From: Akim Demaille <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2008 08:43:59 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Use strict on
X-Git-Tag: v2.7.90~1149

Use strict on

	* etc/ (&run, &generate_grammar): New.
	Rename the grammar generating functions for consistency.
	Change the interface so that the list of benches to run is passed
	as (optionless) arguments.
	(&compile): Use &run.

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index 10957a1e..0bb44c69 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2008-11-04  Akim Demaille  <>
+	Use strict on
+	* etc/ (&run, &generate_grammar): New.
+	Rename the grammar generating functions for consistency.
+	Change the interface so that the list of benches to run is passed
+	as (optionless) arguments.
+	(&compile): Use &run.
 2008-11-04  Akim Demaille  <>
 	Remove spurious initial empty lines.
diff --git a/etc/ b/etc/
index d1b2aa44..22328cfa 100755
--- a/etc/
+++ b/etc/
@@ -23,13 +23,9 @@ - perform benches on Bison parsers.
 =head1 SYNOPSIS
-  ./
-=head1 OPTIONS
-=over 4
-=item B<-b>, B<--bench>=I<bench-name>
+=head1 BENCHES
 Specify the set of benches to run.  I<bench-name> should be one of:
@@ -50,6 +46,8 @@ Test the use of variants instead of union in the C++ parser.
+=head1 OPTIONS
 =item B<-c>, B<--cflags>=I<flags>
 Flags to pass to the C or C++ compiler.  Defaults to -O2.
@@ -77,6 +75,7 @@ Raise the verbosity level (defaults to 1).
+use strict;
 use IO::File;
@@ -85,6 +84,10 @@ use IO::File;
 =over 4
+=item C<@bench>
+The list of benches to run.
 =item C<$bison>
 The Bison program to use to compile the grammar.
@@ -137,6 +140,9 @@ sub verbose($$)
     if $level <= $verbose;
 =item C<directives($bench, @directive)>
 Format the list of directives for Bison for bench named C<$bench>.
@@ -160,7 +166,9 @@ sub directives($@)
   return $res;
-=item C<triangular_grammar ($base, $max, @directive)>
+=item C<generate_grammar_triangular ($base, $max, @directive)>
 Create a large triangular grammar which looks like :
@@ -186,7 +194,7 @@ The created parser is self contained: it includes its scanner, and
 source of input.
-sub triangular_grammar ($$$)
+sub generate_grammar_triangular ($$@)
   my ($base, $max, @directive) = @_;
   my $directives = directives ($base, @directive);
@@ -297,7 +305,8 @@ sub calc_input ($$)
-=item C<calc_grammar ($base, $max, @directive)>
+=item C<generate_grammar_calc ($base, $max, @directive)>
 Generate a Bison file F<$base.y> for a calculator parser in C.  Pass
 the additional Bison C<@directive>.  C<$max> is ignored, but left to
@@ -305,7 +314,7 @@ have the same interface as C<triangular_grammar>.
-sub calc_grammar ($$$)
+sub generate_grammar_calc ($$@)
   my ($base, $max, @directive) = @_;
   my $directives = directives ($base, @directive);
@@ -507,14 +516,14 @@ EOF
-=item C<variant_grammar ($base, $max, @directive)>
+=item C<generate_grammar_variant ($base, $max, @directive)>
 Generate a Bison file F<$base.y> that uses, or not, the Boost.Variants
 depending on the C<@directive>.
-sub variant_grammar ($$$)
+sub generate_grammar_variant ($$@)
   my ($base, $max, @directive) = @_;
   my $directives = directives ($base, @directive);
@@ -541,7 +550,7 @@ $directives
 // Prototype of the yylex function providing subsequent tokens.
 static yy::parser::token_type yylex(yy::parser::semantic_type* yylval);
-#define STAGE_MAX    ($max * 10)
+#define STAGE_MAX    ($max * 10) // max = $max
 #define USE_VARIANTS $variant
 # define IF_VARIANTS(True, False) True
@@ -653,6 +662,43 @@ EOF
+=item C<generate_grammar ($name, $base, @directive)>
+Generate F<$base.y> by calling C<&generate_grammar_$name>.
+sub generate_grammar ($$@)
+  my ($name, $base, @directive) = @_;
+  verbose 2, "Generating $base.y\n";
+  my %generator =
+    (
+      "calc"       => \&generate_grammar_calc,
+      "triangular" => \&generate_grammar_triangular,
+      "variant"    => \&generate_grammar_variant,
+    );
+  &{$generator{$name}}($base, 200, @directive);
+=item C<run ($command)>
+Run, possibly verbosely, the shell C<$command>.
+sub run ($)
+  my ($command) = @_;
+  verbose 2, "$command\n";
+  system ("$command") == 0
+    or die "$command failed";
 =item C<compile ($base)>
 Compile C<$base.y> to an executable C, Using the C or C++ compiler
@@ -668,12 +714,12 @@ sub compile ($)
   my $compiler = $language eq 'C++' ? $cxx : $cc;
-  system ("$bison $base.y -o $base.c") == 0
-    or die;
-  system ("$compiler -o $base $cflags $base.c") == 0
-    or die;
+  run "$bison $base.y -o $base.c";
+  run "$compiler -o $base $cflags $base.c";
 =item C<bench_grammar ($gram, %bench)>
 Generate benches for C<$gram>.  C<$gram> should be C<calc> or
@@ -699,10 +745,7 @@ sub bench_grammar ($%)
   my %size;
   while (my ($name, $directives) = each %test)
-      verbose 2, "Generating $name\n";
-      # Call the Bison input file generator.
-      my $generator = "$gram" . "_grammar";
-      &$generator ($name, 200, @$directives);
+      generate_grammar ($gram, $name, @$directives);
       # Compile the executable.
       compile ($name);
       $bench{$name} = "system ('./$name');";
@@ -740,6 +783,7 @@ sub bench_grammar ($%)
 =item C<bench_push_parser ()>
@@ -762,6 +806,8 @@ sub bench_push_parser ()
 =item C<bench_variant_parser ()>
 Bench the C++ parser using Boost.Variants or %union.
@@ -783,6 +829,8 @@ sub bench_variant_parser ()
 =item C<bench_fusion_parser ()>
 Bench the C++ parser using Boost.Variants or %union.
@@ -813,11 +861,12 @@ sub help ($)
                -output  => \*STDOUT });
 sub getopt ()
   use Getopt::Long;
-  %option = (
-    "b|bench=s"      => \$bench,
+  my %option = (
     "c|cflags=s"     => \$cflags,
     "h|help"         => sub { help ($verbose) },
     "i|iterations=i" => \$iterations,
@@ -837,9 +886,13 @@ verbose 1, "Using cc=$cc.\n";
 verbose 1, "Using cxx=$cxx.\n";
 verbose 1, "Using cflags=$cflags.\n";
-bench_fusion_parser()  if $bench eq "fusion";
-bench_push_parser()    if $bench eq "push";
-bench_variant_parser() if $bench eq "variant";
+for my $b (@ARGV)
+  verbose 1, "Running benchmark $b.\n";
+  bench_fusion_parser()  if $b eq "fusion";
+  bench_push_parser()    if $b eq "push";
+  bench_variant_parser() if $b eq "variant";
 ### Setup "GNU" style for perl-mode and cperl-mode.
 ## Local Variables: