tk::OpenParen: driver.in_.push(false); break; case tk::_in_: if (driver.in_.top()) token = tk::_in__; break; case tk::CloseBrace: case tk::CloseBracket: case tk::CloseParen: driver.in_.pop(); break; case tk::_yield_: if (driver.yield_.top()) token = tk::_yield__; break; case tk::NewLine: driver.newline_ = true; goto lex; break; } return token; } #define yylex_(semantic, location, driver) ({ \ int type; \ if (driver.hold_ == cy::parser::empty_symbol) \ type = yytranslate_(cylex_(semantic, location, driver)); \ else { \ type = driver.hold_; \ driver.hold_ = cy::parser::empty_symbol; \ } \ type; }) #define CYLEX() do if (yyla.empty()) { \ YYCDEBUG << "Mapping a token: "; \ yyla.type = yylex_(&yyla.value, &yyla.location, driver); \ YY_SYMBOL_PRINT("Next token is", yyla); \ } while (false) #define CYMAP(to, from) do { \ CYLEX(); \ if (yyla.type == yytranslate_(token::from)) \ yyla.type = yytranslate_(token::to); \ } while (false) #define CYERR(location, message) do { \ error(location, message); \ YYABORT; \ } while (false) #define CYEOK() do { \ yyerrok; \ driver.errors_.pop_back(); \ } while (false) #define CYNOT(location) \ CYERR(location, "unimplemented feature") #define CYMPT(location) do { \ if (!yyla.empty() && yyla.type_get() != yyeof_) \ CYERR(location, "unexpected lookahead"); \ } while (false) } %name-prefix "cy" %language "C++" %initial-action { @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.filename_; switch (driver.mark_) { case CYMarkScript: driver.hold_ = yytranslate_(token::MarkScript); break; case CYMarkModule: driver.hold_ = yytranslate_(token::MarkModule); break; } }; %locations %defines %define api.location.type { CYLocation } //%glr-parser //%expect 1 %error-verbose %param { CYDriver &driver } /* Token Declarations {{{ */ @begin E4X %token XMLCDATA %token XMLComment %token XMLPI %token XMLAttributeValue %token XMLName %token XMLTagCharacters %token XMLText %token XMLWhitespace @end @begin E4X %token LeftRight "<>" %token LeftSlashRight "" %token SlashRight "/>" %token LeftSlash "" %token Exclamation "!" %token ExclamationEqual "!=" %token ExclamationEqualEqual "!==" %token Hyphen "-" %token HyphenEqual "-=" %token HyphenHyphen "--" %token HyphenRight "->" %token Left "<" %token LeftEqual "<=" %token LeftLeft "<<" %token LeftLeftEqual "<<=" %token Percent "%" %token PercentEqual "%=" %token Period "." %token PeriodPeriodPeriod "..." %token Pipe "|" %token PipeEqual "|=" %token PipePipe "||" %token Plus "+" %token PlusEqual "+=" %token PlusPlus "++" %token Right ">" %token RightEqual ">=" %token RightRight ">>" %token RightRightEqual ">>=" %token RightRightRight ">>>" %token RightRightRightEqual ">>>=" %token Slash "/" %token SlashEqual "/=" %token Star "*" %token StarEqual "*=" %token Tilde "~" %token Colon ":" %token Comma "," %token Question "?" %token SemiColon ";" %token NewLine "\n" %token __ "" %token Comment %token OpenParen "(" %token CloseParen ")" %token OpenBrace "{" %token OpenBrace_ ";{" %token OpenBrace_let "let {" %token CloseBrace "}" %token OpenBracket "[" %token OpenBracket_let "let [" %token CloseBracket "]" %token At_error_ "@error" @begin Java %token At_class_ "@class" @end @begin C %token _typedef_ "typedef" %token _unsigned_ "unsigned" %token _signed_ "signed" %token _struct_ "struct" %token _extern_ "extern" @end @begin C %token At_encode_ "@encode" @end @begin ObjectiveC %token At_implementation_ "@implementation" %token At_import_ "@import" %token At_end_ "@end" %token At_selector_ "@selector" %token At_null_ "@null" %token At_YES_ "@YES" %token At_NO_ "@NO" %token At_true_ "@true" %token At_false_ "@false" %token _YES_ "YES" %token _NO_ "NO" @end %token _false_ "false" %token _null_ "null" %token _true_ "true" %token _break_ "break" %token _case_ "case" %token _catch_ "catch" %token _class_ "class" %token _class__ ";class" %token _const_ "const" %token _continue_ "continue" %token _debugger_ "debugger" %token _default_ "default" %token _delete_ "delete" %token _do_ "do" %token _else_ "else" %token _enum_ "enum" %token _export_ "export" %token _extends_ "extends" %token _finally_ "finally" %token _for_ "for" %token _function_ "function" %token _function__ ";function" %token _if_ "if" %token _import_ "import" %token _in_ "in" %token _in__ "!in" %token _Infinity_ "Infinity" %token _instanceof_ "instanceof" %token _new_ "new" %token _return_ "return" %token _super_ "super" %token _switch_ "switch" %token _target_ "target" %token _this_ "this" %token _throw_ "throw" %token _try_ "try" %token _typeof_ "typeof" %token _var_ "var" %token _void_ "void" %token _while_ "while" %token _with_ "with" %token _abstract_ "abstract" %token _await_ "await" %token _boolean_ "boolean" %token _byte_ "byte" %token _char_ "char" %token _constructor_ "constructor" %token _double_ "double" %token _eval_ "eval" %token _final_ "final" %token _float_ "float" %token _from_ "from" %token _get_ "get" %token _goto_ "goto" %token _implements_ "implements" %token _int_ "int" %token _interface_ "interface" %token _let_ "let" %token _let__ "!let" %token _long_ "long" %token _native_ "native" %token _package_ "package" %token _private_ "private" %token _protected_ "protected" %token ___proto___ "__proto__" %token _prototype_ "prototype" %token _public_ "public" %token _set_ "set" %token _short_ "short" %token _static_ "static" %token _synchronized_ "synchronized" %token _throws_ "throws" %token _transient_ "transient" %token _volatile_ "volatile" %token _yield_ "yield" %token _yield__ "!yield" %token _undefined_ "undefined" @begin ObjectiveC %token _bool_ "bool" %token _BOOL_ "BOOL" %token _id_ "id" %token _nil_ "nil" %token _NULL_ "NULL" %token _SEL_ "SEL" @end %token _each_ "each" %token _of_ "of" %token _of__ "!of" @begin E4X %token _namespace_ "namespace" %token _xml_ "xml" @end %token AutoComplete %token YieldStar "yield *" %token Identifier_ %token NumericLiteral %token StringLiteral %token RegularExpressionLiteral_ %token NoSubstitutionTemplate %token TemplateHead %token TemplateMiddle %token TemplateTail %type AccessExpression %type AdditiveExpression %type ArgumentList_ %type ArgumentList %type ArgumentListOpt %type Arguments %type ArrayComprehension %type ArrayLiteral %type ArrowFunction %type ArrowParameters %type AssignmentExpression %type AssignmentExpressionOpt %type BindingIdentifier %type BindingIdentifierOpt %type BindingList_ %type BindingList %type BitwiseANDExpression %type Block %type BlockStatement %type BooleanLiteral %type BindingElement %type BitwiseORExpression %type BitwiseXORExpression %type BreakStatement %type BreakableStatement %type CallExpression_ %type CallExpression %type CaseBlock %type CaseClause %type CaseClausesOpt %type Catch %type CatchParameter %type ClassDeclaration %type ClassExpression %type ClassHeritage %type ClassHeritageOpt %type ClassTail %type Comprehension %type ComprehensionFor %type ComprehensionIf %type ComprehensionTail %type ComputedPropertyName %type ConditionalExpression %type ContinueStatement %type ConciseBody %type CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList %type DebuggerStatement %type Declaration_ %type Declaration %type DefaultClause %type ElementList %type ElementListOpt %type ElseStatementOpt %type EmptyStatement %type EqualityExpression %type Expression %type ExpressionOpt %type ExpressionStatement_ %type ExpressionStatement %type ExternC %type ExternCStatement %type ExternCStatementListOpt %type Finally %type ForBinding %type ForDeclaration %type ForInStatementInitializer %type ForStatementInitializer %type FormalParameter %type FormalParameterList_ %type FormalParameterList %type FormalParameters %type FunctionBody %type FunctionDeclaration %type FunctionExpression %type FunctionStatementList %type GeneratorBody %type GeneratorDeclaration %type GeneratorExpression %type GeneratorMethod %type HoistableDeclaration %type Identifier %type IdentifierNoOf %type IdentifierType %type IdentifierTypeNoOf %type IdentifierTypeOpt %type IdentifierName %type IdentifierReference %type IfStatement %type IndirectExpression %type Initializer %type InitializerOpt %type IterationStatement %type LabelIdentifier %type LabelledItem %type LabelledStatement %type LeftHandSideAssignment %type LeftHandSideExpression %type LetOrConst %type LexicalBinding %type LexicalDeclaration_ %type LexicalDeclaration %type Literal %type LiteralPropertyName %type LogicalANDExpression %type LogicalORExpression %type MemberAccess %type MemberExpression %type MethodDefinition %type ModulePath %type MultiplicativeExpression %type NewExpression %type NullLiteral %type ObjectLiteral %type PostfixExpression %type PrimaryExpression %type PropertyName %type PropertyDefinition %type PropertyDefinitionList_ %type PropertyDefinitionList %type PropertyDefinitionListOpt %type PropertySetParameterList %type RegularExpressionLiteral %type RegularExpressionSlash %type RelationalExpression %type ReturnStatement %type RubyBlockExpression_ %type RubyBlockExpression %type RubyProcExpression %type RubyProcParameterList_ %type RubyProcParameterList %type RubyProcParameters %type RubyProcParametersOpt %type Script %type ScriptBody %type ScriptBodyOpt %type ShiftExpression %type SingleNameBinding %type Statement__ %type Statement_ %type Statement %type StatementList %type StatementListOpt %type StatementListItem %type StrictFormalParameters %type SuperCall %type SuperProperty %type SwitchStatement %type TemplateLiteral %type TemplateSpans %type ThrowStatement %type TryStatement %type TypeDefinition %type UnaryExpression_ %type UnaryExpression %type VariableDeclaration %type VariableDeclarationList_ %type VariableDeclarationList %type VariableStatement_ %type VariableStatement %type WithStatement %type Word @begin ObjectiveC %type WordOpt @end %type YieldExpression @begin C %type IntegerType %type IntegerTypeOpt %type PrefixedType %type PrimitiveType %type StructFieldListOpt %type SuffixedType %type SuffixedTypeOpt %type TypeSignifier %type TypeSignifierOpt %type TypeQualifierLeft %type TypeQualifierLeftOpt %type TypeQualifierRight %type TypeQualifierRightOpt %type TypedIdentifierMaybe %type TypedIdentifierNo %type TypedIdentifierYes %type TypedParameterList_ %type TypedParameterList %type TypedParameterListOpt @end @begin ObjectiveC %type AssignmentExpressionClassic %type BoxableExpression %type CategoryStatement %type ClassSuperOpt %type ConditionalExpressionClassic %type ClassMessageDeclaration %type ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt %type ClassProtocolListOpt %type ClassProtocols %type ClassProtocolsOpt %type ImplementationFieldListOpt %type ImplementationStatement %type MessageExpression %type MessageParameter %type MessageParameters %type MessageParameterList %type MessageParameterListOpt %type MessageScope %type SelectorCall_ %type SelectorCall %type SelectorExpression_ %type SelectorExpression %type SelectorExpressionOpt %type SelectorList %type SelectorWordOpt %type TypeOpt %type VariadicCall @end @begin E4X %type PropertyIdentifier_ %type PropertySelector_ %type PropertySelector %type QualifiedIdentifier_ %type QualifiedIdentifier %type WildcardIdentifier %type XMLComment %type XMLCDATA %type XMLElement %type XMLElementContent %type XMLMarkup %type XMLPI %type AttributeIdentifier /* XXX: %type DefaultXMLNamespaceStatement */ %type PropertyIdentifier %type XMLListInitilizer %type XMLInitilizer @end /* }}} */ /* Token Priorities {{{ */ %nonassoc "if" %nonassoc "else" /* }}} */ %start Program %token MarkModule %token MarkScript %% Program : MarkScript Script | MarkModule Module ; /* Lexer State {{{ */ LexPushInOn: { driver.in_.push(true); }; LexPushInOff: { driver.in_.push(false); }; LexPopIn: { driver.in_.pop(); }; LexPushReturnOn: { driver.return_.push(true); }; LexPopReturn: { driver.return_.pop(); }; Return: "return"[return] { if (!driver.return_.top()) CYERR(@return, "invalid return"); }; LexPushSuperOn: { driver.super_.push(true); }; LexPushSuperOff: { driver.super_.push(false); }; LexPopSuper: { driver.super_.pop(); }; Super: "super"[super] { if (!driver.super_.top()) CYERR(@super, "invalid super"); }; LexPushYieldOn: { driver.yield_.push(true); }; LexPushYieldOff: { driver.yield_.push(false); }; LexPopYield: { driver.yield_.pop(); }; LexNewLineOrOpt : { CYLEX(); if (driver.hold_ != empty_symbol) CYERR(@$, "unexpected hold"); if (driver.newline_) { driver.hold_ = yyla.type; yyla.type = yytranslate_(cy::parser::token::NewLine); } } ; LexNewLineOrNot : { CYLEX(); if (driver.hold_ != empty_symbol) CYERR(@$, "unexpected hold"); driver.hold_ = yyla.type; yyla.type = yytranslate_(driver.newline_ ? cy::parser::token::NewLine : cy::parser::token::__); } ; LexNoStar : { CYMAP(YieldStar, Star); } ; LexNoBrace : { CYMAP(OpenBrace_, OpenBrace); } ; LexNoClass : { CYMAP(_class__, _class_); } ; LexNoFunction : { CYMAP(_function__, _function_); } ; LexSetStatement : LexNoBrace LexNoClass LexNoFunction ; /* }}} */ /* Virtual Tokens {{{ */ Var_ : "var" ; /* }}} */ /* 11.6 Names and Keywords {{{ */ IdentifierName : Word[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "for" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("for"); } | "in" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("in"); } | "instanceof" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("instanceof"); } ; Word : IdentifierNoOf[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "break" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("break"); } | "case" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("case"); } | "catch" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("catch"); } | "class" LexOf { $$ = CYNew CYWord("class"); } | ";class" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("class"); } | "const" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("const"); } | "continue" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("continue"); } | "debugger" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("debugger"); } | "default" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("default"); } | "delete" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("delete"); } | "do" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("do"); } | "else" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("else"); } | "enum" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("enum"); } | "export" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("export"); } | "extends" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("extends"); } | "false" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("false"); } | "finally" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("finally"); } | "function" LexOf { $$ = CYNew CYWord("function"); } | "if" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("if"); } | "import" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("import"); } | "!in" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("in"); } | "!of" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("of"); } | "new" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("new"); } | "null" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("null"); } | "return" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("return"); } | "super" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("super"); } | "switch" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("switch"); } | "this" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("this"); } | "throw" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("throw"); } | "true" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("true"); } | "try" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("try"); } | "typeof" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("typeof"); } | "var" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("var"); } | "void" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("void"); } | "while" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("while"); } | "with" { $$ = CYNew CYWord("with"); } | "yield" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("yield"); } ; @begin ObjectiveC WordOpt : Word[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; @end /* }}} */ /* 11.8.1 Null Literals {{{ */ NullLiteral : "null" { $$ = CYNew CYNull(); } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.8.2 Boolean Literals {{{ */ BooleanLiteral : "true" { $$ = CYNew CYTrue(); } | "false" { $$ = CYNew CYFalse(); } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.8.5 Regular Expression Literals {{{ */ RegularExpressionSlash : "/" { $$ = false; } | "/=" { $$ = true; } ; RegularExpressionLiteral : RegularExpressionSlash[equals] { CYMPT(@$); driver.SetRegEx($equals); } RegularExpressionLiteral_[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.9 Automatic Semicolon Insertion {{{ */ StrictSemi : { driver.Warning(@$, "warning, automatic semi-colon insertion required"); } ; NewLineNot : LexNewLineOrNot "" ; NewLineOpt : LexNewLineOrNot "\n" | NewLineNot ; TerminatorSoft : LexNewLineOrNot "\n" StrictSemi | NewLineNot LexOf Terminator ; TerminatorHard : ";" | error { if (yyla.type_get() != yyeof_) CYERR(@error, "required semi-colon"); else CYEOK(); } StrictSemi ; Terminator : ";" | error { if (yyla.type_get() != yyeof_ && yyla.type != yytranslate_(token::CloseBrace) && !driver.newline_) CYERR(@error, "required semi-colon"); else CYEOK(); } StrictSemi ; TerminatorOpt : ";" | error { yyerrok; driver.errors_.pop_back(); } StrictSemi ; /* }}} */ /* 12.1 Identifiers {{{ */ IdentifierReference : Identifier[pass] { $$ = CYNew CYVariable($pass); } | "yield" { $$ = CYNew CYVariable(CYNew CYIdentifier("yield")); } ; BindingIdentifier : LexOf IdentifierNoOf[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf "!of" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("of"); } | LexOf "yield" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("yield"); } ; BindingIdentifierOpt : BindingIdentifier[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf { $$ = NULL; } ; LabelIdentifier : Identifier[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "yield" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("yield"); } ; IdentifierTypeNoOf : Identifier_[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "abstract" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("abstract"); } | "await" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("await"); } | "boolean" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("boolean"); } | "byte" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("byte"); } | "constructor" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("constructor"); } | "double" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("double"); } | "each" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("each"); } | "eval" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("eval"); } | "final" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("final"); } | "float" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("float"); } | "from" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("from"); } | "get" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("get"); } | "goto" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("goto"); } | "implements" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("implements"); } | "Infinity" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("Infinity"); } | "interface" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("interface"); } | "let" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("let"); } | "!let" LexBind LexOf { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("let"); } | "native" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("native"); } | "package" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("package"); } | "private" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("private"); } | "protected" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("protected"); } | "__proto__" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("__proto__"); } | "prototype" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("prototype"); } | "public" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("public"); } | "set" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("set"); } | "synchronized" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("synchronized"); } | "target" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("target"); } | "throws" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("throws"); } | "transient" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("transient"); } | "undefined" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("undefined"); } @begin ObjectiveC | "bool" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("bool"); } | "BOOL" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("BOOL"); } | "id" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("id"); } | "SEL" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("SEL"); } @end ; IdentifierType : IdentifierTypeNoOf[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "of" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("of"); } ; IdentifierTypeOpt : IdentifierType[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; IdentifierNoOf : IdentifierTypeNoOf | "char" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("char"); } | "int" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("int"); } | "long" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("long"); } | "short" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("short"); } | "static" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("static"); } | "volatile" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("volatile"); } @begin C | "signed" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("signed"); } | "struct" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("struct"); } | "unsigned" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("unsigned"); } @end @begin ObjectiveC | "nil" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("nil"); } | "NO" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("NO"); } | "NULL" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("NULL"); } | "YES" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("YES"); } @end ; Identifier : IdentifierNoOf[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "of" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("of"); } | "!of" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("of"); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.2 Primary Expression {{{ */ PrimaryExpression : "this" { $$ = CYNew CYThis(); } | IdentifierReference[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | Literal[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ArrayLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ObjectLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | FunctionExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ClassExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | GeneratorExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | RegularExpressionLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | TemplateLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList[cover] { if ($cover == NULL) CYERR(@cover, "invalid parenthetical"); $$ = $cover; } | AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoPrimary; YYACCEPT; } ; CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList : "(" Expression[expression] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYParenthetical($expression); } | "(" LexOf ")" { $$ = NULL; } | "(" LexOf "..." BindingIdentifier ")" { CYNOT(@$); } | "(" Expression "," LexOf "..." BindingIdentifier ")" { CYNOT(@$); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.2.4 Literals {{{ */ Literal : NullLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | BooleanLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | NumericLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | StringLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.2.5 Array Initializer {{{ */ ArrayLiteral : "[" ElementListOpt[elements] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYArray($elements); } ; ElementList : AssignmentExpressionOpt[value] "," ElementListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYElementValue($value, $next); } | LexOf "..." AssignmentExpression[values] { $$ = CYNew CYElementSpread($values); } | AssignmentExpression[value] { $$ = CYNew CYElementValue($value, NULL); } ; ElementListOpt : ElementList[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf { $$ = NULL; } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.2.6 Object Initializer {{{ */ ObjectLiteral : "{" PropertyDefinitionListOpt[properties] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYObject($properties); } ; PropertyDefinitionList_ : "," PropertyDefinitionListOpt[properties] { $$ = $properties; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; PropertyDefinitionList : PropertyDefinition[property] PropertyDefinitionList_[next] { $property->SetNext($next); $$ = $property; } ; PropertyDefinitionListOpt : PropertyDefinitionList[properties] { $$ = $properties; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; PropertyDefinition : IdentifierReference[value] { $$ = CYNew CYPropertyValue($value->name_, $value); } | CoverInitializedName[name] { CYNOT(@$); } | PropertyName[name] ":" AssignmentExpression[value] { $$ = CYNew CYPropertyValue($name, $value); } | MethodDefinition[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; PropertyName : LiteralPropertyName[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ComputedPropertyName[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; LiteralPropertyName : IdentifierName[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | StringLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | NumericLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; ComputedPropertyName : "[" AssignmentExpression[expression] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYComputed($expression); } ; CoverInitializedName : IdentifierReference Initializer ; Initializer : "=" AssignmentExpression[initializer] { $$ = $initializer; } ; InitializerOpt : Initializer[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.2.9 Template Literals {{{ */ TemplateLiteral : NoSubstitutionTemplate[string] { $$ = CYNew CYTemplate($string, NULL); } | TemplateHead[string] LexPushInOff TemplateSpans[spans] { $$ = CYNew CYTemplate($string, $spans); } ; TemplateSpans : Expression[value] TemplateMiddle[string] TemplateSpans[spans] { $$ = CYNew CYSpan($value, $string, $spans); } | Expression[value] TemplateTail[string] LexPopIn { $$ = CYNew CYSpan($value, $string, NULL); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.3 Left-Hand-Side Expressions {{{ */ MemberAccess : "[" Expression[property] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYDirectMember(NULL, $property); } | "." IdentifierName[property] { $$ = CYNew CYDirectMember(NULL, CYNew CYString($property)); } | "." AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoDirect; YYACCEPT; } | TemplateLiteral { CYNOT(@$); } ; MemberExpression : PrimaryExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | MemberExpression[object] { driver.context_ = $object; } MemberAccess[member] { $member->SetLeft($object); $$ = $member; } | SuperProperty[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | MetaProperty { CYNOT(@$); } | "new" MemberExpression[constructor] Arguments[arguments] { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::New($constructor, $arguments); } ; SuperProperty : Super "[" Expression[property] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYSuperAccess($property); } | Super "." IdentifierName[property] { $$ = CYNew CYSuperAccess(CYNew CYString($property)); } ; MetaProperty : NewTarget ; NewTarget : "new" "." "target" ; NewExpression : MemberExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "new" NewExpression[expression] { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::New($expression, NULL); } ; CallExpression_ : MemberExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | CallExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; CallExpression : CallExpression_[function] Arguments[arguments] { if (!$function->Eval()) $$ = CYNew CYCall($function, $arguments); else $$ = CYNew CYEval($arguments); } | SuperCall[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | CallExpression[object] { driver.context_ = $object; } MemberAccess[member] { $member->SetLeft($object); $$ = $member; } ; SuperCall : Super Arguments[arguments] { $$ = CYNew CYSuperCall($arguments); } ; Arguments : "(" ArgumentListOpt[arguments] ")" { $$ = $arguments; } ; ArgumentList_ : "," ArgumentList[arguments] { $$ = $arguments; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ArgumentList : AssignmentExpression[value] ArgumentList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYArgument(NULL, $value, $next); } | LexOf "..." AssignmentExpression { CYNOT(@$); } ; ArgumentListOpt : ArgumentList[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf { $$ = NULL; } ; AccessExpression : NewExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | CallExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; LeftHandSideExpression : RubyBlockExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | IndirectExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.4 Postfix Expressions {{{ */ PostfixExpression : RubyBlockExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | AccessExpression[lhs] LexNewLineOrOpt "++" { $$ = CYNew CYPostIncrement($lhs); } | AccessExpression[lhs] LexNewLineOrOpt "--" { $$ = CYNew CYPostDecrement($lhs); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.5 Unary Operators {{{ */ UnaryExpression_ : "delete" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYDelete($rhs); } | "void" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYVoid($rhs); } | "typeof" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeOf($rhs); } | "++" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYPreIncrement($rhs); } | "--" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYPreDecrement($rhs); } | "+" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYAffirm($rhs); } | "-" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYNegate($rhs); } | "~" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseNot($rhs); } | "!" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYLogicalNot($rhs); } ; UnaryExpression : PostfixExpression[expression] { $$ = $expression; } | UnaryExpression_[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.6 Multiplicative Operators {{{ */ MultiplicativeExpression : UnaryExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | MultiplicativeExpression[lhs] "*" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYMultiply($lhs, $rhs); } | MultiplicativeExpression[lhs] "/" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYDivide($lhs, $rhs); } | MultiplicativeExpression[lhs] "%" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYModulus($lhs, $rhs); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.7 Additive Operators {{{ */ AdditiveExpression : MultiplicativeExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | AdditiveExpression[lhs] "+" MultiplicativeExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYAdd($lhs, $rhs); } | AdditiveExpression[lhs] "-" MultiplicativeExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYSubtract($lhs, $rhs); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.8 Bitwise Shift Operators {{{ */ ShiftExpression : AdditiveExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ShiftExpression[lhs] "<<" AdditiveExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYShiftLeft($lhs, $rhs); } | ShiftExpression[lhs] ">>" AdditiveExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYShiftRightSigned($lhs, $rhs); } | ShiftExpression[lhs] ">>>" AdditiveExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYShiftRightUnsigned($lhs, $rhs); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.9 Relational Operators {{{ */ RelationalExpression : ShiftExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | RelationalExpression[lhs] "<" ShiftExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYLess($lhs, $rhs); } | RelationalExpression[lhs] ">" ShiftExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYGreater($lhs, $rhs); } | RelationalExpression[lhs] "<=" ShiftExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYLessOrEqual($lhs, $rhs); } | RelationalExpression[lhs] ">=" ShiftExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYGreaterOrEqual($lhs, $rhs); } | RelationalExpression[lhs] "instanceof" ShiftExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYInstanceOf($lhs, $rhs); } | RelationalExpression[lhs] "in" ShiftExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYIn($lhs, $rhs); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.10 Equality Operators {{{ */ EqualityExpression : RelationalExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | EqualityExpression[lhs] "==" RelationalExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYEqual($lhs, $rhs); } | EqualityExpression[lhs] "!=" RelationalExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYNotEqual($lhs, $rhs); } | EqualityExpression[lhs] "===" RelationalExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYIdentical($lhs, $rhs); } | EqualityExpression[lhs] "!==" RelationalExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYNotIdentical($lhs, $rhs); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.11 Binary Bitwise Operators {{{ */ BitwiseANDExpression : EqualityExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | BitwiseANDExpression[lhs] "&" EqualityExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseAnd($lhs, $rhs); } ; BitwiseXORExpression : BitwiseANDExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | BitwiseXORExpression[lhs] "^" BitwiseANDExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseXOr($lhs, $rhs); } ; BitwiseORExpression : BitwiseXORExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | BitwiseORExpression[lhs] "|" BitwiseXORExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseOr($lhs, $rhs); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.12 Binary Logical Operators {{{ */ LogicalANDExpression : BitwiseORExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LogicalANDExpression[lhs] "&&" BitwiseORExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYLogicalAnd($lhs, $rhs); } ; LogicalORExpression : LogicalANDExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LogicalORExpression[lhs] "||" LogicalANDExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYLogicalOr($lhs, $rhs); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.13 Conditional Operator ( ? : ) {{{ */ @begin ObjectiveC ConditionalExpressionClassic : LogicalORExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LogicalORExpression[test] "?" LexPushInOff AssignmentExpression[true] ":" LexPopIn AssignmentExpressionClassic[false] { $$ = CYNew CYCondition($test, $true, $false); } ; @end ConditionalExpression : LogicalORExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LogicalORExpression[test] "?" LexPushInOff AssignmentExpression[true] ":" LexPopIn AssignmentExpression[false] { $$ = CYNew CYCondition($test, $true, $false); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.14 Assignment Operators {{{ */ LeftHandSideAssignment : LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "=" { $$ = CYNew CYAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "*=" { $$ = CYNew CYMultiplyAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "/=" { $$ = CYNew CYDivideAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "%=" { $$ = CYNew CYModulusAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "+=" { $$ = CYNew CYAddAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "-=" { $$ = CYNew CYSubtractAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "<<=" { $$ = CYNew CYShiftLeftAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] ">>=" { $$ = CYNew CYShiftRightSignedAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] ">>>=" { $$ = CYNew CYShiftRightUnsignedAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "&=" { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseAndAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "^=" { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseXOrAssign($lhs, NULL); } | LeftHandSideExpression[lhs] "|=" { $$ = CYNew CYBitwiseOrAssign($lhs, NULL); } ; @begin ObjectiveC AssignmentExpressionClassic : LexOf ConditionalExpressionClassic[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf LeftHandSideAssignment[assignment] AssignmentExpressionClassic[rhs] { $assignment->SetRight($rhs); $$ = $assignment; } ; @end AssignmentExpression : LexOf ConditionalExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf YieldExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ArrowFunction[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf LeftHandSideAssignment[assignment] AssignmentExpression[rhs] { $assignment->SetRight($rhs); $$ = $assignment; } ; AssignmentExpressionOpt : AssignmentExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf { $$ = NULL; } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.15 Comma Operator ( , ) {{{ */ Expression : AssignmentExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | Expression[expression] "," AssignmentExpression[next] { $$ = CYNew CYCompound($expression, $next); } ; ExpressionOpt : Expression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf { $$ = NULL; } ; /* }}} */ /* 13 Statements and Declarations {{{ */ Statement__ : BlockStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | VariableStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | EmptyStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | IfStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | BreakableStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ContinueStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | BreakStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ReturnStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | WithStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LabelledStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ThrowStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | TryStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | DebuggerStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; Statement_ : LexOf Statement__[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ExpressionStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; Statement : LexSetStatement LexLet Statement_[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; Declaration_ : HoistableDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ClassDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; Declaration : LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf Declaration_[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexSetStatement LexicalDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; HoistableDeclaration : FunctionDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | GeneratorDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; BreakableStatement : IterationStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | SwitchStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.2 Block {{{ */ BlockStatement : ";{" StatementListOpt[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYBlock($code); } ; Block : "{" StatementListOpt[code] "}" { $$ = $code; } ; StatementList : StatementListItem[statement] StatementListOpt[next] { $$ = $statement; CYSetLast($$) = $next; } ; StatementListOpt : StatementList[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf { $$ = NULL; } ; StatementListItem : Statement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | Declaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.3 Let and Const Declarations {{{ */ LexicalDeclaration_ : LetOrConst[constant] BindingList[bindings] { $$ = CYNew CYLexical($constant, $bindings); } ; LexicalDeclaration : LexicalDeclaration_[statement] Terminator { $$ = $statement; } ; LexLet : { CYMAP(_let__, _let_); } ; LexOf : { CYMAP(_of__, _of_); } ; LexBind : { CYMAP(OpenBrace_let, OpenBrace); CYMAP(OpenBracket_let, OpenBracket); } ; LetOrConst : LexLet LexOf "!let" LexBind LexOf { $$ = false; } | LexLet LexOf "const" { $$ = true; } ; BindingList_ : "," LexBind BindingList[bindings] { $$ = $bindings; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; BindingList : LexicalBinding[binding] BindingList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYBindings($binding, $next); } ; LexicalBinding : BindingIdentifier[identifier] InitializerOpt[initializer] { $$ = CYNew CYBinding($identifier, $initializer); } | LexOf BindingPattern Initializer { CYNOT(@$); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.3.2 Variable Statement {{{ */ VariableStatement_ : Var_ VariableDeclarationList[bindings] { $$ = CYNew CYVar($bindings); } ; VariableStatement : VariableStatement_[statement] Terminator { $$ = $statement; } ; VariableDeclarationList_ : "," VariableDeclarationList[bindings] { $$ = $bindings; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; VariableDeclarationList : LexBind VariableDeclaration[binding] VariableDeclarationList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYBindings($binding, $next); } ; VariableDeclaration : BindingIdentifier[identifier] InitializerOpt[initializer] { $$ = CYNew CYBinding($identifier, $initializer); } | LexOf BindingPattern Initializer { CYNOT(@$); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.3.3 Destructuring Binding Patterns {{{ */ BindingPattern : ObjectBindingPattern | ArrayBindingPattern ; ObjectBindingPattern : "let {" BindingPropertyListOpt "}" ; ArrayBindingPattern : "let [" BindingElementListOpt "]" ; BindingPropertyList_ : "," BindingPropertyListOpt | ; BindingPropertyList : BindingProperty BindingPropertyList_ ; BindingPropertyListOpt : BindingPropertyList | LexOf ; BindingElementList : BindingElementOpt[element] "," BindingElementListOpt[next] | BindingRestElement[element] | BindingElement[element] ; BindingElementListOpt : BindingElementList[pass] | LexBind LexOf ; BindingProperty : SingleNameBinding | LexOf PropertyName ":" BindingElement ; BindingElement : LexBind SingleNameBinding[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexBind LexOf BindingPattern InitializerOpt[initializer] { CYNOT(@$); } ; BindingElementOpt : BindingElement[pass] | LexBind LexOf ; SingleNameBinding : BindingIdentifier[identifier] InitializerOpt[initializer] { $$ = CYNew CYBinding($identifier, $initializer); } ; BindingRestElement : LexBind LexOf "..." BindingIdentifier ; /* }}} */ /* 13.4 Empty Statement {{{ */ EmptyStatement : ";" { $$ = CYNew CYEmpty(); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.5 Expression Statement {{{ */ ExpressionStatement_ : Expression[expression] { $$ = CYNew CYExpress($[expression]); } ExpressionStatement : ExpressionStatement_[statement] Terminator { $$ = $statement; } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.6 The if Statement {{{ */ ElseStatementOpt : "else" Statement[false] { $$ = $false; } | %prec "if" { $$ = NULL; } ; IfStatement : "if" "(" Expression[test] ")" Statement[true] ElseStatementOpt[false] { $$ = CYNew CYIf($test, $true, $false); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.7 Iteration Statements {{{ */ IterationStatement : "do" Statement[code] "while" "(" Expression[test] ")" TerminatorOpt { $$ = CYNew CYDoWhile($test, $code); } | "while" "(" Expression[test] ")" Statement[code] { $$ = CYNew CYWhile($test, $code); } | "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForStatementInitializer[initializer] LexPopIn ExpressionOpt[test] ";" ExpressionOpt[increment] ")" Statement[code] { $$ = CYNew CYFor($initializer, $test, $increment, $code); } | "for" "(" LexPushInOn LexLet LexOf Var_ LexBind BindingIdentifier[identifier] Initializer[initializer] "!in" LexPopIn Expression[iterable] ")" Statement[code] { $$ = CYNew CYForInitialized(CYNew CYBinding($identifier, $initializer), $iterable, $code); } | "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitializer[initializer] "!in" LexPopIn Expression[iterable] ")" Statement[code] { $$ = CYNew CYForIn($initializer, $iterable, $code); } | "for" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitializer[initializer] "of" LexPopIn AssignmentExpression[iterable] ")" Statement[code] { $$ = CYNew CYForOf($initializer, $iterable, $code); } ; ForStatementInitializer : LexLet LexOf EmptyStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexLet ExpressionStatement_[initializer] ";" { $$ = $initializer; } | LexLet LexOf VariableStatement_[initializer] ";" { $$ = $initializer; } | LexicalDeclaration_[initializer] ";" { $$ = $initializer; } ; ForInStatementInitializer : LexLet LexOf RubyBlockExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexLet LexOf IndirectExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexLet LexOf Var_ LexBind ForBinding[binding] { $$ = CYNew CYForVariable($binding); } | ForDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; ForDeclaration : LetOrConst[constant] ForBinding[binding] { $$ = CYNew CYForLexical($constant, $binding); } ; ForBinding : BindingIdentifier[identifier] { $$ = CYNew CYBinding($identifier, NULL); } | LexOf BindingPattern { CYNOT(@$); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.8 The continue Statement {{{ */ ContinueStatement : "continue" TerminatorSoft { $$ = CYNew CYContinue(NULL); } | "continue" NewLineNot LexOf Identifier[label] Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYContinue($label); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.9 The break Statement {{{ */ BreakStatement : "break" TerminatorSoft { $$ = CYNew CYBreak(NULL); } | "break" NewLineNot LexOf Identifier[label] Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYBreak($label); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.10 The return Statement {{{ */ ReturnStatement : Return TerminatorSoft { $$ = CYNew CYReturn(NULL); } | Return NewLineNot Expression[value] Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYReturn($value); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.11 The with Statement {{{ */ WithStatement : "with" "(" Expression[scope] ")" Statement[code] { $$ = CYNew CYWith($scope, $code); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.12 The switch Statement {{{ */ SwitchStatement : "switch" "(" Expression[value] ")" CaseBlock[clauses] { $$ = CYNew CYSwitch($value, $clauses); } ; CaseBlock : "{" CaseClausesOpt[clauses] "}" { $$ = $clauses; } ; CaseClause : "case" Expression[value] ":" StatementListOpt[code] { $$ = CYNew CYClause($value, $code); } ; CaseClausesOpt : CaseClause[clause] CaseClausesOpt[next] { $clause->SetNext($next); $$ = $clause; } | DefaultClause[clause] CaseClausesOpt[next] { $clause->SetNext($next); $$ = $clause; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; // XXX: the standard makes certain you can only have one of these DefaultClause : "default" ":" StatementListOpt[code] { $$ = CYNew CYClause(NULL, $code); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.13 Labelled Statements {{{ */ LabelledStatement : LabelIdentifier[name] ":" LabelledItem[statement] { $$ = CYNew CYLabel($name, $statement); } ; LabelledItem : Statement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf FunctionDeclaration[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.14 The throw Statement {{{ */ ThrowStatement : "throw"[throw] TerminatorSoft { CYERR(@throw, "throw without exception"); } | "throw" NewLineNot Expression[value] Terminator { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Throw($value); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.15 The try Statement {{{ */ TryStatement : "try" Block[code] Catch[catch] { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Try($code, $catch, NULL); } | "try" Block[code] Finally[finally] { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Try($code, NULL, $finally); } | "try" Block[code] Catch[catch] Finally[finally] { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Try($code, $catch, $finally); } ; Catch : "catch" "(" LexBind CatchParameter[name] ")" Block[code] { $$ = CYNew cy::Syntax::Catch($name, $code); } ; Finally : "finally" Block[code] { $$ = CYNew CYFinally($code); } ; CatchParameter : BindingIdentifier[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexOf BindingPattern { CYNOT(@$); } ; /* }}} */ /* 13.16 The debugger Statement {{{ */ DebuggerStatement : "debugger" Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYDebugger(); } ; /* }}} */ /* 14.1 Function Definitions {{{ */ FunctionDeclaration : ";function" BindingIdentifier[name] "(" FormalParameters[parameters] ")" "{" LexPushSuperOff FunctionBody[code] "}" LexPopSuper { $$ = CYNew CYFunctionStatement($name, $parameters, $code); } ; FunctionExpression : "function" BindingIdentifierOpt[name] "(" FormalParameters[parameters] ")" "{" LexPushSuperOff FunctionBody[code] "}" LexPopSuper { $$ = CYNew CYFunctionExpression($name, $parameters, $code); } ; StrictFormalParameters : FormalParameters[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; FormalParameters : LexBind LexOf { $$ = NULL; } | FormalParameterList ; FormalParameterList_ : "," FormalParameterList[parameters] { $$ = $parameters; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; FormalParameterList : FunctionRestParameter { CYNOT(@$); } | FormalParameter[binding] FormalParameterList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYFunctionParameter($binding, $next); } ; FunctionRestParameter : BindingRestElement ; FormalParameter : BindingElement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; FunctionBody : LexPushYieldOff FunctionStatementList[code] LexPopYield { $$ = $code; } ; FunctionStatementList : LexPushReturnOn StatementListOpt[code] LexPopReturn { $$ = $code; } ; /* }}} */ /* 14.2 Arrow Function Definitions {{{ */ ArrowFunction : ArrowParameters[parameters] LexNewLineOrOpt "=>" LexNoBrace ConciseBody[code] { $$ = CYNew CYFatArrow($parameters, $code); } ; ArrowParameters : BindingIdentifier[identifier] { $$ = CYNew CYFunctionParameter(CYNew CYBinding($identifier)); } | LexOf CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList[cover] { if ($cover == NULL) $$ = NULL; else { $$ = $cover->expression_->Parameter(); if ($$ == NULL) CYERR(@cover, "invalid parameter list"); } } ; ConciseBody : AssignmentExpression[expression] { $$ = CYNew CYReturn($expression); } | LexOf ";{" FunctionBody[code] "}" { $$ = $code; } ; /* }}} */ /* 14.3 Method Definitions {{{ */ MethodDefinition : PropertyName[name] "(" StrictFormalParameters[parameters] ")" "{" FunctionBody[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYPropertyMethod($name, $parameters, $code); } | GeneratorMethod[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "get" PropertyName[name] "(" ")" "{" FunctionBody[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYPropertyGetter($name, $code); } | "set" PropertyName[name] "(" PropertySetParameterList[parameter] ")" "{" FunctionBody[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYPropertySetter($name, $parameter, $code); } ; PropertySetParameterList : FormalParameter[binding] { $$ = CYNew CYFunctionParameter($binding); } ; /* }}} */ /* 14.4 Generator Function Definitions {{{ */ GeneratorMethod : "*" PropertyName[name] "(" StrictFormalParameters[parameters] ")" "{" GeneratorBody[code] "}" { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYGeneratorMethod($name, $parameters, $code); */ } ; GeneratorDeclaration : ";function" LexOf "*" BindingIdentifier[name] "(" FormalParameters[code] ")" "{" GeneratorBody[code] "}" { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYGeneratorStatement($name, $parameters, $code); */ } ; GeneratorExpression : "function" LexOf "*" BindingIdentifierOpt[name] "(" FormalParameters[parameters] ")" "{" GeneratorBody[code] "}" { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYGeneratorExpression($name, $parameters, $code); */ } ; GeneratorBody : LexPushYieldOn FunctionStatementList[code] LexPopYield { $$ = $code; } ; YieldExpression : "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "\n" LexOf { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldValue(NULL); */ } | "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "" LexNoStar LexOf { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldValue(NULL); */ } | "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "" LexNoStar AssignmentExpression[value] { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldValue($value); */ } | "!yield" LexNewLineOrNot "" LexNoStar LexOf "yield *" AssignmentExpression[generator] { CYNOT(@$); /* $$ = CYNew CYYieldGenerator($generator); */ } ; /* }}} */ /* 14.5 Class Definitions {{{ */ ClassDeclaration : ";class" BindingIdentifier[name] ClassTail[tail] { $$ = CYNew CYClassStatement($name, $tail); } ; ClassExpression : "class" BindingIdentifierOpt[name] ClassTail[tail] { $$ = CYNew CYClassExpression($name, $tail); } ; ClassTail : ClassHeritageOpt[tail] { driver.class_.push($tail); } "{" LexPushSuperOn ClassBodyOpt "}" LexPopSuper { driver.class_.pop(); $$ = $tail; } ; ClassHeritage : "extends" AccessExpression[extends] { $$ = CYNew CYClassTail($extends); } ; ClassHeritageOpt : ClassHeritage[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = CYNew CYClassTail(NULL); } ; ClassBody : ClassElementList ; ClassBodyOpt : ClassBody | ; ClassElementList : ClassElementListOpt ClassElement ; ClassElementListOpt : ClassElementList | ; ClassElement : MethodDefinition[method] { if (CYFunctionExpression *constructor = $method->Constructor()) driver.class_.top()->constructor_ = constructor; else driver.class_.top()->instance_->*$method; } | "static" MethodDefinition[method] { driver.class_.top()->static_->*$method; } | ";" ; /* }}} */ /* 15.1 Scripts {{{ */ Script : ScriptBodyOpt[code] { driver.script_ = CYNew CYScript($code); } ; ScriptBody : StatementList[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; ScriptBodyOpt : ScriptBody[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf { $$ = NULL; } ; /* }}} */ /* 15.2 Modules {{{ */ Module : ModuleBodyOpt ; ModuleBody : ModuleItemList ; ModuleBodyOpt : ModuleBody | ; ModuleItemList : ModuleItemListOpt ModuleItem ; ModuleItemListOpt : ModuleItemList | ; ModuleItem : LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf ImportDeclaration | LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf ExportDeclaration | StatementListItem ; /* }}} */ /* 15.2.2 Imports {{{ */ ImportDeclaration : "import" ImportClause FromClause Terminator | "import" LexOf ModuleSpecifier Terminator ; ImportClause : ImportedDefaultBinding | LexOf NameSpaceImport | LexOf NamedImports | ImportedDefaultBinding "," NameSpaceImport | ImportedDefaultBinding "," NamedImports ; ImportedDefaultBinding : ImportedBinding ; NameSpaceImport : "*" "as" ImportedBinding ; NamedImports : "{" ImportsListOpt "}" ; FromClause : "from" ModuleSpecifier ; ImportsList_ : "," ImportsListOpt | ; ImportsList : ImportSpecifier ImportsList_ ; ImportsListOpt : ImportsList | LexOf ; ImportSpecifier : ImportedBinding | LexOf IdentifierName "as" ImportedBinding ; ModuleSpecifier : StringLiteral ; ImportedBinding : BindingIdentifier ; /* }}} */ /* 15.2.3 Exports {{{ */ ExportDeclaration_ : "*" FromClause Terminator | ExportClause FromClause Terminator | ExportClause Terminator | VariableStatement | "default" LexSetStatement LexOf HoistableDeclaration | "default" LexSetStatement LexOf ClassDeclaration | "default" LexSetStatement AssignmentExpression Terminator ; ExportDeclaration : "export" LexSetStatement LexLet LexOf ExportDeclaration_ | "export" Declaration ; ExportClause : ";{" ExportsListOpt "}" ; ExportsList_ : "," ExportsListOpt | ; ExportsList : ExportSpecifier ExportsList_ ; ExportsListOpt : ExportsList | ; ExportSpecifier : IdentifierName | IdentifierName "as" IdentifierName ; /* }}} */ @begin C /* Cycript (C): Type Encoding {{{ */ TypeSignifier : IdentifierType[identifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypedIdentifier(@identifier, $identifier); } | "(" "*" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] ")" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypePointerTo($$->modifier_); } ; TypeSignifierOpt : TypeSignifier[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = CYNew CYTypedIdentifier(@$); } ; SuffixedType : SuffixedTypeOpt[typed] "[" NumericLiteral[size] "]" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeArrayOf($size, $$->modifier_); } | "(" "^" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] ")" "(" TypedParameterListOpt[parameters] ")" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeBlockWith($parameters, $$->modifier_); } | TypeSignifier[typed] "(" TypedParameterListOpt[parameters] ")" { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeFunctionWith($parameters, $$->modifier_); } | "("[parenthesis] TypedParameterListOpt[parameters] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYTypedIdentifier(@parenthesis); $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeFunctionWith($parameters, $$->modifier_); } ; SuffixedTypeOpt : SuffixedType[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | TypeSignifierOpt[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; PrefixedType : "*" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypePointerTo($$->modifier_); } ; TypeQualifierLeft : "const" TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] { $$ = $modifier; CYSetLast($$) = CYNew CYTypeConstant(); } | "volatile" TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] { $$ = $modifier; CYSetLast($$) = CYNew CYTypeVolatile(); } ; TypeQualifierLeftOpt : TypeQualifierLeft[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; TypeQualifierRight : SuffixedType[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | PrefixedType[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "const" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeConstant($$->modifier_); } | "volatile" TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->modifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVolatile($$->modifier_); } ; TypeQualifierRightOpt : TypeQualifierRight[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | TypeSignifierOpt[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; IntegerType : "int" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVariable("int"); } | "unsigned" IntegerTypeOpt[specifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeUnsigned($specifier); } | "signed" IntegerTypeOpt[specifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeSigned($specifier); } | "long" IntegerTypeOpt[specifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeLong($specifier); } | "short" IntegerTypeOpt[specifier] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeShort($specifier); } ; IntegerTypeOpt : IntegerType[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVariable("int"); } ; StructFieldListOpt : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] ";" StructFieldListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeStructField($typed, $next); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; PrimitiveType : IdentifierType[name] { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVariable($name); } | IntegerType[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "char" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeVariable("char"); } | "signed" "char" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeSigned(CYNew CYTypeVariable("char")); } | "unsigned" "char" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeUnsigned(CYNew CYTypeVariable("char")); } | "struct" IdentifierTypeOpt[name] "{" StructFieldListOpt[fields] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeStruct($name, $fields); } ; TypedIdentifierMaybe : TypeQualifierLeftOpt[modifier] PrimitiveType[specifier] TypeQualifierRightOpt[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = $specifier; CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; } | TypeQualifierLeft[modifier] "void" TypeQualifierRight[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVoid(); CYSetLast($modifier) = $$->modifier_; $$->modifier_ = $modifier; } | "void" TypeQualifierRight[typed] { $$ = $typed; $$->specifier_ = CYNew CYTypeVoid(); } ; TypedIdentifierYes : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] { if ($typed->identifier_ == NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "expected identifier"); $$ = $typed; } ; TypedIdentifierNo : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] { if ($typed->identifier_ != NULL) CYERR($typed->location_, "unexpected identifier"); $$ = $typed; } ; PrimaryExpression : "@encode" "(" TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYEncodedType($typed); } ; /* }}} */ @end @begin ObjectiveC /* Cycript (Objective-C): @class Declaration {{{ */ ClassSuperOpt /* XXX: why the hell did I choose MemberExpression? */ : ":" MemberExpression[extends] { $$ = $extends; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ImplementationFieldListOpt : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] ";" ImplementationFieldListOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYImplementationField($typed, $next); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; MessageScope : "+" { $$ = false; } | "-" { $$ = true; } ; TypeOpt : "(" TypedIdentifierNo[type] ")" { $$ = $type; } | { $$ = CYNew CYTypedIdentifier(CYNew CYTypeVariable("id")); } ; MessageParameter : Word[tag] ":" TypeOpt[type] BindingIdentifier[identifier] { $type->identifier_ = $identifier; $$ = CYNew CYMessageParameter($tag, $type); } ; MessageParameterList : MessageParameter[parameter] MessageParameterListOpt[next] { $parameter->SetNext($next); $$ = $parameter; } ; MessageParameterListOpt : MessageParameterList[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; MessageParameters : MessageParameterList[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | Word[tag] { $$ = CYNew CYMessageParameter($tag, NULL); } ; ClassMessageDeclaration : MessageScope[instance] TypeOpt[type] MessageParameters[parameters] "{" LexPushSuperOn FunctionBody[code] "}" LexPopSuper { $$ = CYNew CYMessage($instance, $type, $parameters, $code); } ; ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt : ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt[next] ClassMessageDeclaration[message] { $message->SetNext($next); $$ = $message; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; // XXX: this should be AssignmentExpressionNoRight ClassProtocols : ShiftExpression[name] ClassProtocolsOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYProtocol($name, $next); } ; ClassProtocolsOpt : "," ClassProtocols[protocols] { $$ = $protocols; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ClassProtocolListOpt : "<" ClassProtocols[protocols] ">" { $$ = $protocols; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ImplementationStatement : "@implementation" Identifier[name] ClassSuperOpt[extends] ClassProtocolListOpt[protocols] "{" ImplementationFieldListOpt[fields] "}" ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt[messages] "@end" { $$ = CYNew CYImplementation($name, $extends, $protocols, $fields, $messages); } ; CategoryName : "(" WordOpt ")" ; CategoryStatement : "@implementation" Identifier[name] CategoryName ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt[messages] "@end" { $$ = CYNew CYCategory($name, $messages); } ; Statement__ : ImplementationStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | CategoryStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ /* Cycript (Objective-C): Send Message {{{ */ VariadicCall : "," AssignmentExpressionClassic[value] VariadicCall[next] { $$ = CYNew CYArgument(NULL, $value, $next); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; SelectorWordOpt : WordOpt[name] { driver.contexts_.back().words_.push_back($name); } { $$ = $name; } | AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoMessage; YYACCEPT; } ; SelectorCall_ : SelectorCall[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | VariadicCall[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; SelectorCall : SelectorWordOpt[name] ":" AssignmentExpressionClassic[value] SelectorCall_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYArgument($name ?: CYNew CYWord(""), $value, $next); } ; SelectorList : SelectorCall[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | Word[name] { $$ = CYNew CYArgument($name, NULL); } ; MessageExpression : "[" AssignmentExpressionClassic[self] { driver.contexts_.push_back($self); } SelectorList[arguments] "]" { driver.contexts_.pop_back(); } { $$ = CYNew CYSendDirect($self, $arguments); } | "[" LexOf "super" { driver.context_ = NULL; } SelectorList[arguments] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYSendSuper($arguments); } ; SelectorExpression_ : WordOpt[name] ":" SelectorExpressionOpt[next] { $$ = CYNew CYSelectorPart($name, true, $next); } ; SelectorExpression : SelectorExpression_[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | Word[name] { $$ = CYNew CYSelectorPart($name, false, NULL); } ; SelectorExpressionOpt : SelectorExpression_[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; PrimaryExpression : MessageExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "@selector" "(" SelectorExpression[parts] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYSelector($parts); } ; /* }}} */ @end /* Cycript: @import Directive {{{ */ ModulePath : ModulePath[next] "." Word[part] { $$ = CYNew CYModule($part, $next); } | Word[part] { $$ = CYNew CYModule($part); } ; Declaration_ : "@import" ModulePath[path] { $$ = CYNew CYImport($path); } ; /* }}} */ @begin ObjectiveC /* Cycript (Objective-C): Boxed Expressions {{{ */ BoxableExpression : NullLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | BooleanLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | NumericLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | StringLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ArrayLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | ObjectLiteral[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | CoverParenthesizedExpressionAndArrowParameterList[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "YES" { $$ = CYNew CYTrue(); } | "NO" { $$ = CYNew CYFalse(); } ; PrimaryExpression : "@" BoxableExpression[expression] { $$ = CYNew CYBox($expression); } | "@YES" { $$ = CYNew CYBox(CYNew CYTrue()); } | "@NO" { $$ = CYNew CYBox(CYNew CYFalse()); } | "@true" { $$ = CYNew CYBox(CYNew CYTrue()); } | "@false" { $$ = CYNew CYBox(CYNew CYFalse()); } | "@null" { $$ = CYNew CYBox(CYNew CYNull()); } ; /* }}} */ /* Cycript (Objective-C): Block Expressions {{{ */ PrimaryExpression : "^" TypedIdentifierNo[type] "{" FunctionBody[code] "}" { if (CYTypeFunctionWith *function = $type->Function()) $$ = CYNew CYObjCBlock($type, function->parameters_, $code); else CYERR($type->location_, "expected parameters"); } ; /* }}} */ /* Cycript (Objective-C): Instance Literals {{{ */ PrimaryExpression : "#" NumericLiteral[address] { $$ = CYNew CYInstanceLiteral($address); } ; /* }}} */ @end @begin C /* Cycript (C): Pointer Indirection/Addressing {{{ */ UnaryExpression_ : IndirectExpression[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; IndirectExpression : "*" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYIndirect($rhs); } ; UnaryExpression_ : "&" UnaryExpression[rhs] { $$ = CYNew CYAddressOf($rhs); } ; MemberAccess : "->" "[" Expression[property] "]" { $$ = CYNew CYIndirectMember(NULL, $property); } | "->" IdentifierName[property] { $$ = CYNew CYIndirectMember(NULL, CYNew CYString($property)); } | "->" AutoComplete { driver.mode_ = CYDriver::AutoIndirect; YYACCEPT; } ; /* }}} */ /* Cycript (C): Lambda Expressions {{{ */ TypedParameterList_ : "," TypedParameterList[parameters] { $$ = $parameters; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; TypedParameterList : TypedIdentifierMaybe[typed] TypedParameterList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYTypedParameter($typed, $next); } ; TypedParameterListOpt : TypedParameterList[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | "void" { $$ = NULL; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; PrimaryExpression : "[" LexOf "&" "]" "(" TypedParameterListOpt[parameters] ")" "->" TypedIdentifierMaybe[type] "{" FunctionBody[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYLambda($type, $parameters, $code); } ; /* }}} */ /* Cycript (C): Type Definitions {{{ */ IdentifierNoOf : "typedef" NewLineOpt { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("typedef"); } ; TypeDefinition : "typedef" NewLineNot TypedIdentifierYes[typed] TerminatorHard { $$ = CYNew CYTypeDefinition($typed); } ; Statement__ : TypeDefinition[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; PrimaryExpression : "(" LexOf "typedef" NewLineOpt TypedIdentifierNo[typed] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYTypeExpression($typed); } ; /* }}} */ /* Cycript (C): extern "C" {{{ */ IdentifierNoOf : "extern" NewLineOpt { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("extern"); } ; ExternCStatement : TypedIdentifierYes[typed] TerminatorHard { $$ = CYNew CYExternal(CYNew CYString("C"), $typed); } | TypeDefinition[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; ExternCStatementListOpt : ExternCStatement[statement] ExternCStatementListOpt[next] { $$ = $statement; CYSetLast($$) = $next; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ExternC : "{" ExternCStatementListOpt[pass] "}" { $$ = $pass; } | ExternCStatement[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; Statement__ : "extern" NewLineNot StringLiteral[abi] { if (strcmp($abi->Value(), "C") != 0) CYERR(@abi, "unknown extern binding"); } ExternC[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ @end @begin E4X /* Lexer State {{{ */ LexPushRegExp : { driver.PushCondition(CYDriver::RegExpCondition); } ; LexPushXMLContent : { driver.PushCondition(CYDriver::XMLContentCondition); } ; LexPushXMLTag : { driver.PushCondition(CYDriver::XMLTagCondition); } ; LexPop : { driver.PopCondition(); } ; LexSetXMLContent : { driver.SetCondition(CYDriver::XMLContentCondition); } ; LexSetXMLTag : { driver.SetCondition(CYDriver::XMLTagCondition); } ; /* }}} */ /* Virtual Tokens {{{ */ XMLWhitespaceOpt : XMLWhitespace | ; /* }}} */ /* 8.1 Context Keywords {{{ */ Identifier : "namespace" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("namespace"); } | "xml" { $$ = CYNew CYIdentifier("xml"); } ; /* }}} */ /* 8.3 XML Initializer Input Elements {{{ */ XMLMarkup : XMLComment { $$ = $1; } | XMLCDATA { $$ = $1; } | XMLPI { $$ = $1; } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.1 Primary Expressions {{{ */ PrimaryExpression : PropertyIdentifier { $$ = CYNew CYPropertyVariable($1); } | XMLInitilizer { $$ = $1; } | XMLListInitilizer { $$ = $1; } ; PropertyIdentifier : AttributeIdentifier { $$ = $1; } | QualifiedIdentifier { $$ = $1; } | WildcardIdentifier { $$ = $1; } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.1.1 Attribute Identifiers {{{ */ AttributeIdentifier : "@" QualifiedIdentifier_ { $$ = CYNew CYAttribute($2); } ; PropertySelector_ : PropertySelector { $$ = $1; } | "[" Expression "]" { $$ = CYNew CYSelector($2); } ; PropertySelector : Identifier { $$ = CYNew CYSelector($1); } | WildcardIdentifier { $$ = $1; } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.1.2 Qualified Identifiers {{{ */ QualifiedIdentifier_ : PropertySelector_ { $$ = CYNew CYQualified(NULL, $1); } | QualifiedIdentifier { $$ = $1; } ; QualifiedIdentifier : PropertySelector "::" PropertySelector_ { $$ = CYNew CYQualified($1, $3); } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.1.3 Wildcard Identifiers {{{ */ WildcardIdentifier : "*" { $$ = CYNew CYWildcard(); } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.1.4 XML Initializer {{{ */ XMLInitilizer : XMLMarkup { $$ = $1; } | XMLElement { $$ = $1; } ; XMLElement : "<" LexPushInOff XMLTagContent LexPop "/>" LexPopIn | "<" LexPushInOff XMLTagContent ">" LexSetXMLContent XMLElementContentOpt "" LexPopIn ; XMLTagContent : LexPushXMLTag XMLTagName XMLAttributes ; XMLExpression : "{" LexPushRegExp Expression LexPop "}" ; XMLTagName : XMLExpression | XMLName ; XMLAttributes_ : XMLAttributes_ XMLAttribute | ; XMLAttributes : XMLAttributes_ XMLWhitespace XMLExpression XMLWhitespaceOpt | XMLAttributes_ XMLWhitespaceOpt ; XMLAttributeValue_ : XMLExpression | XMLAttributeValue ; XMLAttribute : XMLWhitespace XMLName XMLWhitespaceOpt "=" XMLWhitespaceOpt XMLAttributeValue_ ; XMLElementContent : XMLExpression XMLElementContentOpt | XMLMarkup XMLElementContentOpt | XMLText XMLElementContentOpt | XMLElement XMLElementContentOpt ; XMLElementContentOpt : XMLElementContent | ; /* }}} */ /* 11.1.5 XMLList Initializer {{{ */ XMLListInitilizer : "<>" LexPushInOff LexPushXMLContent XMLElementContent LexPop "" LexPopIn { $$ = CYNew CYXMLList($4); } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.2 Left-Hand-Side Expressions {{{ */ PropertyIdentifier_ : Identifier { $$ = $1; } | PropertyIdentifier { $$ = $1; } ; MemberAccess : "." PropertyIdentifier { $$ = CYNew CYPropertyMember(NULL, $2); } | ".." PropertyIdentifier_ { $$ = CYNew CYDescendantMember(NULL, $2); } | "." "(" Expression ")" { $$ = CYNew CYFilteringPredicate(NULL, $3); } ; /* }}} */ /* 12.1 The default xml namespace Statement {{{ */ /* XXX: DefaultXMLNamespaceStatement : "default" "xml" "namespace" "=" Expression Terminator { $$ = CYNew CYDefaultXMLNamespace($5); } ; Statement__ : DefaultXMLNamespaceStatement { $$ = $1; } ; */ /* }}} */ @end /* JavaScript FTL: Array Comprehensions {{{ */ Comprehension : AssignmentExpression[expression] ComprehensionFor[comprehension] ComprehensionTail[next] { $comprehension->SetNext($next); $$ = CYNew CYArrayComprehension($expression, $comprehension); } ; ComprehensionFor : "for" "each" "(" LexPushInOn LexBind ForBinding[binding] "!in" LexPopIn Expression[iterable] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYForOfComprehension($binding, $iterable); } ; /* }}} */ /* JavaScript FTL: for each {{{ */ IterationStatement : "for" "each" "(" LexPushInOn ForInStatementInitializer[initializer] "!in" LexPopIn Expression[iterable] ")" Statement[code] { $$ = CYNew CYForOf($initializer, $iterable, $code); } ; /* }}} */ /* JavaScript FTW: Array Comprehensions {{{ */ PrimaryExpression : ArrayComprehension ; ArrayComprehension : "[" Comprehension[comprehension] "]" { $$ = $comprehension; } ; Comprehension : LexOf ComprehensionFor[comprehension] ComprehensionTail[next] AssignmentExpression[expression] { $comprehension->SetNext($next); $$ = CYNew CYArrayComprehension($expression, $comprehension); } ; ComprehensionTail : { $$ = NULL; } | ComprehensionFor[comprehension] ComprehensionTail[next] { $comprehension->SetNext($next); $$ = $comprehension; } | ComprehensionIf[comprehension] ComprehensionTail[next] { $comprehension->SetNext($next); $$ = $comprehension; } ; ComprehensionFor : "for" "(" LexPushInOn LexBind ForBinding[binding] "!in" LexPopIn Expression[iterable] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYForInComprehension($binding, $iterable); } | "for" "(" LexPushInOn LexBind ForBinding[binding] "of" LexPopIn Expression[iterable] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYForOfComprehension($binding, $iterable); } ; ComprehensionIf : "if" "(" AssignmentExpression[test] ")" { $$ = CYNew CYIfComprehension($test); } ; /* }}} */ /* JavaScript FTW: Coalesce Operator {{{ */ ConditionalExpression : LogicalORExpression[test] "?" LexPushInOff LexOf ":" LexPopIn AssignmentExpression[false] { $$ = CYNew CYCondition($test, $test, $false); } ; /* }}} */ /* JavaScript FTW: Named Arguments {{{ */ ArgumentList : LexOf Word[tag] ":" AssignmentExpression[value] ArgumentList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYArgument($tag, $value, $next); } ; /* }}} */ /* JavaScript FTW: Ruby Blocks {{{ */ RubyProcParameterList_ : "," RubyProcParameterList[parameters] { $$ = $parameters; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; RubyProcParameterList : BindingIdentifier[identifier] RubyProcParameterList_[next] { $$ = CYNew CYFunctionParameter(CYNew CYBinding($identifier), $next); } | LexOf { $$ = NULL; } ; RubyProcParameters : "|" RubyProcParameterList[parameters] "|" { $$ = $parameters; } | "||" { $$ = NULL; } ; RubyProcParametersOpt : RubyProcParameters[pass] { $$ = $pass; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; RubyProcExpression : "{" RubyProcParametersOpt[parameters] StatementListOpt[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYRubyProc($parameters, $code); } ; PrimaryExpression : "{" RubyProcParameters[parameters] StatementListOpt[code] "}" { $$ = CYNew CYRubyProc($parameters, $code); } ; RubyBlockExpression_ : AccessExpression[pass] LexNewLineOrOpt { $$ = $pass; } | RubyBlockExpression_[lhs] RubyProcExpression[rhs] LexNewLineOrOpt { $$ = CYNew CYRubyBlock($lhs, $rhs); } ; RubyBlockExpression : RubyBlockExpression_[pass] "\n" { $$ = $pass; } | RubyBlockExpression_[pass] { $$ = $pass; } ; /* }}} */ %% bool CYDriver::Parse(CYMark mark) { mark_ = mark; CYLocal local(&pool_); cy::parser parser(*this); #ifdef YYDEBUG parser.set_debug_level(debug_); #endif return parser.parse() != 0; } void CYDriver::Warning(const cy::parser::location_type &location, const char *message) { if (!strict_) return; CYDriver::Error error; error.warning_ = true; error.location_ = location; error.message_ = message; errors_.push_back(error); } void cy::parser::error(const cy::parser::location_type &location, const std::string &message) { CYDriver::Error error; error.warning_ = false; error.location_ = location; error.message_ = message; driver.errors_.push_back(error); }