/* Cycript - Inlining/Optimizing JavaScript Compiler * Copyright (C) 2009 Jay Freeman (saurik) */ /* Modified BSD License {{{ */ /* * Redistribution and use in source and binary * forms, with or without modification, are permitted * provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the * above copyright notice, this list of conditions * and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse * or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, * BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR * TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN * ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* }}} */ /* XXX: supposedly I will be screwed on very very long multi-line comments and need to replace these with a manual lexer. http://websrv.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/courses/COP5621/Pr2.pdf */ %{ #define YYLTYPE cy::location #include "Cycript.tab.hh" typedef cy::parser::token tk; #define YY_EXTRA_TYPE CYDriver * #define A new($pool) #define Y apr_pstrmemdup($pool, yytext, yyleng) #define I(type, Type, Name) do { \ yylval->type ## _ = A CY ## Type; \ return tk::Name; \ } while (false) #define T yylval->newline_ = yyextra->state_ == CYNewLine; BEGIN(Div); #define C T yyextra->state_ = CYClear; #define R T yyextra->state_ = CYRestricted; #define E(prefix) L C { \ char *value(A char[yyleng + sizeof(prefix)]); \ memcpy(value, prefix, sizeof(prefix) - 1); \ memcpy(value + sizeof(prefix) - 1, yytext, yyleng); \ value[yyleng + sizeof(prefix) - 1] = '\0'; \ I(literal, RegEx(value), RegularExpressionLiteral); \ } #define N \ if (yyextra->state_ != CYNewLine) { \ if (yyextra->state_ != CYRestricted) \ yyextra->state_ = CYNewLine; \ else { \ yyextra->state_ = CYClear; \ return tk::NewLine; \ } \ } #define V(more) { \ if (const char *nl = reinterpret_cast(memchr(yytext, '\n', yyleng))) { \ unsigned lines(0); \ size_t left; \ do { \ ++lines; \ left = yyleng - (nl - yytext) - 1; \ nl = reinterpret_cast(memchr(nl + 1, '\n', left)); \ } while (nl != NULL); \ yylloc->end.lines(lines); \ yylloc->end.columns(left); \ yylloc->step(); \ more \ } else L \ } #define L { \ yylloc->step(); \ yylloc->columns(yyleng); \ } int H(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return c - '0'; if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return c - 'a' + 10; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return c - 'A' + 10; return -1; } #define YY_INPUT(data, value, size) { \ if (yyextra->file_ != NULL) { \ size_t copy(fread(data, 1, size, yyextra->file_)); \ value = copy == 0 ? YY_NULL : copy; \ } else if (yyextra->size_ == 0) \ value = YY_NULL; \ else { \ size_t copy(size); \ copy = (std::min(copy, yyextra->size_)); \ memcpy(data, yyextra->data_, copy); \ yyextra->data_ += copy; \ yyextra->size_ -= copy; \ value = copy; \ } \ } %} %option prefix="cy" %option bison-bridge %option bison-locations %option noyywrap %option yylineno %option nounput %option interactive %option reentrant %option stack Exponent [eE][+-]?[0-9]+ Escape \\[\\'"bfnrtv]|\\0|\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}|\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}|\\\n IdentifierStart [a-zA-Z$_] IdentifierPart [a-zA-Z$_0-9] NonTerminator [^\n] BackslashSequence \\{NonTerminator} RegularExpressionFirstChar [^\n*\\/]|{BackslashSequence} RegularExpressionChar [^\n\\/]|{BackslashSequence} RegularExpressionFlags {IdentifierPart}* RegularExpressionChars {RegularExpressionChar}* RegularExpressionBody {RegularExpressionFirstChar}{RegularExpressionChars} @begin E4X XMLNameStart [a-zA-Z_:] XMLNamePart [a-zA-Z0-9.-_:] XMLName {XMLNameStart}{XMLNamePart}* @end %s Div %s RegExp @begin E4X %x XMLContent %x XMLTag @end %% \/{RegularExpressionBody}\/{RegularExpressionFlags} E("") \/\/[^\n]* L /* http://ostermiller.org/findcomment.html */ /* XXX: unify these two rules using !? */ \/\*!([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+\/ V() C I(comment, Comment(Y), Comment); \/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+\/ V(N) @begin E4X "<>" L return tk::LeftRight; "" L return tk::LeftSlashRight; \])*]]> V() return tk::XMLCDATA; \ V() return tk::XMLComment; \])*?> V() return tk::XMLPI; "=" L return tk::Equal; ">" L return tk::Right; "/>" L return tk::SlashRight; "{" L return tk::OpenBrace; \"(\n|[^"])*\"|'(\n|[^'])*' V() return tk::XMLAttributeValue; {XMLName} L return tk::XMLName; [ \t\r\n] V() return tk::XMLWhitespace; "{" L return tk::OpenBrace; "<" L return tk::Left; "newline_ ? tk::HyphenHyphen_ : tk::HyphenHyphen; "->" L C return tk::HyphenRight; "<" L C return tk::Left; "<=" L C return tk::LeftEqual; "<<" L C return tk::LeftLeft; "<<=" L C return tk::LeftLeftEqual; "%" L C return tk::Percent; "%=" L C return tk::PercentEqual; "." L C return tk::Period; "|" L C return tk::Pipe; "|=" L C return tk::PipeEqual; "||" L C return tk::PipePipe; "+" L C return tk::Plus; "+=" L C return tk::PlusEqual; "++" L C return yylval->newline_ ? tk::PlusPlus_ : tk::PlusPlus; ">" L C return tk::Right; ">=" L C return tk::RightEqual; ">>" L C return tk::RightRight; ">>=" L C return tk::RightRightEqual; ">>>" L C return tk::RightRightRight; ">>>=" L C return tk::RightRightRightEqual; "*" L C return tk::Star; "*=" L C return tk::StarEqual; "~" L C return tk::Tilde;
"/" L C return tk::Slash;
"/=" L C return tk::SlashEqual; ":" L C return tk::Colon; "," L C return tk::Comma; "?" L C return tk::Question; ";" L C return tk::SemiColon; "(" L C return tk::OpenParen; ")" L C return tk::CloseParen; "{" L C return yylval->newline_ ? tk::OpenBrace_ : tk::OpenBrace; "}" L C return tk::CloseBrace; "[" L C return tk::OpenBracket; "]" L C return tk::CloseBracket; @begin Java "@class" L C return tk::AtClass; @end @begin ObjectiveC "@end" L C return tk::AtEnd; "@implementation" L C return tk::AtImplementation; "@import" L C return tk::AtImport; "@selector" L C return tk::AtSelector; @end "false" L C I(false, False(), False); "null" L C I(null, Null(), Null); "true" L C I(true, True(), True); "break" L R I(word, Word("break"), Break); "case" L C I(word, Word("case"), Case); "catch" L C I(word, Word("catch"), Catch); "continue" L R I(word, Word("continue"), Continue); "default" L C I(word, Word("default"), Default); "delete" L C I(word, Word("delete"), Delete); "do" L C I(word, Word("do"), Do); "else" L C I(word, Word("else"), Else); "finally" L C I(word, Word("finally"), Finally); "for" L C I(word, Word("for"), For); "function" L C I(word, Word("function"), Function); "if" L C I(word, Word("if"), If); "in" L C I(word, Word("in"), In); "instanceof" L C I(word, Word("instanceof"), InstanceOf); "new" L C I(word, Word("new"), New); "return" L R I(word, Word("return"), Return); "switch" L C I(word, Word("switch"), Switch); "this" L C I(this, This(), This); "throw" L R I(word, Word("throw"), Throw); "try" L C I(word, Word("try"), Try); "typeof" L C I(word, Word("typeof"), TypeOf); "var" L C I(word, Word("var"), Var); "void" L C I(word, Word("void"), Void); "while" L C I(word, Word("while"), While); "with" L C I(word, Word("with"), With); "debugger" L C I(word, Word("debugger"), Debugger); "const" L C I(word, Word("const"), Const); "class" L C I(word, Word("class"), Class); "enum" L C I(word, Word("enum"), Enum); "export" L C I(word, Word("export"), Export); "extends" L C I(word, Word("extends"), Extends); "import" L C I(word, Word("import"), Import); "super" L C I(word, Word("super"), Super); "implements" L C I(identifier, Identifier("implements"), Implements); "interface" L C I(identifier, Identifier("interface"), Interface); "package" L C I(identifier, Identifier("package"), Package); "private" L C I(identifier, Identifier("private"), Private); "protected" L C I(identifier, Identifier("protected"), Protected); "public" L C I(identifier, Identifier("public"), Public); "static" L C I(identifier, Identifier("static"), Static); "abstract" L C I(identifier, Identifier("abstract"), Abstract); "boolean" L C I(identifier, Identifier("boolean"), Boolean); "byte" L C I(identifier, Identifier("byte"), Byte); "char" L C I(identifier, Identifier("char"), Char); "double" L C I(identifier, Identifier("double"), Double); "final" L C I(identifier, Identifier("final"), Final); "float" L C I(identifier, Identifier("float"), Float); "goto" L C I(identifier, Identifier("goto"), Goto); "int" L C I(identifier, Identifier("int"), Int); "long" L C I(identifier, Identifier("long"), Long); "native" L C I(identifier, Identifier("native"), Native); "short" L C I(identifier, Identifier("short"), Short); "synchronized" L C I(identifier, Identifier("synchronized"), Synchronized); "throws" L C I(identifier, Identifier("throws"), Throws); "transient" L C I(identifier, Identifier("transient"), Transient); "volatile" L C I(identifier, Identifier("volatile"), Volatile); "let" L C I(identifier, Identifier("let"), Let); "yield" L C I(identifier, Identifier("yield"), Yield); "each" L C I(identifier, Identifier("each"), Each); @begin E4X "namespace" L C I(identifier, Identifier("namespace"), Namespace); "xml" L C I(identifier, Identifier("xml"), XML); @end {IdentifierStart}{IdentifierPart}* L C I(identifier, Identifier(Y), Identifier_); (\.[0-9]+|(0|[1-9][0-9]*)(\.[0-9]*)?){Exponent}? L C I(number, Number(strtod(yytext, NULL)), NumericLiteral); 0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+ L C I(number, Number(strtoull(yytext + 2, NULL, 16)), NumericLiteral); 0[0-7]+ L C I(number, Number(strtoull(yytext + 1, NULL, 8)), NumericLiteral); 0[bB][0-1]+ L C I(number, Number(strtoull(yytext + 2, NULL, 2)), NumericLiteral); \"([^"\\\n]|{Escape})*\"|'([^'\\\n]|{Escape})*' L C { char *value(A char[yyleng]); char *local(value); for (yy_size_t i(1), e(yyleng - 1); i != e; ++i) { char next(yytext[i]); if (yytext[i] == '\\') switch (next = yytext[++i]) { case '\n': continue; case '\\': next = '\\'; break; case '\'': next = '\''; break; case '"': next = '"'; break; case 'b': next = '\b'; break; case 'f': next = '\f'; break; case 'n': next = '\n'; break; case 'r': next = '\r'; break; case 't': next = '\t'; break; case 'v': next = '\v'; break; case '0': next = '\0'; break; case 'x': next = H(yytext[i + 1]) << 4 | H(yytext[i + 2]); i += 2; break; } *local++ = next; } *local = '\0'; I(string, String(value, local - value), StringLiteral); } \r?\n yylloc->end.lines(); yylloc->step(); N [ \t] L <> if (yyextra->auto_) { yyextra->auto_ = false; return tk::AutoComplete; } L yyterminate(); . L { CYDriver::Error error; error.location_ = *yylloc; error.message_ = "syntax error, unknown token"; yyextra->errors_.push_back(error); yyterminate(); } %% void CYDriver::ScannerInit() { cylex_init(&scanner_); cyset_extra(this, scanner_); } void CYDriver::ScannerDestroy() { cylex_destroy(scanner_); } CYDriver::Condition CYDriver::GetCondition() { switch (yy_top_state(scanner_)) { case RegExp: return RegExpCondition; @begin E4X case XMLContent: return XMLContentCondition; case XMLTag: return XMLTagCondition; @end default: _assert(false); } } void CYDriver::SetCondition(Condition condition) { struct yyguts_t *yyg(reinterpret_cast(scanner_)); switch (condition) { case RegExpCondition: BEGIN(RegExp); break; @begin E4X case XMLContentCondition: BEGIN(XMLContent); break; case XMLTagCondition: BEGIN(XMLTag); break; @end default: _assert(false); } } void CYDriver::PushCondition(Condition condition) { switch (condition) { case RegExpCondition: yy_push_state(RegExp, scanner_); break; @begin E4X case XMLContentCondition: yy_push_state(XMLContent, scanner_); break; case XMLTagCondition: yy_push_state(XMLTag, scanner_); break; @end default: _assert(false); } } void CYDriver::PopCondition() { yy_pop_state(scanner_); }