## Identification. ##
## ---------------- ##
-# b4_comment_(TEXT, OPEN, CONTINUE, END)
-# --------------------------------------
-# Put TEXT in comment. Avoid trailing spaces: don't indent empty lines.
-# Avoid adding indentation to the first line, as the indentation comes
-# from OPEN. That's why we don't patsubst([$1], [^\(.\)], [ \1]).
-# Prefix all the output lines with PREFIX.
-[$2[]m4_bpatsubst(m4_expand([$1]), [
-\(.\)], [
-# b4_comment(TEXT, [PREFIX])
-# --------------------------
-# Put TEXT in comment. Prefix all the output lines with PREFIX.
-[b4_comment_([$1], [$2/* ], [$2 ], [ */])])
# b4_identification
# -----------------
# Depends on individual skeletons to define b4_pure_flag, b4_push_flag, or