-/* YYR1[YYN] -- Symbol number of symbol that rule YYN derives. */
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_r1])[ yyr1[] =
- ]b4_r1[
+#define YYPACT_NINF ]b4_pact_ninf[
+#define YYTABLE_NINF ]b4_table_ninf[
-/* YYR2[YYN] -- Number of symbols composing right hand side of rule YYN. */
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_r2])[ yyr2[] =
- ]b4_r2[
/* YYDPREC[RULE-NUM] -- Dynamic precedence of rule #RULE-NUM (0 if none). */
static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_dprec])[ yydprec[] =
-/* YYDEFACT[S] -- default rule to reduce with in state S when YYTABLE
- doesn't specify something else to do. Zero means the default is an
- error. */
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_defact])[ yydefact[] =
- ]b4_defact[
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_defgoto])[ yydefgoto[] =
- ]b4_defgoto[
-/* YYPACT[STATE-NUM] -- Index in YYTABLE of the portion describing
-#define YYPACT_NINF ]b4_pact_ninf[
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_pact])[ yypact[] =
- ]b4_pact[
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_pgoto])[ yypgoto[] =
- ]b4_pgoto[
-/* YYTABLE[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]]. What to do in state STATE-NUM. If
- positive, shift that token. If negative, reduce the rule which
- number is the opposite. If zero, do what YYDEFACT says.
- If YYTABLE_NINF, syntax error. */
-#define YYTABLE_NINF ]b4_table_ninf[
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_table])[ yytable[] =
- ]b4_table[
/* YYCONFLP[YYPACT[STATE-NUM]] -- Pointer into YYCONFL of start of
list of conflicting reductions corresponding to action entry for
state STATE-NUM in yytable. 0 means no conflicts. The list in
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_check])[ yycheck[] =
- ]b4_check[
-/* YYSTOS[STATE-NUM] -- The (internal number of the) accessing
- symbol of state STATE-NUM. */
-static const ]b4_int_type_for([b4_stos])[ yystos[] =
- ]b4_stos[
/* Prevent warning if -Wmissing-prototypes. */
]b4_c_ansi_function_decl([yyparse], [int], b4_parse_param)[