X-Git-Url: https://git.saurik.com/bison.git/blobdiff_plain/f483f4f8ecf022e5d15905e4a12d60259285fee8..de1a2f20dd2ad51edd8e45977cb0ca66948b263b:/cfg.mk

diff --git a/cfg.mk b/cfg.mk
index 744fcf00..1939ae47 100644
--- a/cfg.mk
+++ b/cfg.mk
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 # Customize maint.mk                           -*- makefile -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2008-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -15,6 +14,18 @@
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+# Update version, then recompile so that tests/bison --version be
+# up-to-date, then compile our parser again with our up-to-date bison.
+.PHONY: regen
+regen: _version
+	touch $(srcdir)/src/parse-gram.y
+# Used in maint.mk's web-manual rule
+manual_title = The Yacc-compatible Parser Generator
+gendocs_options_ = -I $(abs_top_srcdir)/doc -I $(abs_top_builddir)/doc
 # It's useful to run maintainer-*check* targets during development, but we
 # don't want to wait on a recompile because of an update to $(VERSION).  Thus,
 # override the _is-dist-target from GNUmakefile so that maintainer-*check*
@@ -22,27 +33,13 @@
 _is-dist-target = $(filter-out %clean maintainer-check% maintainer-%-check, \
   $(filter maintainer-% dist% alpha beta major,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
-# Use alpha.gnu.org for alpha and beta releases.
-# Use ftp.gnu.org for major releases.
-gnu_ftp_host-alpha = alpha.gnu.org
-gnu_ftp_host-beta = alpha.gnu.org
-gnu_ftp_host-major = ftp.gnu.org
-gnu_rel_host = $(gnu_ftp_host-$(RELEASE_TYPE))
 url_dir_list = \
 # Tests not to run as part of "make distcheck".
 local-checks-to-skip =			\
   sc_immutable_NEWS			\
-  sc_bindtextdomain			\
-  sc_program_name			\
-  sc_prohibit_HAVE_MBRTOWC		\
-  sc_prohibit_always-defined_macros	\
-  sc_prohibit_always_true_header_tests	\
-  sc_prohibit_atoi_atof			\
-  sc_prohibit_doubled_word		\
-  sc_prohibit_strcmp
+  sc_prohibit_atoi_atof
 # The local directory containing the checked-out copy of gnulib used in
 # this release.  Used solely to get a date for the "announcement" target.
@@ -58,8 +55,126 @@ update-copyright: update-b4-copyright update-package-copyright-year
 update-copyright-env = \
-exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_prohibit_empty_lines_at_EOF = ^src/parse-gram.h$$
-exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_require_config_h_first = \
-  ^(lib/yyerror|data/(glr|yacc))\.c$$
-exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_space_tab = ^tests/(input|c\+\+)\.at$$
-exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_unmarked_diagnostics = ^djgpp/
+## -------------------- ##
+## More syntax-checks.  ##
+## -------------------- ##
+# At least for Mac OS X's grep, the order between . and [ in "[^.[]"
+# matters:
+# $ LC_ALL=fr_FR grep -nE '[^[.]' /dev/null
+# $ LC_ALL=C grep -nE '[^[.]' /dev/null
+# grep: invalid collating element or class
+# $ LC_ALL=fr_FR grep -nE '[^.[]' /dev/null
+# $ LC_ALL=C grep -nE '[^.[]' /dev/null
+	@prohibit='AT_PARSER_CHECK\(\[+[^.[]|AT_CHECK\(\[+\./'		\
+	halt='use AT_PARSER_CHECK for and only for generated parsers'	\
+	  $(_sc_search_regexp)
+# Indent only with spaces.
+# Taken from Coreutils.
+	@prohibit='^ *	'						\
+	halt='TAB in indentation; use only spaces'			\
+	  $(_sc_search_regexp)
+# Prohibit the use of `...` in tests/.  Use $(...) instead.
+# Taken from Coreutils.
+# Not ready for Bison yet.
+#	@prohibit='`' in_vc_files='^tests/'		\
+#	halt='use $$(...), not `...` in tests/'		\
+#	  $(_sc_search_regexp)
+# Enforce recommended preprocessor indentation style.
+# Taken from Coreutils.
+	@if cppi --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then			\
+	  $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | grep '\.[ch]$$' | xargs cppi -a -c	\
+	    || { echo '$(ME): incorrect preprocessor indentation' 1>&2;	\
+		exit 1; };						\
+	else								\
+	  echo '$(ME): skipping test $@: cppi not installed' 1>&2;	\
+	fi
+# Taken from Coreutils.
+_p0 = \([^"'/]\|"\([^\"]\|[\].\)*"\|'\([^\']\|[\].\)*'
+_pre = $(_p0)\|[/][^"'/*]\|[/]"\([^\"]\|[\].\)*"\|[/]'\([^\']\|[\].\)*'\)*
+_pre_anchored = ^\($(_pre)\)
+_comment_and_close = [^*]\|[*][^/*]\)*[*][*]*/
+# help font-lock mode: '
+# A sed expression that removes ANSI C and ISO C99 comments.
+# Derived from the one in GNU gettext's 'moopp' preprocessor.
+_sed_remove_comments =					\
+/[/][/*]/{						\
+  ta;							\
+  :a;							\
+  s,$(_pre_anchored)//.*,\1,;				\
+  te;							\
+  s,$(_pre_anchored)/[*]\($(_comment_and_close),\1 ,;	\
+  ta;							\
+  /^$(_pre)[/][*]/{					\
+    s,$(_pre_anchored)/[*].*,\1 ,;			\
+    tu;							\
+    :u;							\
+    n;							\
+    s,^\($(_comment_and_close),,;			\
+    tv;							\
+    s,^.*$$,,;						\
+    bu;							\
+    :v;							\
+  };							\
+  :e;							\
+# Quote all single quotes.
+_sed_rm_comments_q = $(subst ','\'',$(_sed_remove_comments))
+# help font-lock mode: '
+_space_before_paren_exempt =? \\n\\$$
+_space_before_paren_exempt = \
+  (^ *\#|(LA)?LR\([01]\)|percent_(code|define)|b4_syncline|m4_(define|init)|symbol)
+# Ensure that there is a space before each open parenthesis in C code.
+	@if $(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | grep -l '\.[ch]$$' > /dev/null; then	\
+	  fail=0;							\
+	  for c in $$($(VC_LIST_EXCEPT) | grep '\.[ch]$$'); do		\
+	    sed '$(_sed_rm_comments_q)' $$c 2>/dev/null			\
+	      | grep -i '[[:alnum:]]('					\
+	      | grep -vE '$(_space_before_paren_exempt)'		\
+	      | grep . && { fail=1; echo "*** $$c"; };			\
+	  done;								\
+	  test $$fail = 1 &&						\
+	    { echo '$(ME): the above files lack a space-before-open-paren' \
+		1>&2; exit 1; } || :;					\
+	else :;								\
+	fi
+## -------------------------- ##
+## syntax-checks exceptions.  ##
+## -------------------------- ##
+exclude = \
+  $(foreach a,$(1),$(eval $(subst $$,$$$$,exclude_file_name_regexp--sc_$(a))))
+$(call exclude,								\
+  bindtextdomain=^lib/main.c$$						\
+  preprocessor_indentation=^data/|^lib/|^src/parse-gram.[ch]$$		\
+  program_name=^lib/main.c$$						\
+  prohibit_always-defined_macros=^data/yacc.c$$|^djgpp/			\
+  prohibit_always-defined_macros+=?|^lib/timevar.c$$			\
+  prohibit_always-defined_macros+=?|^src/(parse-gram.c|system.h)$$	\
+  prohibit_always-defined_macros+=?|^tests/regression.at$$		\
+  prohibit_always_true_header_tests=^djgpp/subpipe.h$$|^lib/timevar.c$$	\
+  prohibit_always_true_header_tests+=?|^m4/timevar.m4$$			\
+  prohibit_defined_have_decl_tests=?|^lib/timevar.c$$			\
+  prohibit_doubled_word=^tests/named-refs.at$$                          \
+  prohibit_magic_number_exit=^doc/bison.texi$$				\
+  prohibit_magic_number_exit+=?|^tests/(conflicts|regression).at$$	\
+  prohibit_strcmp=^doc/bison\.texi|tests/local\.at$$			\
+  prohibit_tab_based_indentation=\.(am|mk)$$|^djgpp/|^\.git		\
+  require_config_h_first=^(lib/yyerror|data/(glr|yacc))\.c$$		\
+  space_before_open_paren=^(data/|djgpp/)                               \
+  unmarked_diagnostics=^(djgpp/|doc/bison.texi$$|tests/c\+\+\.at$$)	\