/* Cycript - Remove Execution Server and Disassembler * Copyright (C) 2009 Jay Freeman (saurik) */ /* Modified BSD License {{{ */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary * forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* }}} */ %code top { #include "Cycript.tab.hh" #define scanner driver.scanner_ #define YYSTACKEXPANDABLE 1 } %code requires { #include "Parser.hpp" typedef struct { bool newline_; union { bool bool_; CYArgument *argument_; CYBoolean *boolean_; CYClause *clause_; CYCatch *catch_; CYCompound *compound_; CYDeclaration *declaration_; CYDeclarations *declarations_; CYElement *element_; CYExpression *expression_; CYFalse *false_; CYField *field_; CYForInitialiser *for_; CYForInInitialiser *forin_; CYFunctionParameter *functionParameter_; CYIdentifier *identifier_; CYLiteral *literal_; CYMessage *message_; CYMessageParameter *messageParameter_; CYName *name_; CYNull *null_; CYNumber *number_; CYProperty *property_; CYSelectorPart *selector_; CYSource *source_; CYStatement *statement_; CYString *string_; CYThis *this_; CYTrue *true_; CYWord *word_; }; } YYSTYPE; } %code provides { int cylex(YYSTYPE *lvalp, cy::location *llocp, void *scanner); } %name-prefix "cy" %language "C++" %locations %initial-action { @$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.filename_; }; %defines %debug %error-verbose %parse-param { CYDriver &driver } %lex-param { void *scanner } %token Ampersand "&" %token AmpersandAmpersand "&&" %token AmpersandEqual "&=" %token Carrot "^" %token CarrotEqual "^=" %token Equal "=" %token EqualEqual "==" %token EqualEqualEqual "===" %token Exclamation "!" %token ExclamationEqual "!=" %token ExclamationEqualEqual "!==" %token Hyphen "-" %token HyphenEqual "-=" %token HyphenHyphen "--" %token HyphenHyphen_ "\n--" %token HyphenRight "->" %token Left "<" %token LeftEqual "<=" %token LeftLeft "<<" %token LeftLeftEqual "<<=" %token Percent "%" %token PercentEqual "%=" %token Period "." %token Pipe "|" %token PipeEqual "|=" %token PipePipe "||" %token Plus "+" %token PlusEqual "+=" %token PlusPlus "++" %token PlusPlus_ "\n++" %token Right ">" %token RightEqual ">=" %token RightRight ">>" %token RightRightEqual ">>=" %token RightRightRight ">>>" %token RightRightRightEqual ">>>=" %token Slash "/" %token SlashEqual "/=" %token Star "*" %token StarEqual "*=" %token Tilde "~" %token Colon ":" %token Comma "," %token Question "?" %token SemiColon ";" %token NewLine "\n" %token OpenParen "(" %token CloseParen ")" %token OpenBrace "{" %token CloseBrace "}" %token OpenBracket "[" %token CloseBracket "]" %token AtClass "@class" %token AtSelector "@selector" %token AtEnd "@end" %token <word_> Break "break" %token <word_> Case "case" %token <word_> Catch "catch" %token <word_> Continue "continue" %token <word_> Default "default" %token <word_> Delete "delete" %token <word_> Do "do" %token <word_> Else "else" %token <false_> False "false" %token <word_> Finally "finally" %token <word_> For "for" %token <word_> Function "function" %token <word_> If "if" %token <word_> In "in" %token <word_> InstanceOf "instanceof" %token <word_> New "new" %token <null_> Null "null" %token <word_> Return "return" %token <word_> Switch "switch" %token <this_> This "this" %token <word_> Throw "throw" %token <true_> True "true" %token <word_> Try "try" %token <word_> TypeOf "typeof" %token <word_> Var "var" %token <word_> Void "void" %token <word_> While "while" %token <word_> With "with" %token <word_> Abstract "abstract" %token <word_> Boolean "boolean" %token <word_> Byte "byte" %token <word_> Char "char" %token <word_> Class "class" %token <word_> Const "const" %token <word_> Debugger "debugger" %token <word_> Double "double" %token <word_> Enum "enum" %token <word_> Export "export" %token <word_> Extends "extends" %token <word_> Final "final" %token <word_> Float "float" %token <word_> Goto "goto" %token <word_> Implements "implements" %token <word_> Import "import" %token <word_> Int "int" %token <word_> Interface "interface" %token <word_> Long "long" %token <word_> Native "native" %token <word_> Package "package" %token <word_> Private "private" %token <word_> Protected "protected" %token <word_> Public "public" %token <word_> Short "short" %token <word_> Static "static" %token <word_> Super "super" %token <word_> Synchronized "synchronized" %token <word_> Throws "throws" %token <word_> Transient "transient" %token <word_> Volatile "volatile" %token <identifier_> Identifier %token <number_> NumericLiteral %token <string_> StringLiteral %type <expression_> AdditiveExpression %type <expression_> AdditiveExpressionNoBF %type <argument_> ArgumentList %type <argument_> ArgumentList_ %type <argument_> ArgumentListOpt %type <argument_> Arguments %type <literal_> ArrayLiteral %type <expression_> AssignmentExpression %type <expression_> AssignmentExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> AssignmentExpressionNoIn %type <expression_> BitwiseANDExpression %type <expression_> BitwiseANDExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn %type <statement_> Block %type <boolean_> BooleanLiteral %type <expression_> BitwiseORExpression %type <expression_> BitwiseORExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> BitwiseORExpressionNoIn %type <expression_> BitwiseXORExpression %type <expression_> BitwiseXORExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn %type <statement_> BreakStatement %type <expression_> CallExpression %type <expression_> CallExpressionNoBF %type <clause_> CaseBlock %type <clause_> CaseClause %type <clause_> CaseClausesOpt %type <catch_> CatchOpt %type <source_> ClassDeclaration %type <message_> ClassMessageDeclaration %type <message_> ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt %type <expression_> ClassSuperOpt %type <field_> ClassFieldList %type <expression_> ConditionalExpression %type <expression_> ConditionalExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> ConditionalExpressionNoIn %type <statement_> ContinueStatement %type <clause_> DefaultClause %type <statement_> DoWhileStatement %type <expression_> Element %type <expression_> ElementOpt %type <element_> ElementList %type <element_> ElementListOpt %type <statement_> ElseStatementOpt %type <statement_> EmptyStatement %type <expression_> EqualityExpression %type <expression_> EqualityExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> EqualityExpressionNoIn %type <expression_> Expression %type <expression_> ExpressionOpt %type <compound_> Expression_ %type <expression_> ExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> ExpressionNoIn %type <compound_> ExpressionNoIn_ %type <expression_> ExpressionNoInOpt %type <statement_> ExpressionStatement %type <statement_> FinallyOpt %type <statement_> ForStatement %type <for_> ForStatementInitialiser %type <statement_> ForInStatement %type <forin_> ForInStatementInitialiser %type <functionParameter_> FormalParameterList %type <functionParameter_> FormalParameterList_ %type <source_> FunctionBody %type <source_> FunctionDeclaration %type <expression_> FunctionExpression %type <identifier_> IdentifierOpt %type <statement_> IfStatement %type <expression_> Initialiser %type <expression_> InitialiserOpt %type <expression_> InitialiserNoIn %type <expression_> InitialiserNoInOpt %type <statement_> IterationStatement %type <statement_> LabelledStatement %type <expression_> LeftHandSideExpression %type <expression_> LeftHandSideExpression_ %type <expression_> LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF %type <literal_> Literal %type <expression_> LogicalANDExpression %type <expression_> LogicalANDExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> LogicalANDExpressionNoIn %type <expression_> LogicalORExpression %type <expression_> LogicalORExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> LogicalORExpressionNoIn %type <expression_> MemberExpression %type <expression_> MemberExpression_ %type <expression_> MemberExpressionNoBF %type <messageParameter_> MessageParameter %type <messageParameter_> MessageParameters %type <messageParameter_> MessageParameterList %type <messageParameter_> MessageParameterListOpt %type <bool_> MessageScope %type <expression_> MultiplicativeExpression %type <expression_> MultiplicativeExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> NewExpression %type <expression_> NewExpression_ %type <expression_> NewExpressionNoBF %type <null_> NullLiteral %type <literal_> ObjectLiteral %type <expression_> PostfixExpression %type <expression_> PostfixExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> PrimaryExpression %type <expression_> PrimaryExpression_ %type <expression_> PrimaryExpressionNoBF %type <source_> Program %type <name_> PropertyName %type <property_> PropertyNameAndValueList %type <property_> PropertyNameAndValueList_ %type <property_> PropertyNameAndValueListOpt %type <expression_> RelationalExpression %type <expression_> RelationalExpressionNoBF %type <expression_> RelationalExpressionNoIn %type <statement_> ReturnStatement %type <selector_> SelectorExpression %type <selector_> SelectorExpression_ %type <selector_> SelectorExpressionOpt %type <expression_> ShiftExpression %type <expression_> ShiftExpressionNoBF %type <source_> SourceElement %type <source_> SourceElements %type <statement_> Statement %type <statement_> StatementList %type <statement_> StatementListOpt %type <statement_> SwitchStatement %type <statement_> ThrowStatement %type <statement_> TryStatement %type <expression_> TypeOpt %type <expression_> UnaryExpression %type <expression_> UnaryExpression_ %type <expression_> UnaryExpressionNoBF %type <declaration_> VariableDeclaration %type <declaration_> VariableDeclarationNoIn %type <declarations_> VariableDeclarationList %type <declarations_> VariableDeclarationList_ %type <declarations_> VariableDeclarationListNoIn %type <declarations_> VariableDeclarationListNoIn_ %type <statement_> VariableStatement %type <statement_> WhileStatement %type <statement_> WithStatement %type <word_> Word %type <word_> WordOpt %type <expression_> MessageExpression %type <argument_> SelectorCall %type <argument_> SelectorCall_ %type <argument_> SelectorList %type <argument_> VariadicCall %left "*" "/" "%" %left "+" "-" %left "<<" ">>" ">>>" %left "<" ">" "<=" ">=" "instanceof" "in" %left "==" "!=" "===" "!==" %left "&" %left "^" %left "|" %left "&&" %left "||" %right "=" "*=" "/=" "%=" "+=" "-=" "<<=" ">>=" ">>>=" "&=" "^=" "|=" %nonassoc "if" %nonassoc "else" %start Program %% TerminatorOpt : ";" | "\n" | error { yyerrok; driver.errors_.pop_back(); } ; Terminator : ";" | "\n" | error { if (yychar != 0 && yychar != cy::parser::token::CloseBrace && !yylval.newline_) YYABORT; else { yyerrok; driver.errors_.pop_back(); } } ; CommaOpt : "," | ; NewLineOpt : "\n" | ; WordOpt : Word { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; Word : Identifier { $$ = $1; } | "abstract" { $$ = $1; } | "boolean" { $$ = $1; } | "break" NewLineOpt { $$ = $1; } | "byte" { $$ = $1; } | "case" { $$ = $1; } | "catch" { $$ = $1; } | "char" { $$ = $1; } | "class" { $$ = $1; } | "const" { $$ = $1; } | "continue" NewLineOpt { $$ = $1; } | "debugger" { $$ = $1; } | "default" { $$ = $1; } | "delete" { $$ = $1; } | "do" { $$ = $1; } | "double" { $$ = $1; } | "else" { $$ = $1; } | "enum" { $$ = $1; } | "export" { $$ = $1; } | "extends" { $$ = $1; } | "false" { $$ = $1; } | "final" { $$ = $1; } | "finally" { $$ = $1; } | "float" { $$ = $1; } | "for" { $$ = $1; } | "function" { $$ = $1; } | "goto" { $$ = $1; } | "if" { $$ = $1; } | "implements" { $$ = $1; } | "import" { $$ = $1; } /* XXX: | "in" { $$ = $1; } */ /* XXX: | "instanceof" { $$ = $1; } */ | "int" { $$ = $1; } | "interface" { $$ = $1; } | "long" { $$ = $1; } | "native" { $$ = $1; } | "new" { $$ = $1; } | "null" { $$ = $1; } | "package" { $$ = $1; } | "private" { $$ = $1; } | "protected" { $$ = $1; } | "public" { $$ = $1; } | "return" NewLineOpt { $$ = $1; } | "short" { $$ = $1; } | "static" { $$ = $1; } | "super" { $$ = $1; } | "switch" { $$ = $1; } | "synchronized" { $$ = $1; } | "this" { $$ = $1; } | "throw" NewLineOpt { $$ = $1; } | "throws" { $$ = $1; } | "transient" { $$ = $1; } | "true" { $$ = $1; } | "try" { $$ = $1; } | "typeof" { $$ = $1; } | "var" { $$ = $1; } | "void" { $$ = $1; } | "volatile" { $$ = $1; } | "while" { $$ = $1; } | "with" { $$ = $1; } ; IdentifierOpt : Identifier { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; Literal : NullLiteral { $$ = $1; } | BooleanLiteral { $$ = $1; } | NumericLiteral { $$ = $1; } | StringLiteral { $$ = $1; } ; NullLiteral : "null" { $$ = $1; } ; BooleanLiteral : "true" { $$ = $1; } | "false" { $$ = $1; } ; /* 11.1 Primary Expressions {{{ */ PrimaryExpression_ : "this" { $$ = $1; } | Identifier { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYVariable($1); } | Literal { $$ = $1; } | ArrayLiteral { $$ = $1; } | "(" Expression ")" { $$ = $2; } ; PrimaryExpression : ObjectLiteral { $$ = $1; } | PrimaryExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; PrimaryExpressionNoBF : PrimaryExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.1.4 Array Initialiser {{{ */ ArrayLiteral : "[" ElementListOpt "]" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYArray($2); } ; Element : AssignmentExpression { $$ = $1; } ; ElementOpt : Element { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ElementListOpt : ElementList { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ElementList : ElementOpt "," ElementListOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYElement($1, $3); } | Element { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYElement($1, NULL); } ; /* }}} */ /* 11.1.5 Object Initialiser {{{ */ ObjectLiteral : "{" PropertyNameAndValueListOpt "}" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYObject($2); } ; PropertyNameAndValueList_ : "," PropertyNameAndValueList { $$ = $2; } | CommaOpt { $$ = NULL; } ; PropertyNameAndValueListOpt : PropertyNameAndValueList { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; PropertyNameAndValueList : PropertyName ":" AssignmentExpression PropertyNameAndValueList_ { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYProperty($1, $3, $4); } ; PropertyName : Identifier { $$ = $1; } | StringLiteral { $$ = $1; } | NumericLiteral { $$ = $1; } ; /* }}} */ MemberExpression_ : "new" MemberExpression Arguments { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNew($2, $3); } ; MemberExpression : PrimaryExpression { $$ = $1; } | FunctionExpression { $$ = $1; } | MemberExpression "[" Expression "]" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMember($1, $3); } | MemberExpression "." Identifier { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMember($1, new(driver.pool_) CYString($3)); } | MemberExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; MemberExpressionNoBF : PrimaryExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | MemberExpressionNoBF "[" Expression "]" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMember($1, $3); } | MemberExpressionNoBF "." Identifier { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMember($1, new(driver.pool_) CYString($3)); } | MemberExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; NewExpression_ : "new" NewExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNew($2, NULL); } ; NewExpression : MemberExpression { $$ = $1; } | NewExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; NewExpressionNoBF : MemberExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | NewExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; CallExpression : MemberExpression Arguments { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCall($1, $2); } | CallExpression Arguments { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCall($1, $2); } | CallExpression "[" Expression "]" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMember($1, $3); } | CallExpression "." Identifier { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMember($1, new(driver.pool_) CYString($3)); } ; CallExpressionNoBF : MemberExpressionNoBF Arguments { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCall($1, $2); } | CallExpressionNoBF Arguments { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCall($1, $2); } | CallExpressionNoBF "[" Expression "]" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMember($1, $3); } | CallExpressionNoBF "." Identifier { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMember($1, new(driver.pool_) CYString($3)); } ; ArgumentList_ : "," ArgumentList { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ArgumentListOpt : ArgumentList { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ArgumentList : AssignmentExpression ArgumentList_ { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYArgument(NULL, $1, $2); } ; Arguments : "(" ArgumentListOpt ")" { $$ = $2; } ; LeftHandSideExpression : NewExpression { $$ = $1; } | CallExpression { $$ = $1; } | LeftHandSideExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF : NewExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | CallExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | LeftHandSideExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; PostfixExpression : LeftHandSideExpression { $$ = $1; } | LeftHandSideExpression "++" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYPostIncrement($1); } | LeftHandSideExpression "--" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYPostDecrement($1); } ; PostfixExpressionNoBF : LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "++" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYPostIncrement($1); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "--" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYPostDecrement($1); } ; UnaryExpression_ : "delete" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDelete($2); } | "void" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYVoid($2); } | "typeof" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYTypeOf($2); } | "++" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYPreIncrement($2); } | "\n++" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYPreIncrement($2); } | "--" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYPreDecrement($2); } | "\n--" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYPreDecrement($2); } | "+" UnaryExpression { $$ = $2; } | "-" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNegate($2); } | "~" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseNot($2); } | "!" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLogicalNot($2); } ; UnaryExpression : PostfixExpression { $$ = $1; } | UnaryExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; UnaryExpressionNoBF : PostfixExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | UnaryExpression_ { $$ = $1; } ; MultiplicativeExpression : UnaryExpression { $$ = $1; } | MultiplicativeExpression "*" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMultiply($1, $3); } | MultiplicativeExpression "/" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDivide($1, $3); } | MultiplicativeExpression "%" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYModulus($1, $3); } ; MultiplicativeExpressionNoBF : UnaryExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | MultiplicativeExpressionNoBF "*" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMultiply($1, $3); } | MultiplicativeExpressionNoBF "/" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDivide($1, $3); } | MultiplicativeExpressionNoBF "%" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYModulus($1, $3); } ; AdditiveExpression : MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = $1; } | AdditiveExpression "+" MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAdd($1, $3); } | AdditiveExpression "-" MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSubtract($1, $3); } ; AdditiveExpressionNoBF : MultiplicativeExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | AdditiveExpressionNoBF "+" MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAdd($1, $3); } | AdditiveExpressionNoBF "-" MultiplicativeExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSubtract($1, $3); } ; ShiftExpression : AdditiveExpression { $$ = $1; } | ShiftExpression "<<" AdditiveExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftLeft($1, $3); } | ShiftExpression ">>" AdditiveExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightSigned($1, $3); } | ShiftExpression ">>>" AdditiveExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightUnsigned($1, $3); } ; ShiftExpressionNoBF : AdditiveExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | ShiftExpressionNoBF "<<" AdditiveExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftLeft($1, $3); } | ShiftExpressionNoBF ">>" AdditiveExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightSigned($1, $3); } | ShiftExpressionNoBF ">>>" AdditiveExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightUnsigned($1, $3); } ; RelationalExpression : ShiftExpression { $$ = $1; } | RelationalExpression "<" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLess($1, $3); } | RelationalExpression ">" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYGreater($1, $3); } | RelationalExpression "<=" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLessOrEqual($1, $3); } | RelationalExpression ">=" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYGreaterOrEqual($1, $3); } | RelationalExpression "instanceof" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYInstanceOf($1, $3); } | RelationalExpression "in" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYIn($1, $3); } ; RelationalExpressionNoIn : ShiftExpression { $$ = $1; } | RelationalExpressionNoIn "<" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLess($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoIn ">" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYGreater($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoIn "<=" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLessOrEqual($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoIn ">=" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYGreaterOrEqual($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoIn "instanceof" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYInstanceOf($1, $3); } ; RelationalExpressionNoBF : ShiftExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | RelationalExpressionNoBF "<" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLess($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoBF ">" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYGreater($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoBF "<=" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLessOrEqual($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoBF ">=" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYGreaterOrEqual($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoBF "instanceof" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYInstanceOf($1, $3); } | RelationalExpressionNoBF "in" ShiftExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYIn($1, $3); } ; EqualityExpression : RelationalExpression { $$ = $1; } | EqualityExpression "==" RelationalExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYEqual($1, $3); } | EqualityExpression "!=" RelationalExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNotEqual($1, $3); } | EqualityExpression "===" RelationalExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYIdentical($1, $3); } | EqualityExpression "!==" RelationalExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNotIdentical($1, $3); } ; EqualityExpressionNoIn : RelationalExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | EqualityExpressionNoIn "==" RelationalExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYEqual($1, $3); } | EqualityExpressionNoIn "!=" RelationalExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNotEqual($1, $3); } | EqualityExpressionNoIn "===" RelationalExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYIdentical($1, $3); } | EqualityExpressionNoIn "!==" RelationalExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNotIdentical($1, $3); } ; EqualityExpressionNoBF : RelationalExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | EqualityExpressionNoBF "==" RelationalExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYEqual($1, $3); } | EqualityExpressionNoBF "!=" RelationalExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNotEqual($1, $3); } | EqualityExpressionNoBF "===" RelationalExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYIdentical($1, $3); } | EqualityExpressionNoBF "!==" RelationalExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYNotIdentical($1, $3); } ; BitwiseANDExpression : EqualityExpression { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseANDExpression "&" EqualityExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseAnd($1, $3); } ; BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn : EqualityExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn "&" EqualityExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseAnd($1, $3); } ; BitwiseANDExpressionNoBF : EqualityExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseANDExpressionNoBF "&" EqualityExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseAnd($1, $3); } ; BitwiseXORExpression : BitwiseANDExpression { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseXORExpression "^" BitwiseANDExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseXOr($1, $3); } ; BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn : BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn "^" BitwiseANDExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseXOr($1, $3); } ; BitwiseXORExpressionNoBF : BitwiseANDExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseXORExpressionNoBF "^" BitwiseANDExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseXOr($1, $3); } ; BitwiseORExpression : BitwiseXORExpression { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseORExpression "|" BitwiseXORExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseOr($1, $3); } ; BitwiseORExpressionNoIn : BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseORExpressionNoIn "|" BitwiseXORExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseOr($1, $3); } ; BitwiseORExpressionNoBF : BitwiseXORExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | BitwiseORExpressionNoBF "|" BitwiseXORExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseOr($1, $3); } ; LogicalANDExpression : BitwiseORExpression { $$ = $1; } | LogicalANDExpression "&&" BitwiseORExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLogicalAnd($1, $3); } ; LogicalANDExpressionNoIn : BitwiseORExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | LogicalANDExpressionNoIn "&&" BitwiseORExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLogicalAnd($1, $3); } ; LogicalANDExpressionNoBF : BitwiseORExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | LogicalANDExpressionNoBF "&&" BitwiseORExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLogicalAnd($1, $3); } ; LogicalORExpression : LogicalANDExpression { $$ = $1; } | LogicalORExpression "||" LogicalANDExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLogicalOr($1, $3); } ; LogicalORExpressionNoIn : LogicalANDExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | LogicalORExpressionNoIn "||" LogicalANDExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLogicalOr($1, $3); } ; LogicalORExpressionNoBF : LogicalANDExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | LogicalORExpressionNoBF "||" LogicalANDExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLogicalOr($1, $3); } ; ConditionalExpression : LogicalORExpression { $$ = $1; } | LogicalORExpression "?" AssignmentExpression ":" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCondition($1, $3, $5); } ; ConditionalExpressionNoIn : LogicalORExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | LogicalORExpressionNoIn "?" AssignmentExpression ":" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCondition($1, $3, $5); } ; ConditionalExpressionNoBF : LogicalORExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | LogicalORExpressionNoBF "?" AssignmentExpression ":" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCondition($1, $3, $5); } ; AssignmentExpression : ConditionalExpression { $$ = $1; } | LeftHandSideExpression "=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "*=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMultiplyAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "/=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDivideAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "%=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYModulusAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "+=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAddAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "-=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSubtractAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftLeftAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightSignedAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression ">>>=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightUnsignedAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "&=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseAndAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "^=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseXOrAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "|=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseOrAssign($1, $3); } ; AssignmentExpressionNoIn : ConditionalExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | LeftHandSideExpression "=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "*=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMultiplyAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "/=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDivideAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "%=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYModulusAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "+=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAddAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "-=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSubtractAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "<<=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftLeftAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression ">>=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightSignedAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression ">>>=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightUnsignedAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "&=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseAndAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "^=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseXOrAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpression "|=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseOrAssign($1, $3); } ; AssignmentExpressionNoBF : ConditionalExpressionNoBF { $$ = $1; } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "*=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYMultiplyAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "/=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDivideAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "%=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYModulusAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "+=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAddAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "-=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSubtractAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "<<=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftLeftAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF ">>=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightSignedAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF ">>>=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYShiftRightUnsignedAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "&=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseAndAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "^=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseXOrAssign($1, $3); } | LeftHandSideExpressionNoBF "|=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBitwiseOrAssign($1, $3); } ; Expression_ : "," Expression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCompound($2); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ExpressionNoIn_ : "," ExpressionNoIn { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCompound($2); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ExpressionOpt : Expression { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ExpressionNoInOpt : ExpressionNoIn { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; Expression : AssignmentExpression Expression_ { if ($2) { $2->AddPrev($1); $$ = $2; } else $$ = $1; } ; ExpressionNoIn : AssignmentExpressionNoIn ExpressionNoIn_ { if ($2) { $2->AddPrev($1); $$ = $2; } else $$ = $1; } ; ExpressionNoBF : AssignmentExpressionNoBF Expression_ { if ($2) { $2->AddPrev($1); $$ = $2; } else $$ = $1; } ; Statement : Block { $$ = $1; } | VariableStatement { $$ = $1; } | EmptyStatement { $$ = $1; } | ExpressionStatement { $$ = $1; } | IfStatement { $$ = $1; } | IterationStatement { $$ = $1; } | ContinueStatement { $$ = $1; } | BreakStatement { $$ = $1; } | ReturnStatement { $$ = $1; } | WithStatement { $$ = $1; } | LabelledStatement { $$ = $1; } | SwitchStatement { $$ = $1; } | ThrowStatement { $$ = $1; } | TryStatement { $$ = $1; } ; Block : "{" StatementListOpt "}" { $$ = $2 ?: new(driver.pool_) CYEmpty(); } ; StatementList : Statement StatementListOpt { $1->SetNext($2); $$ = $1; } ; StatementListOpt : StatementList { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; VariableStatement : "var" VariableDeclarationList Terminator { $$ = $2; } ; VariableDeclarationList_ : "," VariableDeclarationList { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; VariableDeclarationListNoIn_ : "," VariableDeclarationListNoIn { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; VariableDeclarationList : VariableDeclaration VariableDeclarationList_ { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDeclarations($1, $2); } ; VariableDeclarationListNoIn : VariableDeclarationNoIn VariableDeclarationListNoIn_ { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDeclarations($1, $2); } ; VariableDeclaration : Identifier InitialiserOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDeclaration($1, $2); } ; VariableDeclarationNoIn : Identifier InitialiserNoInOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDeclaration($1, $2); } ; InitialiserOpt : Initialiser { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; InitialiserNoInOpt : InitialiserNoIn { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; Initialiser : "=" AssignmentExpression { $$ = $2; } ; InitialiserNoIn : "=" AssignmentExpressionNoIn { $$ = $2; } ; EmptyStatement : ";" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYEmpty(); } ; ExpressionStatement : ExpressionNoBF Terminator { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYExpress($1); } ; ElseStatementOpt : "else" Statement { $$ = $2; } | %prec "if" { $$ = NULL; } ; IfStatement : "if" "(" Expression ")" Statement ElseStatementOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYIf($3, $5, $6); } ; IterationStatement : DoWhileStatement { $$ = $1; } | WhileStatement { $$ = $1; } | ForStatement { $$ = $1; } | ForInStatement { $$ = $1; } ; DoWhileStatement : "do" Statement "while" "(" Expression ")" TerminatorOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYDoWhile($5, $2); } ; WhileStatement : "while" "(" Expression ")" Statement { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYWhile($3, $5); } ; ForStatement : "for" "(" ForStatementInitialiser ";" ExpressionOpt ";" ExpressionOpt ")" Statement { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYFor($3, $5, $7, $9); } ; ForStatementInitialiser : ExpressionNoInOpt { $$ = $1; } | "var" VariableDeclarationListNoIn { $$ = $2; } ; ForInStatement : "for" "(" ForInStatementInitialiser "in" Expression ")" Statement { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYForIn($3, $5, $7); } ; ForInStatementInitialiser : LeftHandSideExpression { $$ = $1; } | "var" VariableDeclarationNoIn { $$ = $2; } ; ContinueStatement : "continue" IdentifierOpt Terminator { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYContinue($2); } ; BreakStatement : "break" IdentifierOpt Terminator { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYBreak($2); } ; ReturnStatement : "return" ExpressionOpt Terminator { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYReturn($2); } ; WithStatement : "with" "(" Expression ")" Statement { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYWith($3, $5); } ; SwitchStatement : "switch" "(" Expression ")" CaseBlock { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSwitch($3, $5); } ; CaseBlock : "{" CaseClausesOpt "}" { $$ = $2; } ; CaseClausesOpt : CaseClause CaseClausesOpt { $1->SetNext($2); $$ = $1; } | DefaultClause CaseClausesOpt { $1->SetNext($2); $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; CaseClause : "case" Expression ":" StatementListOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYClause($2, $4); } ; DefaultClause : "default" ":" StatementListOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYClause(NULL, $3); } ; LabelledStatement : Identifier ":" Statement { $3->AddLabel($1); $$ = $3; } ; ThrowStatement : "throw" Expression Terminator { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYThrow($2); } ; TryStatement : "try" Block CatchOpt FinallyOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYTry($2, $3, $4); } ; CatchOpt : "catch" "(" Identifier ")" Block { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYCatch($3, $5); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; FinallyOpt : "finally" Block { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; FunctionDeclaration : "function" Identifier "(" FormalParameterList ")" "{" FunctionBody "}" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYFunction($2, $4, $7); } ; FunctionExpression : "function" IdentifierOpt "(" FormalParameterList ")" "{" FunctionBody "}" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYLambda($2, $4, $7); } ; FormalParameterList_ : "," FormalParameterList { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; FormalParameterList : Identifier FormalParameterList_ { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYFunctionParameter($1, $2); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; FunctionBody : SourceElements { $$ = $1; } ; Program : SourceElements { driver.source_ = $1; } ; SourceElements : SourceElement SourceElements { $1->SetNext($2); $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; SourceElement : Statement { $$ = $1; } | FunctionDeclaration { $$ = $1; } ; /* Objective-C Extensions {{{ */ ClassSuperOpt : ":" MemberExpressionNoBF { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ClassFieldList : "{" "}" { $$ = NULL; } ; MessageScope : "+" { $$ = false; } | "-" { $$ = true; } ; TypeOpt : "(" Expression ")" { $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; MessageParameter : Word ":" TypeOpt Identifier { $$ = new CYMessageParameter($1, $3, $4); } ; MessageParameterListOpt : MessageParameterList { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; MessageParameterList : MessageParameter MessageParameterListOpt { $1->SetNext($2); $$ = $1; } ; MessageParameters : MessageParameterList { $$ = $1; } | Word { $$ = new CYMessageParameter($1, NULL, NULL); } ; ClassMessageDeclaration : MessageScope TypeOpt MessageParameters "{" FunctionBody "}" { $$ = new CYMessage($1, $2, $3, $5); } ; ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt : ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt ClassMessageDeclaration { $2->SetNext($1); $$ = $2; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; ClassDeclaration : "@class" Identifier ClassSuperOpt ClassFieldList ClassMessageDeclarationListOpt "@end" { $$ = new CYClass($2, $3, $4, $5); } ; SourceElement : ClassDeclaration { $$ = $1; } ; VariadicCall : "," AssignmentExpression VariadicCall { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYArgument(NULL, $2, $3); } | { $$ = NULL; } ; SelectorCall_ : SelectorCall { $$ = $1; } | VariadicCall { $$ = $1; } ; SelectorCall : WordOpt ":" AssignmentExpression SelectorCall_ { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYArgument($1 ?: new(driver.pool_) CYBlank(), $3, $4); } ; SelectorList : SelectorCall { $$ = $1; } | Word { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYArgument($1, NULL); } ; MessageExpression : "[" AssignmentExpression SelectorList "]" { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSend($2, $3); } ; SelectorExpressionOpt : SelectorExpression_ { $$ = $1; } | { $$ = NULL; } ; SelectorExpression_ : WordOpt ":" SelectorExpressionOpt { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSelectorPart($1, true, $3); } ; SelectorExpression : SelectorExpression_ { $$ = $1; } | Word { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYSelectorPart($1, false, NULL); } ; PrimaryExpression_ : MessageExpression { $$ = $1; } | "@selector" "(" SelectorExpression ")" { $$ = new CYSelector($3); } ; /* }}} */ LeftHandSideExpression_ : "*" LeftHandSideExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYIndirect($2); } ; UnaryExpression_ : "&" UnaryExpression { $$ = new(driver.pool_) CYAddressOf($2); } ; %%